Status: On Hold for Editing D=

Loving a Shapeshifting Werewolf


I estimated about five minutes before the others caught up. We sat on the hood of the car, with everything else put away. I wondered what I should do- running away was only a temporary solution, and Jake was about to get pissed off at me again when he connected the dots from me to the fight. There was a silence, and I knew he was waiting for me to talk.

“Paul…I know there’s going to be another fight. The moment I return to Forks, regardless of what may or may not reconcile here tonight, he will be furious when we return. I’m not sure what to do when that time comes.”

He sighed through his nose. “This is about what you did because of the fight, huh? What you were smiling or whatever about.” I nodded once, staring straight ahead. “It was a stupid fight.” No shit.

“The topic of discussion was beyond valid; point blank, he’s still hung up over her. That or the shock of rejection has yet to wear off- but he wasn’t as popular before the change as he is now anyway.” I didn’t have much emotion in my tone, and I could feel the others coming. Sixth sense.

“Please, just try to look at it from his point of view.” He looked at me, saw my face, then dropped back against the windshield. I sat with my arms around my legs and my chin rested on my knees. “Oh God, Maia what did you do? Tell me. What happened?”

He was like my older brother- I couldn’t deny him anything. “She’s dead.”

We sat in silence for a moment; he closed his eyes and opened them again, not knowing what to say. I’d told him before what the slut had done, what she was doing, and Jacob refused to believe it. That’s why Paul went on with the insults in the first place. Because he believed me. Because he believed the truth- that Bella was a selfish liar, who wanted to start a war to feel important.

The others came, Leah, Jacob and Sam first. Quil and Seth and Embry followed close behind. The rest were on their way, and I turned my head to look wordlessly at them. Paul got off of the car, and looked at me to imply that I should to the same. I just stared for a minute, then looked at the rest of them. Jacob looked at me, the same height as Sam at a towering, furry five feet. He was going to phase either way, but I didn’t budge. Paul pulled a pair of Nike basketball shorts out from my bag and threw it at him so he could phase behind my car, which barely came up to his chest anyway.

He did so, and I looked at the two packs of wolves. “Could you all go out of hearing range, please? This won’t be pretty.” I said dully; Paul nodded and herded everyone else away. “Before you start, let’s agree to keep this civil and mature- both of us.”

“Yeah, good idea.” Jacob sat down on the hood beside me, and I didn’t look at him. “Maia, what kind of an alpha would I be if I couldn’t even control my own imprint?” He paused, and I thought for a second or so. Good point.

“What kind of male, or person in general would you feel like if I was hung over my ex-boyfriend, let alone how you'd feel as a werewolf or an alpha?” I looked at him full-on this time, and he flinched. “Can we just end this? You can just ignore other girls regarding…dating and things like that, and I’ll keep our arguments private. Okay?” I tried to keep the desperation out of my voice, dropping my arms down to prepare to jump off.

“Yes, we should. That’s what we’ll do then.”

I cracked a small smile. “Thanks.” Well, when this is all over and done with, I can go back to being my usual smart-ass self. If it ever ends.

“Do you want a ride back? That’s going to be reported as a stolen vehicle in about, oh wait it already is.” He smirked at me. Paul would carry my bag. I did a very fast job of wiping my fingerprints off of any smooth surfaces.

“Do I get to be on top?” I asked innocently as I dropped the blue gym bag on the cement, and turned for him to phase. I could hear his smirk.

“Not for long.” But I didn’t hear any clothing noises. I froze as he turned me around. He lowered his head and pushed his lips down on mine, ever so carefully. He nipped at my lower lip, and I opened my mouth slightly, gently touching his hair as he held my waist. He pulled away after a few seconds; this was his unspoken apology. I began to long for the times when we'd first met.

“Promise me you’ll be calm when we get back, Jake. Promise me you’ll do your best not to get pissed off.” I pleaded, looking into his eyes and dropping my hands to his shoulders, biting my lip. This was so hard. I started to doubt my decision...but it was too late. It was done.

He stroked my cheek. “We can work this out, babe- I promise.” I nodded, and he phased. I straddled his back, with one free arm and the other around his neck, and Paul came into view- also as a wolf. We exchanged a nod, and Jake took off. He was so fast- it was almost a blur.

I couldn’t help myself. It was just so FAT! I grabbed a raccoon by its tail as we passed it, and the poor thing bounced around in the air. It made a super-loud noise, like “BRAHHHWWRAHHEEEE”, a squeak/scream/squeal/yelp/wail. Jacob came to an abrupt stop after ten seconds, spraying dirt everywhere and I landed on my ass, relinquishing my hold on the black and gray tail in order to break my fall. The traumatized animal ran away, practically crying. I gave him a sheepish smile, and he nosed me onto his back before taking off again. “I wanted that as a pet,” I grumbled as he went off.

We got back, and the Cullens were at the border. Carlisle spoke first.

“We were attacked by a coven of vampires, and Bella is dead.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a short chapter; thank you so much to those who commented. Please read my other stories and please recommend the story to others. It would mean a lot.

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