Curiousity Killed the Cat

Life in Bars

I sat in my cell, back against the wall, looking out though the thick, worn down bars. It was nearly dawn, the sun was somewhere off in the distance, not that I could see. I closed my eyes and tried to drowned out the moans and cries from the others far off. It was just another long, lonely day in my life.

I felt a cold shiver run up my back and I was suddenly more alert than I was. They were coming for their daily rounds, checking on us, or perhaps they come just to silence our voices, kill our spirits, our hopes. I heard a groan come from the cell across from me; I wasn’t the only one who knew they were coming. I sat up somewhat straighter, peering though the bars to look at the source of the sound.

I usually stare at the walls or try and sleep, so it wasn’t much of surprise when I had no idea who was in the cell across from me. I gathered my long, messy black hair and tossed them over my shoulders and away from my face. That was when I saw him. He was much, much older than me, probably about thirty-five, but looked just as bad as I did. His bread was messy as was his dark hair. He had long bags under his eyes, which were currently closed, and he too felt them coming.

I knew him. I had seen his paper in the news when I was younger. He was accused of killing Muggles; most people here were accused of killing people. I searched his tired face for any signs of emotions (I found none) and glanced around his cell, only to find a single newspaper scrap.

I was curious. I looked out from my cell bars to see that the Dementors had already passed by. I took a deep breath before transforming in my animal form and slipping though the bars. I ran the small distance between our cells and slipped into his. I looked at the man and figured that he was asleep; it was safe to look.

The article was about a family, the Weasly’s, and how they won some money or something and were spending it in Egypt. How odd. Why does this paper matter so much? I suddenly felt hands around my neck, pushing me into the wall. I let out yelp and sound myself staring at the man. He searched my eyes for a moment before pushing me though the bars of his cell. I ran into my cell and transformed back, panting. I leaned my back up against the wall and closed my eyes, waiting for my breathing to slow down.

“What were you doing?” the man’s raspy voice asked.

“I was curious,” I responded, my amber eyes wide and innocent.

“Curiosity killed the cat,” the man mumbled, glaring at me.
I felt a forbidden grin fall upon my face and let out a laugh. “Like I haven’t heard that one before.”

The man watched me, trying to fight the smile that was forming onto his face with no success. I pushed my hair out of my face and stared back at him.

“Sirius Black.”

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