Curiousity Killed the Cat

Chirstmas Morning

I woke up the next morning, my face sticky yet stiff. Whether it was from that annoying face mask I wore yesterday, my make-up that I forgot to wash off, or my tears from last night, I couldn’t tell you. Thankfully, I had changed out of my dress, opting for a pair of baggy sweatpants and a white wife beater. I glanced down at my bed and saw that, at the foot of my bed, was a little, but still there, pile of presents. It finally clicked in my mind: it was Christmas.

“Merry Christmas, Elyse!” Ashlyn said, waking up and giggled when she saw her pile of presets. I nodded and gave her a half smile before looking down at my small pile of presents; there was six of them. I picked up one of them, which was neatly wrapped, and carefully opened it. A note fell out.

Dear Elyse,

Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the help!

Love, Hermione.

I looked at the package. It was a black, knitted hat with extra knitting that covered the ears. At the end of that was a thick black string with a furry pom-pom at the end. It was easily the cutest hat I had ever seen and I was impressed that Hermione had been able to make it. I’d have to remind myself to thank her for that later (before you ask, of course I got her a present as well) at breakfast.

I grabbed the next present and read the note that was attached on it.

Dear Lys,

Merry Christmas! Enjoy our presents! We hope that they’ll help you in the future!
P.S. We still have to get Flinch a good Christmas prank! Any ideas?

Love, Fred & George

I opened the present, only to find a cluster of Zonko’s pranks and a few of the ones Fred and George had managed to make themselves. I smiled and made a mental note to figure out a good Christmas prank for Flinch.

I was amazed by the sudden happiness that filled inside me when I opened my other presents. I had never really had a good Christmas memory. I got a whole kit of make-up from Ashlyn (which I thanked her repeatedly for), a set of bracelets with very…interesting charms of the moon and frogs from Luna (she informed me later it would allow me to see “moon frogs” which were, in fact, frogs from the moon), and a ring from Professor Dumbledore (he had sent a note explaining how it worked. It had the power to record all the visions I had, which was useful.).

I picked up the last package and grabbed the note that had fallen off of it.

Dear Elyse,

I hope you are having a good time at Hogwarts; my years there were some of the best. Buckbeak and I both miss you dearly. I hope that you enjoy your present.

Love, Sirius

I opened the package, which contained two things. The first was a bottle of blond hair dye, which I found myself smiling at, and the second one left me speechless. It was a long, thin silver chain with a rather large amber color stone at the bottom. I assumed it must have reminded him of my eyes. I was in shock and felt very grateful for it.

“Elyse! Come on! It’s time for breakfast!” Ashlyn said, dragging me out of the dormitory. I was about to protest that I wasn’t dressed, but after seeing the other girls leap out of bed in much more revealing clothing, I figured the hell with it. I was hungry.
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