Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Second Task

“Miss Black, would you mind explaining to me why you and the two eldest Weasly’s decided to fill the broom closet with pudding?” Professor Snape asked, as we tried very hard not to laugh. In our Christmas prank for Flinch, we had indeed filled the broom closet with pudding from the feast. As all good things, there is always something that brings them down. Ours was the fact that Professor Snape was told by a student (curtsey of a young, innocent second-year) that three students, yours truly, had been doing something to the broom closet. Professor Snape, who should know better, opened the door only to be pelted by a wave of Christmas pudding.

Perhaps if Fred, George, and I hadn’t burst out laughing and rolling on the ground in tears, we wouldn’t have been caught. But we were.

“Um, in the spirit of Christmas?” I said, innocently. This only seemed to worsen the situation we had gotten ourselves into as Snape glared hardened.

“Twenty-five points for Gryffindor, a piece,” Snape said, causing both Fred and George to roll their eyes but spoke nothing. “As for you, Miss Black, fifty points from Ravenclaw.”

He allowed us to leave after that, we resulted in us literally sprinting out of his office, not wanting to be murderer. I knew that my house might be mad, but when they heard about Snape getting a face full of pudding, I’m sure they’ll understand. Besides, I would have won back the points in three days, tops.

“That might have cost us fifty points, but that was easily the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!” Fred said, bursting out laughing.

“When he tried to get the pudding out of his hair?” George said, in between laughs.

“It was worth it!” I said, wiping away my tears. We said our goodbyes, which was hard seeing as we were still laughing, before heading off in separate directions, the image of Professor Snape getting hit with a tsunami of pudding replaying in our heads.

Today was the day of the second challenge for the Trizward Tournament. Everyone was ready to go, all excited about the mystery task that was about to take place. Everyone except me. Why, you might ask? Because Professor Dumbledore informed me before hand that there would be people from the Ministry there to watch the task and insisted that I stay behind at the castle, rather than risking it. I felt a little bummed out, that is until I put thirteen gallons on Fleur coming in last, which wasn’t cheating, even though I had already seen it happening

“Detention,” I replied when the twins pouted and demanded to know why I couldn’t go. They would have pressed further but as new round of bets were pouring in so I went back into the Ravenclaw house, ignoring the mindless chatter about the task on my way.

I sat down on my bed, sighing deeply as I heard cheering from outside. I wanted to go, even though I already knew how it would play out. It made me feel like a normal person, rather than an escaped witch from Azkaban. I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as I let myself slowly fall into a slumber, only to be disrupted by more cheering and the sound of what seemed to be a cannon.

I groaned and rolled back onto my stomach; obviously I wasn’t going to get any sleep at the moment, so I thought about Dumbledore and in a blink of an eye, I saw what was going on. He was watching the lake; the champions had just leapt into the lake. Well, this was somewhat pointless if all I was going to be staring at was the lake.

I switched my thoughts to Harry and, once again, I quickly found myself looking at Harry, who was reminding me of a frog with the webbed feet, as he swam towards some faint singing. I watched as he swam deeper into the lake, going though what seemed to be long, lake grass (as strange as it might sound) before coming to ruins of some castle, perhaps. It was all quite confusing yet fascinating at the same time.

Harry followed a strange looking creature until he saw the site of what he was suppose to do. There was four people---Ron, Hermione, Cho (I had to laugh), and a pretty little girl----who seemed to be sleeping, tied to a rope. Harry swam up to them and tried to decide what he was suppose to do, which translated to who was he suppose to rescue? Then, Cedric came out of no where and cut Cho’s rope (much to my dislike) and pulled her up to the surface. I wanted to smack Harry for doing nothing like an idiot but reminded myself that I couldn’t talk to him.

He tried to un-tie Hermione, only to be stopped by one of those strange looking creatures. A giant shark head came out from the shadow, taking Hermione up to the surface. I nearly burst out laughing when I realized that it was Viktor Krum but managed to control myself. Harry began to un-tie Ron, finally getting it though his head that it was impossible to rescue anyone else. Although, like most heroes, when he saw that Fleur was not coming, he untied the little girl, who I assume was Fleur’s sister.

At that moment, those creatures began to attack Harry as he tried to swim towards the surface. Never in my life had I felt so… helpless. All I could do was watch in horror as they pulled Harry down with them, allowing him to push Ron and the girl up towards the surface. I knew that the hour was running out, as Harry began to lose his gills and webbed feet. I watched Harry pull out his wand and mutter some spell.

I watched as he shot out of the water and onto the wooden platform, allowing me to breathe for the first time in what seemed like forever. I made a mental note to slap him for nearly giving me heart failure. Like I bet on, Fleur came in last place, earning me a good sum of money. Cedric came in first, Harry (for his heroic actions) got second, Krum to third and Fleur came in last.

All was good, well, for now.
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