Curiousity Killed the Cat

Bad News Seems to Find Me

I hopped out of bed and made my way out of the Ravenclaw common room, which was surprisingly quite, but then I remembered that everyone else was at the second task. I walked down the stairs and listened for the familiar sound of students mindless chatter of gossip and whatnot. Sure enough, students were piling in from the gate, some shivering from the cold while others went on and on about the task. I slipped past them and searched the crowd for two redheads, who I eventually found off to the side, hanging out the winnings.

“Ah, and for Miss Black,” George said, dramatically, “your winnings.”

“Thank you, Mr. Weasly,” I said, sweetly.

“How was detention?” Fred asked, giving a short, plump boy two his small winnings.

I shrugged. “It was alright, how was the task?”

Fred and George smiled. “Ah, well, our hero saved two people.”

I bit back a smile when I realized they were talking about Harry. “I see, once a hero?”

“Always a hero,” they said together, grinning like fools. I left them for their business, seeing as a new crowd of people were coming in. I was walking down to the Great Hall for lunch, seeing as I was starving. I was nearly halfway there when I ran into a quite wet Hermione.

“Hermione?” I said, raising an eyebrow at her soaking, shivering body.

“Hi Elyse! Oh, yes well, long story,” she said, rubbing her arms. I pulled out my wand and muttered a couple of words, within a blink of an eye she was completely dry.

“Oh! Thank you!” she said, tossing the towel off of her.

“No problem, so how was the task?” I asked, putting my wand into my pocket.

Hermione blushed, and I could only assume why. “Oh, it was fine.”

“Why are, were, you wet?” I asked, biting back a smirk that was threatening to form.

“I was at the bottom of the lake as ‘something one of the champions would miss most’ ” she said, glaring at the memory of it.

“Who would miss you the most?” I asked, a small smile plastered on my face.

Hermione muttered something about how she hated everyone before responding. “Viktor.”

“Aww!” I started to say but stopped when Hermione glared at me. “Uh, well I gotta go!”

“I’ll see you later!” Hermione called before walking back to the Gryffindor house. I sat down at the table next to Luna, who is still thrilled when she sees that I’m still wearing her “moon frog” bracelet. Actually, I haven’t taken it off since Christmas. I also wear Sirius’ necklace and the ring Professor Dumbledore gave me.

“Hi Luna,” I said, grabbing an apple from the plate of fruit. She looked up from her food, which she was rearranging into a face, and smiled at me.

“Hello Elyse,” she said, her voice as dreamy as ever, “why weren’t you at the second task? It was quite exciting.”

“Oh, I had detention,” I said, helping myself to a strawberry.

“Shame, Harry saved two people,” Luna said, going back to her food face, “I think he’s a tad bit of a show-off.”

I nearly choked on the strawberry I was chewing before laughing. “I think you might be right, Luna.”

“You’re wearing the bracelets I got you!” Luna exclaimed, a small, shocked smile forming on her lips.

I looked down at my wrist, which was covered in charms of frogs and the moon. “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I?”

Luna shrugged, innocently. “Some people think I’m a bit… looney.”

My eyes hardened. “You’re my friend Luna and you are not looney.”

Luna smiled at me, this time a warm, full on smile. “Thank you, Elyse. Now I have to go to the library. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Luna,” I called after her before going back to my lunch of fruit. I had this new obsession with fruit, perhaps it was because I hadn’t eaten fruit in quite a long time. I grabbed some blueberries and piled them on my plate, along with some more strawberries. I was eating some blueberries when I felt someone standing behind me.

I sighed. “What do you want, Harry?”

I could feel him shifting his weight, in both annoyance and nervousness. “Professor Dumbledore wanted to see you.”

I groaned and grabbed an apple, taking a bite before turning around and glaring at Harry. I hadn’t forgiven him for the whole Yule Ball incident. I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head as I walked out of the Great Hall, apple in hand. Thankfully, I didn’t run into Professor Snape this time, which would have earned me another detention.

I walked up the stairs leading to Dumbledore’s office, running my hands on the strange yet breath-taking designs on the wall. I knocked on the door three times and waited for an answer, which came a moment later. The doors swung open, allowing me to enter.

“Hello Miss Black,” he said as he sat behind his desk.

“Hello Professor,” I said, sitting down on the chair in front of his desk. “You needed to see me?”

“Ah, yes,” he said, eyeing me though his half-moon spectacles, “I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

He sighed. “It seems that the Ministry is putting more thought into your escape than Sirius’.”

I felt my heart drop. “W-What does that mean?”

“It means that the Ministry now knows about your powers,” he said, in a disappointed voice.

“How?!” I exclaimed, my heart pounding though my chest.

“It seems that a ’former’ Death Eater let it slip,” Professor Dumbledore explained, an almost furious expression on his face.

“What happens next?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I didn’t want to leave Hogwarts and I certainly don’t want to have to hide for the rest of my life.

“Miss Black, how accurate are your visions?” he asked, his tone serious.

“Everything that I see, happens,” I said, softly.

“Can you see visions of yourself?” he responded, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. “No, I can see everyone but me.”

“I assure you that you will be safe in my school,” he said in a kind voice.

“Thank you, Professor,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Does Sirius know about this?”

“Would you like him to know?” he asked, opening up one of his many books.

“Not right now,” I admitted, looking down at my feet. How much longer did I have to walk as a free, happy person?

“Then I will tell him when the time is right. You may go, Miss Black.”

I nearly ran out of Professor Dumbledore’s office, somewhat shaken. Now they knew what I could do, they’d find me. And if they didn’t, then the Death Eaters would surely find me. I walked down the hall, but soon found myself over whelmed by the news and sat down, leaning against the wall.

Why does this happen to me? Was I really that bad of a person? Why is it that my life is ruined before I even had a chance to create one? If Harry thinks he has it bad, I’m sure that a day in my life and he’ll understand that he has it easy. Sure, people are trying to kill him but after they do, that’s it. He’s dead. When they find me, they won’t kill me. I’ll be beaten and tortured and worse.

I looked down at my bracelets, the frog charms jingling against the moons, and soon found myself smiling. I had friends who cared about me. I shouldn’t be complaining about my life. I needed to have as much fun as I can before it all goes crashing down.

Who knows? Maybe they won’t find me. I’ve escaped. Maybe I could do it again.
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