Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Graveyard

“Professor, what has happened to her?” Sirius asked, looking down at the barely breathing Elyse. He had been here the moment that he got word of what happened and still hasn’t left her side. Professor Dumbledore had blocked off the hospital, allowing Sirius to be here without being caught.

“The girls said she was having a nightmare. She was screaming and holding her head. Sirius, someone was in her head,” Professor Dumbledore, informed him.

“Was it…?” he asked, his voice concerned.

“I believe it was. I think Elyse was witnessing the future for Lord Voldemort, and he was trying to control her,” Professor Dumbledore explained, looking down at her tattered body.

“When will she wake up?” Sirius asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“She’s been trapped in her mind by Lord Voldemort. She saw something that he doesn’t want her to see,” Professor Dumbledore said, sadly, “we have to wait and see if she wakes up.”

The Triwizard cup… the cup was the portkey… don’t touch the cup…

The same vision was playing over and over again in my head. The one of the graveyard. Cedric dies, the Dark Lord comes back, he comes for Harry. They are going to touch the cup without knowing it. I needed to get out. I needed to help. I was trapped. Lost in my mind. They needed me. I was useful. I was wanted. I could help

I sat up in my bed, my hair flying into my face. I needed to find them. I looked around the hospital but no one was there. Where was everyone? I ran to the window, nearly falling down, and saw a large group of people near a huge maze. It was the last task.

“Harry,” I said in a horrified whisper. I ran out of the hospital, barely remembering to grab my wand, and ran though the empty halls towards the gate. I was wearing a tank-top and a pair of sweatpants but I didn’t care. Harry and Cedric were going to touch the cup. I needed to stop them. I was dizzy and my head was throbbing. I hadn’t eaten in God knows how long and my head was still in pain from that nightmare. He was in my head.

I was on the green, running towards the group of people who were cheering for the champions. They didn’t know that one of them would die tonight. They didn’t know.

I ran over to where the teachers were sitting, weaving my way though the stands. I felt light-headed but I ignored it and ran faster. The people in the stands didn’t notice me, they were watching the maze with excitement. I saw Cho in the stands, cheering for Cedric. She loved him. She would never be able to see him again.

“Professor Dumbledore!” I said, coming to a stop.

“M-Miss Black?” he said in shock.

“The cup is a portkey. Harry and Cedric are going to touch it and be brought to a graveyard,” I said quickly, trying to catch my breath. “The Dark Lord. He’s coming back. He’s at the graveyard.”

“What are you talking about, Miss Black?” Professor McGonagall asked in horror.

“Cedric is going to die,” I said, seriously.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Professor McGonagall. “See where the champions are. If Harry and Cedric are gone…”

She nodded and hopped out of her seat, following his orders. “Professor, he was in my mind. I saw it. I saw everything.”

“Elyse, calm down. You’ve been trapped in your mind for a couple of months…” he started to say but I cut him off.

“I know! I am not crazy. He was in my head. I saw him. He was tearing apart my memory. He has someone as a spy, here, in the castle. They made the cup into a portkey. The Dark Lord is rising, as we speak!” I snapped.

“Elyse, please sit down. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

I lowered my voice. “I saw it. It will happen.”

“Professor!” McGonagall interrupted, running towards us, “they aren’t there!”

I sank to the ground, my head throbbing. “It’s too late.”

I closed my eyes and focused on Harry. “He’s in the graveyard.”

“What!?” Professor McGonagall shrieked only to be shushed by Professor Dumbledore.

“Go on, Elyse.”

I focused on Harry again. “Cedric is dead, he has been dead. A small man is putting things into a cauldron…bones, Harry’s blood and his hand…it’s bubbling…I can’t do this. I can’t watch!”

“Elyse, yes you can. Focus on Harry,” Professor Dumbledore said, putting a hand on my cold shoulder.

“The Dark Lord. He’s coming out of the cauldron. He’s alive,” I whispered, shaking. “He called the Death Eaters, at least two dozen. He’s yelling at them, for not trying to find him when he disappeared.”

“What is happening here?” Professor Moody asked, only to be silenced by Professor Dumbledore.

“He has turned his attention on Harry. He’s…he…” I stopped, my head felt like it was being torn apart again.

“Go on,” Professor McGonagall said.

“He’s making Harry duel him,” I said, my voice shaking as the rest of my body did.

“Oh my,” she said, holding a hand over her mouth. Professor Dumbledore closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Something is happening,” I said, suddenly, watching the image play in my mind. “Their wands… He’s coming.”

“What do you me--” Professor Dumbledore began to say but when he saw Harry arrive with Cedric’s body, he ran over to them, followed by Professor McGonagall. I sat there, closing my eyes and focusing on anything other than what I saw. I thought of Sirius and Hermione and Luna, and her obsession with strange creatures. I thought about candy and fruit and all the pranks but nothing worked.

I tried to plug my ears as I heard the students gasping, some screaming, when they saw Cedric. I heard some crying while others stood there, confused. I heard his parents cry, seeing their lifeless son laying there. No one noticed me which was good. I didn’t want to be found. I wanted quiet. I wanted peace.

I was sitting there for at least an hour; everyone else had left, students and parents, leaving me all alone. I was still sitting down with my hands over my ears and my eyes closed. I was rolled up in a ball, trying to bring some heat in my frozen body with no such luck. I was numb: both body and spirit. I felt nothing. I wanted it to all end, leave behind my former life and go to a more peaceful one.

“Miss Black?” I looked up to see a small looking creature.

“Who are you?” I asked, my voice raspy.

“My name is Dobby, Miss! I was sent to bring you to Professor Dumbledore’s office!” he said, excitement in his voice, minus all the trouble that has been happening. He grabbed my hand before I could protest and the next thing I knew, I was just outside of his office. I tried to stand up, only to lose my balance and nearly fall down, had it not been for Dobby.

“Thanks Dobby,” I muttered, my voice weak. I walked up the stairs with some trouble; I was too weak. No food and too much to think about has left me powerless.

“You needed me, Professor?” I said, weakly, stepping into the room.

“Elyse?” someone said, turning around.

My eyes opened. “Sirius!”

I ran at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he hugged me, clearly concerned. I was still shaking and probably freezing, but I didn’t care. “I saw it all. Everything.

“I know, I know,” he said, rubbing my back. Harry stood awkwardly and confused next to us, looking at Professor Dumbledore for some answers.

“I saw him die,” I whispered, my breathing becoming short and fast. “I saw him come back.”

“Calm down, it’s alright,” Sirius assured me, still holding onto me.

“Professor,” I choked out, “my ring.”

“What ring?” Harry asked, staring at the three of us. I gave it to Professor Dumbledore, allowing him to see everything that happened in the graveyard.

“What is going on!?” Harry demanded in a frustrated tone.

“All will be explained. The two of you need rest,” he said, eyeing both Harry and me. I was going to protest but I felt my eyes begin to droop, as if someone has set a spell on me, sending me into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the cliff hanger! Tell me whatcha think!