Curiousity Killed the Cat

Explaining the Unexplainable

My eyelids were heavy as I tried to open them; I didn’t know how long I had been asleep, or passed out, but it felt like a lifetime. I finally opened my eyes, wincing as the bright light hit my eyes, before looking around the hospital wing. I saw Fleur and Viktor off to the far side, getting ready to leave. They must have been here last night. I saw Harry in the bed next to mine, awake and talking to Hermione and Ron. I closed my eyes and buried myself under the covers, not wanting to deal with reality.

I was woken up at least an hour later by the nurse, to give me some medicine for my head, which still hurt a great deal. I saw that everyone had left the hospital wing, minus Harry. Professor Dumbledore, Sirius, Ron and Hermione were all there as well. I knew this wouldn’t end well the moment Professor Dumbledore handed me back my ring.

“Elyse, would you like to explain?” Professor Dumbledore offered, gesturing to the others. I took the ring and slide it carefully onto my finger before shaking my head.

“I don’t want to explain,” I said, softly. In all honesty, I didn’t want them to find out about me at all. I didn’t trust them.

“Then I will, if you do not mind,” he said, turning his attention back onto the others. I caught Sirius’ eye, silently asking him if we could trust them. He look he gave me told me that he trusts them. “Elyse here can see things that are happening now, in the future, and in the past.”

“Like a Seer?” Ron asked, stupidly.

“No, I am not a Seer. Everything that I see is true. Anything I see in the future, will happen,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Yes well, in the beginning of the school year, Sirius came to me concerned about a certain issue,” Professor Dumbledore started but then stopped, trying to figure out how to word this.

“I was in Azkaban for two years on a murder charge,” I said, filling in the blanks. They all gasped; Ron looked a little sick.

“She didn’t commit the crime,” he said, calming down the room, “she was framed. By the Death Eaters who wanted her for their own purpose. They killed her parents and left her with the Ministry, who sentenced her to life in Azkaban. As I was saying, Sirius told me his concern for Elyse, asking me if she could come to the school in a disguise.”

“How did you disguise her?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I scoffed. “I’ll give you a hint: I’m not a natural blond.”

Hermione gasped. “It was you!”

“What do you mean, Hermione?” Ron asked, looking at Harry for some kind of help.

“When we first met Sirius! The cat!” she said, her voice panicky. “She was the one with Sirius!”

“It’s true, she was there,” Sirius mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “She came transform into a cat.”

“Though out the school year, I asked Elyse to keep an eye on you, Harry. Using her powers, she was able to see what you were doing, if you were still in the castle and such,” Dumbledore explained, causing Harry to glare at me, as if this was somehow my fault.

“She stalked me?” Harry asked, still glaring at me.

I returned the glare. “You think I honestly wanted to watch you sleep every night? It was a favor.”

“You watched him sleep!?” Ron exclaimed, earning a sharp hit in the head by Hermione.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Ronald!” she said, glaring at him.

“As a favor to me,” Dumbledore continued, cutting off their argument, “I asked her to watch you though the night. Sirius had been worrying about you, thinking that something was going to happen so Elyse kept a good eye on you.”

“And last night…?” Hermione gulped.

“I escaped from my mind and ran out to warn them. The cup was a portkey, Cedric was going to die, the Dark Lord was going to come back but it was too late,” I said, looking out the window.

“What do you mean ‘escaped from my mind’” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed. “About three months ago, I had a nightmare. The Dark Lord was trying to get into my mind to control me. I saw everything that would happen to him in the future, the past. I saw what would happen in the graveyard so he tore apart my mind. Leaving me trapped.”

Everyone was silent, that is until Harry decided to send a spell at me, causing me to fly into the wall… which was ten feet away.

“What the hell was that for!?” I shouted, touching the back of my head, which was bloody.

“You called Voldemort ‘the Dark Lord’!” Harry said, holding his wand at me. I felt myself begin to get light-headed but shook it off.

“Your point!?”

“Only Death Eaters call him the Dark Lord!”

I froze, slowly rising to my feet. “You think I’m a Death Eater?”

He didn’t respond, he only glared at me. Everyone else watched us in shock, trying to figure out what happened.

“Just because I call him something different, you think I’m a Death Eater!? Answer this one, hot-shot, if I was Death Eater, why haven’t I brought you to him yet?!” I yelled, my temper rising.

Still no answer.

“Why haven’t I, Harry?! Poor you, isn’t it? You are the one he wants, aren’t you? If he ever got a hold of you, he’d kill you. Simple and easy! He’s coming after me! You know what he’ll do when he finds me, Harry Potter?! He’ll make my life ten times worse than anything you could have gone though! But by all means, it’s not like I’ve kept you out of danger or anything! Just accuse me of being the people who destroyed my life!” I yelled, silencing the room even further.

I touched the back of my head with my hand, which turned red from my collision with the wall. I saw Ron and Hermione looking at us in horror, not sure which to trust. Sirius looked shocked more than anything else while Professor Dumbledore looked disappointed.

Harry put his wand away, his eyes never leaving mind as he did. I saw Ron relax a bit but only a bit. I didn’t go back to my bed, instead I sat back down, my back against the wall, holding my head.

“Nobody come near me,” I said firmly, any form of trust I had was now gone.

“Harry, Elyse is not a Death Eater and you should be ashamed for even thinking it. She is a dear friend of Sirius’ and she has been making sure you haven’t been murderer all though out the school year,” Dumbledore said, looking right at Harry.

“She did a great job of it last night,” he muttered, but it didn’t go unnoticed by me, even from ten feet away.

“Who do you think ran there and informed them what was happening? Who do you think had to sit there and watch what was happening?” I said, my eyes closed.

“Elyse,” Sirius said, softly, “you need to get up.”

“So I can be thrown into another wall by Harry again? No thank you. I don’t trust him,” I said, weakly. I was losing a good amount of blood; I could feel it soaking my blond hair but I wasn’t going over there.

The next thing I heard was a loud smack and turned to see Hermione hit Harry in the back of the head with her book.

“What was that for!?” he demanded, rubbing the back of his head.

“Are you serious!? You owe her an apology! We all trust her! For the love of God, you went to the freaking Ball with her!” she said, furiously.

“Don’t remind me,” I muttered.

Harry sighed. “I’m sorry, Elyse. I should have trusted you.”

I raised an eyebrow but sat up anyways, nearly falling, and grabbed my wand, which was still in my pocket. I mumbled a few words and pointed my wand at my head, healing the wound. My hair was still blood soaked but I ignored it as I sat down on my bed, tired.

“I must go and talk to Cedric’s parents,” Dumbledore said before leaving. Sirius left shortly after, explaining how the Minister was coming and he had to leave.

“Is that how you knew I was going to the Ball with Viktor?” Hermione asked. She had been interested in my powers. Ron scoffed.

“Yes,” I admitted, “but I heard him talking to one of his friends about you.”

Hermione blushed. “So are you going to, um, come back next year?”

I shrugged. “Probably, I have no where else to go.”

“I have a question,” Ron said, suddenly. “How did I do on my Charms exam?”
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Thanks for all the support!
Dumbledore's Ring Image