Curiousity Killed the Cat

Finding the Reason

Tonight was the night. The Dementors made their nightly rounds and after they passed by my cell block. I transformed into my animal form, which was ironically, a black cat and watched as Sirius transformed into his animal form, which was a big, black dog. I easily slid my way though the old bars while Sirius, who hadn’t eaten in a while, slipped though his with some ease. Sirius took the lead, running as I followed him.

Ever since that morning when I slipped into Sirius’ cell, we had gotten to know each other quite well. He told me how he was framed for his crime as I told him the same thing. We didn’t know each others stories, I assumed he’d tell me later, but one week later here we were. Escaping.

“Are you ever going to tell me your story?” Sirius asked as we walked though the forest It has been a long time since our escape from Azkaban and we were currently hiding by Hogwarts.

“Fine, but it isn’t pretty,” I warned him.

“You don’t scare me, Kitty,” he teased. I rolled my eyes.

“My parents were Muggles and we lived in a small house outside of time. I was eleven when I found out I was a witch. My parents were furious. They wanted me to be a normal, perfect daughter. They didn’t want a freak as their blood. But I was different, I wasn’t just a witch. I could see things, whether it was the future or the past or what happened three blocks away. My magic was getting the best of me and I managed to change myself into a cat, and I’ve been like that for the last two years. The Death Eaters came for me one night but when they couldn’t find me, they killed my parents. Of course, when the Ministry found out, they assumed that I had killed my parents and carted me off to Azkaban,” I explained, sitting down on a large root.

“I’m sorry, Kitty,” Sirius said, patting me on the back. I didn’t care that much, in all honesty.

“Don’t worry about it, so when are we going to get into Hogwarts?” I asked. This was the only reason Sirius wanted to escape, to get to Hogwarts and find someone. Sometimes he said it was his godson, Harry, and other times it was someone else. He never told me.

“Shhh, I think I hear someone,” Sirius said, looking though the thick trees. That’s when we saw them, or rather heard them. It was three kids, two boys and a girl, and they were walking on the grounds. I transformed and started moving forward, trying to get a better look. Sirius followed behind me and then he let out a low growl. Before I could stop him, he had taken off running towards the kids. I followed behind him as he dragged one of the boys off and into a hole. I ran towards the two remaining kids but kept my distance. That’s when I realized who the boy was.

I meowed, trying to get their attention. When I finally did I ran towards the tree and hit the knot, making it freeze. I ran into the hole, the two kids following me. They had to be my age, maybe a year older. When they heard their friend’s cry of pain, they pushed me aside and ran ahead. Rude.

I followed the two kids and finally came to a worn out, broken room where Sirius had transformed back into a human. The redhead was sitting on an old bed, clutching his bloody leg. I hopped onto a stool and sat watching the discussion going on between Sirius and the others.

The girl was the only one paying any attention to me, watching me with careful eyes and a raised eyebrow as if she wondered if I was like Sirius. Smart girl. Sirius followed the girl’s eyes and grinned when he saw me. I heard a small sound and saw that a rat, which the redhead was holding, was struggling to get out. When he did, I pounced.

“Scabbers! No!” the redhead groaned, trying to get up but wincing in pain. Just then, another man ran into the room, wand at ready. I had never felt so lost in my life, but the look Sirius was giving me told me to stay hidden and hold onto the rat.

So I did. I watched as the two men talked and watched as the kids stood there, almost as confused as I was. Another man came in but with a loud bang, he was knocked out by the boy with the glasses. Sirius was telling them his story as the other man watched me carefully, just like the girl. He raised his wand at me so I grabbed the rat in my teeth and waited for it.

I felt myself begin to transform back, holding onto the rat carefully. I spit the rat out of my mouth and held him in my hands. The three kids gasped and looked at me in horror. Great.

“Give me the rat, please,” Sirius said with a sigh. I gave it to him and transformed back. I didn’t like the looks I was getting.
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Elyse as a cat:
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