Curiousity Killed the Cat

One for the Clichés

Ten minutes later, I heard a soft knock on the other side on my door. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around my legs.

Assuming it was Sirius, I replied. “Go away.”

“Elyse, let me in,” said a voice that certainly was not Sirius. I pulled my head back, which wasn’t a good idea because the person stuck their foot in the slight space, opening the door before I could stop them. I looked up at Harry, who was looking at me with a half concerned, half amused expression. He closed the door and slide down with his back against the door as I was.

“Have you ever wished your life was different?” I asked, softly after a few minutes.

“At times,” he admitted, “do you?”

I sighed. “Everyday.”

Silence fell upon us, the only sound that could be heard were the ones coming from downstairs. I leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes as I did so. I didn’t care if he thought I was a freak or what not, I just wanted to know that someone was here. What a cliché moment. Girl crying, boy comforts here and they somehow manage to end up looking like Harry and me.

“Why did you come here?” I asked before I could stop myself. We had been sitting like this for a good ten minutes, not really speaking, just sitting there.

“You looked upset,” he said, resting his head on top of mine gently.

I ignored the disappointment that washed though me. “Why did you stay?”

“I don’t know,” he said, truthfully. It seemed like that was all I was going to get from Harry, although it was better than nothing I guess. We sat there for a few more minutes before I figured that I might as well attempt to reclaim the remaining dignity I had. I brought my head up off of Harry’s shoulder and stretched my legs, which had been up against my chest for a while now. I looked back at Harry, who was closer to me than I thought, staring into those green eyes seemed to make me forget why I was here in the first place.

He brushed a stray piece of my blond hair away from my face, tucking it carefully behind my ear. I could feel this breath against my skin, raising the color in my face. My hands somehow found his shoulders, wrapping them around his neck, as one of his own hands found my waist, the other he placed on my burning cheek. I didn’t focus on that though, I kept all my focus on his eyes as they watched me carefully. I noticed that they were getting closer and closer to my face, his breath tickled my skin. I leaned in slowly, following him, as they slowly began to close. Our lips so close to touching…

“Oi! You two in there!” came a loud banging from the door, sending me and Harry flying away from each other, as if someone had forcefully separated us. I tried to control my heart rate as Harry opened the door to reveal Ron, who looked quite tired himself. “There you are! Come on, mum’s gonna kill us if we don’t get to bed.”

Ron pulled Harry out of he room, his green eyes still focused on me, until he shut the door. I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing, which was slightly out of rhythm thanks to Harry. The way his hands, warm and soft, felt against my cheek… the way his green eyes watched me… the way his lips ever so slightly brushed against mine…

“Elyse!” came a knock from the other side of the door. I leapt off the ground and swung open the door, only to see Hermione and Ginny looking at me.

“Oh, hi guys,” I said, slightly panting.

“Hey, we are rooming with you,” Ginny said, giving me a smile.

“Right!” I said, opening the door so they could get in. The room was quite big but Sirius informed me that his parents were rich. There was two beds and a small sofa, Hermione and Ginny looked at each other, trying to figure who would sleep there.

“You two came have the beds, I’ll take the sofa,” I said, simply.

“But it’s so small!” Ginny said, sounding relieved.

I winked at Hermione. “I think I’ll manage.”

Later that night, I laid on the sofa in my cat form, my mind still twirled around Harry. Did I have a crush on him? Or whatever people call that. Maybe I like him? I had never liked anyone in that kind of way so this was all new to me. Even if I did like Harry, would he like me back?

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling, which I had enchanted so it looked like a starry sky. It was my way of helping me sleep since I loved stars. I found myself staring at it but my thoughts were still about Harry. I was feeling like such a girl right now. The whole “I like him but he doesn’t like me” deal that everyone went though. But even if he did like me, I couldn’t like him. It would be too dangerous. But what if I didn’t care? We are both dangerous. Two wrongs make a right… I think.

If Harry and I were normal, this would all be very simple. If our lives weren’t so screwed up, we could be together. Maybe that’s the thrill of it, not knowing what will happen if someone finds out. I just wanted to be happy, was that so wrong? I liked being near someone who knew what it was like. I take it back, what I hate the most.

Someone understands.

That thought alone was enough to allow me to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
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For my amazing readers! Thanks for all the comments!
There should be more coming out today!
You all rock ;)