Curiousity Killed the Cat

Sexual Attractions... In a Couple Ways

**Note: Despite the title, this has no sex in it!**

I was waken up the next morning by the sound of feet shuffling. I hopped off the sofa, disguised as my animal form, and trotted outside my room and into the hallway. I didn’t see anyone so I went downstairs into the kitchen, which was also empty, I hopped onto the table and lapped up some of the left over butterbeer. What can I say? I’m a cat… kind of.

I heard a couple of people talking as they came down the steps, causing me to nearly have a heart attack. I recovered though and went back to lapping up the butterbeer when everyone else, minus Sirius, came downstairs.

“What the…?” Ron said, rubbing his eyes. I let out a meow before hopping off the table and walking over to them. I transformed back into a person and grinned sheepishly at Mrs. Weasly, who was giving me quite a glare.

“Mornin’ everyone,” I said, giving them a slight wave. Everyone burst out laughing and even Mrs. Weasly had to crack a small smile. She began to cook while the rest of us sat down at the table; I saw at the opposite end of the table, farer away from Harry. Everyone knows that I haven’t forgotten about our, um, encounter yesterday. I heard a meow from under the table and glanced down to see Hermione’s annoying cat.

“Ugh, Hermione! Get your cat away from me!” I said, jumping out of my seat.

“What’s wrong with him?” Hermione asked in a somewhat defensive tone.

I growled. “This damn cat will not leave me alone! I think he has some sort of sexual attraction towards me!”

What I was looking for in this situation was possibly a solution or maybe some sympathy.

All I got was the whole entire room bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.

“It’s not funny!” I whined, trying to get away from the cat, which was purring.

“Actually,” George said, trying to catch his breath, “it’s pretty funny.”

After Hermione put the bloody cat upstairs, I returned to my seat and began to eat the breakfast Mrs. Weasly made, which was wonderful as always. I glanced over at Harry, who was just picking at his food, as if his mind was somewhere else. I guess we have something in common right now; I couldn’t think straight for five seconds. My thoughts were all wrapped around Harry. He was making my crazy.

“Alright kids, we are going to start cleaning today!” Mrs. Weasly sang, ignoring our moans and protests. We grabbed a bucket of cleaning supply and headed upstairs. Now, normal cleaning doesn’t really bother me but when you add magic and magical creatures to cleaning, it makes it a lot less tolerable and a lot more dangerous.

“Alright! You all can take a break, once you finish your set of windows!” Mrs. Weasly announced, causing us all to cheer. We had been cleaning for at least three hours and encountering every bad thing that was possible. Ron nearly fainted when we found huge spiders underneath the sofa and went downstairs (he came back thirty minutes later).

Hermione, as always, was the first one down and walked out of the room, followed by Fred and George, who used their wands to speed up the process. Ron muttered something under his breath as he messily cleaned the windows. I caught Harry’s eyes and felt myself begin to blush before turning back to my messy window.

“Oh, to hell with this!” Ron mumbled furiously, storming out of the room. It took me a moment to realize that Ron had left, which meant that Harry and I were the only ones left in the room. I felt my heart rate begin to speed up and prayed that I wouldn’t pass out or anything like that. It certainly didn’t help that he was only a window away from me.

I stood up, finally finishing my window, and glanced over at Harry who was still working on his window. I sighed angrily and cleared my throat, trying to catch his attention but I wasn’t having much luck. It wasn’t until I had thrown my rag at him did he finally look up art me, a confused look on his face.

“What?” he said, standing up.

I sighed. “Are you serious?”

Harry raised an eyebrow. “You’ve lost me.”

“You nearly kiss me yesterday and you are acting like nothing happen!” I said, glaring at him.

“I’m not acting like nothing happened!” he shot back, defending himself.

I clenched my jaw. “Then why are you ignoring me!”

“What do you want me to do!? Talk to you about it in front of everyone?” he said, rolling those damn enchanting eyes.

I scowled; he had me there. “Forget it. It obviously meant nothing!”

Bad move. “You think it meant nothing to me!?”

I walked over to him, my lips pouting as I tried to find a comeback of some sort without any luck.

“You’re clueless,” Harry said, running a hand though his always messy hair.

“Did you just call me stupid?” I asked, my voice hardening.

“No, I called you clueless!”

“Same thing!”

“No, it’s not!” Harry said, biting back whatever he was about to say after that.

“You’re so annoying!”

“You’re so stubborn!”

I’m not sure exactly what happened. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine, silencing whatever my next insult would have been. I kissed him back, my arms finding his shoulders as his snake around my waist, resting on my lower back. I pressed myself up against him as we backed up against a wall. Call it what you want, but we had a hard time controlling ourselves. Perhaps it was because we thought that at any given moment we could both be murderer.

“We can’t be together,” he said, pulling apart our kiss. His voice seemed serious but his actions said other wise.

I kissed him again before answering. “Why not?”

“I’m… dangerous,” he said as I played with his hair. This obviously annoyed him because his lips were back on before I could reply.

I pulled away from the kiss. “So am I.”

He thought about it for a moment before smothering my lips with his. I grinned within the kiss and kissed him back. I’m not sure how long we were, er, making out in the dining room but I knew that I didn’t want this to end. Call me a slut or something, but Harry was just as out of control as I was.

“Oh my God!” came a shriek from the door, causing me and Harry to break the kiss but not break apart from each other. We turned to see everyone, minus Mrs. Weasly, standing at the doorway, including Sirius, who had a grin the size of London on his face.

This will not end well.
♠ ♠ ♠
Me-ow! Ha, get it? She's a cat and cats meow and oh forget about it.
Leave me comments! :)