Curiousity Killed the Cat

Caught Red Handed

We stood there, staring back at each other. Ron and Hermione seemed to be somewhat horrified at the site of me and Harry (Hermione had yet to uncover her eyes while Ron just stared at us, mouth agape) while Fred, George, and Sirius were grinning like fools. Ginny was one in one of those shocked stages as she stared wide eyed at the two of us.

“Um,” I said, breaking the silence that had fallen upon the room. I released my death grip I had on Harry as he slowly removed his hands from my waist. We separated and looked at the others, an innocent and guilty expression on our faces.

“Well, we have to go and think of countless ways to tease the two of you,” George said, his grin replaced with a smirk. Him and George hurried out of the room, laughing the moment they were out of sight.

“I am going to go and help Mrs. Weasly with lunch,” Sirius said, still grinning wolfishly at the two of us. I felt myself blush as he winked and left the room, leaving us with Ron and Hermione (Ginny had ran off before Harry and I had managed to untangle ourselves).

“I’m going to, um, go and you know,” I said, blushing slightly as I felt Harry’s eyes on me. I walked out of the room, followed by a blinded Hermione.

“Give me a warning next time, mate!” I heard Ron mumbled to Harry on our way out. I dragged her into our room and closed the door, slightly panting.

“Oh my God!” Hermione said, uncovering his eyes carefully, as if it might not be safe to look.

“Don’t say it!” I groaned, covering my face with a pillow.

“We go back up to grab the cleaning supplies and see where you guys went off to! I didn’t expect to see you and Harry up against a wall snogging!” Hermione said, throwing her hands up in the air as if to show the shock of the situation even further.

I sighed. “It’s not like I planned for that to happen.”

“Then what happened!?” Hermione said, not angry, more like in uncontrollable shock. I guess I’d be pretty freak out if I had walked in on Ron and Hermione making out/

“We were arguing with each other and then we made out,” I said, bluntly. In all honesty, I’m not sure what else I could have said. That was basically what happened, without all the gory details of us, as Hermione would say, snogging.

“That’s it?” Hermione said after a moment of silence. “You argued than started to make out?”

I nodded my head, not sure where this was going. Call me simple minded or whatnot, but what else could I have said? In all honesty, I’m not quite sure what Harry and I were arguing about before we started kissing.

“Okay then,” Hermione said, sitting down on the bed, sighing. It seemed like the convocation was going to end there so I changed the subject before she could go back to it.

“So, how has your summer been?” I asked, laying down on the bed, exhausted. We had been cleaning all day and Harry certainly hadn’t made it any easier for me. I have a feeling that my heart rate was going to stay high for the rest of the day, a permanent blush on my face.

“Alright, I guess. Didn’t do much,” she said, looking down at her shoes. “How about you?”

“I haven’t left the house, since the Ministry has been up my ass looking for me. Needless to say, it’s been pretty boring,” I admitted, grimacing.

Hermione frowned. “You haven’t left the house at all?”

“Nope,” I said simply, rolling onto my stomach to look at her. “Not once.”

“That’s depressing,” she said, truthfully.

“Tell me bout it,” I muttered before changing my tone to a brighter one. “So, how’s Viktor?”

She blush. “He’s good.”

I raised an eyebrow, a small smile forming on my face. “That’s it?”

“Oh hush,” she said, scolding me in an almost motherly way.

I grinned. “Alright, but if something happens that isn’t ‘good’, I’d like to know.”

I hate being ignored.

I don’t mind if people walk by me in the hall without noticing me, that’s different. I hate being ignored by people who I know. Such as Harry.

Why he was ignoring me, I could only guess, which I am ninety percent sure that it had something to do with the little encounter in the dining room. As dinner came rolling around (Fred and George’s jokes did too), he sat at the opposite end, away from me, much like I had done to him this morning.

This was really starting to piss me off.

“Ah, there you are Elyse! We were starting to think that you were, dare we say, off canoodling,” Fred said, a smirk plastered to his face.

“Canoodling?” I asked, looking up from my soup, “seriously? That’s the best you could come up with?”

“What?” George asked, frowning in confusion.

“I’m just saying, if you want to wake up the next morning covered in hairballs, I’d keep talking about canoodling,” I said, a sly grin forming on my face. I thanked Mrs. Weasly for the soup before heading upstairs, wanting to take a shower, leaving Fred and George to think over my offer, or perhaps my threat.

I grabbed a towel, which Mrs. Weasly brought because all the towels here are either moldy or dust or both, and headed into the only bathroom with a working shower. As I said before: the house is a piece of shit. I turned on the water and figured that I’d have to deal with a lukewarm shower or a cold one, seeing as we got no hot water what so ever. I was thankful that we at least had some soap, so I wouldn’t be a dirtball until school.

I was nearly done showering when a loud CRACK! nearly gave me a heart attack. I opened the curtain and grabbed my towel, not wanting to flash anyone,.

“Kreacher!” I screamed, finding the source of the loud crack. He was staring at me, his eyes going wide. “I’m going to kill you!”

“Elyse? What happened?!” Sirius called, knocking on the shower door.

“I am going to kill him, Sirius! He will be a spot on the wall of this shithole!” I said, opening the door. I figured that I must look like quite the site; my hair was wet and probably full of knots, I was dripping wet in only a towel, and to top it all off, I was holding the house elf by the throat.

“Elyse!” Hermione shrieked, going into her ‘don’t hurt the house elf!” thing or whatever.

I threw Kreacher to the side, resisting the urge to kick him repeatedly, which was my way of mercy I guess. I glared at him as he picked himself up and walked out, muttering profanities under his breath, mostly about me.

“What did he do?” Ron asked, somewhat frightened of me now, after he saw me basically throw the house elf to the side.

I spoke though clenched teeth. “He Apparition in the bathroom----when I was in the shower.”

Sirius sighed. “I offered to lock him in a closer, but Molly didn’t think it was a good idea.”

“I am going to murder him if he does it again,” I muttered, storming past everyone and into my room. I locked the door behind me and grabbed some clothes to change into. I changed into them quickly, not wanting Kreacher to come in and force me to kill him.

I looked at myself in the mirror, wondering when I actually started to care about what I wore…perhaps earlier this day? No, I’m not sure. I was wearing a pair of jeans, a wife beater, and my ever loved bright blue socks. Why? No idea. I turned my attention back onto my reflection and sighed.

Will I ever learn to stop wearing neon color socks?
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww yeah ;)
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