Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Flip-Flop Frenzy

“You have all your school supply, right?” Mrs. Weasly asked all of us, her eagle eyes staring down at us. We all nodded before saying our goodbyes and heading onto the Hogwarts Express, aka the train that would take us to point A (the train station) to point B (Hogwarts).

We were slightly late to the train station after we all slept in late until Mrs. Weasly threatened to make us clean the whole house until it was spotless, which seemed impossible. We piled though the station, Sirius following us as his dog form, earning us a lot of looks but we didn’t care. We arrived on the train, barely making it, and went our separate ways. Hermione and Ron had to go up to the Prefect’s compartment while Harry, Ginny, and I were left to find our own compartment. After much searching, we finally settled on one with Luna (who made Harry raise an eyebrow at her, er, glasses) and Neville.

“Hi Luna,” I said as we entered the compartment.

“Hello Elyse,” she replied, giving me a small smile. Ginny sat down next to Luna while Harry sat on the other side of the compartment, farer away than Luna. I was going to sit next to Ginny, but Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him. I gave him a playful glare while he just grinned, his bangs falling in his eyes.

“How was your summer, Luna?” Ginny asked as Neville took a seat next to her, holding some sort of plant in his hands.

She glanced up to look at Ginny. “Quite delightful.”

Ginny left it as that as she and Neville began to talk about school and whatever plant he was holding, leaving Luna to her magazine. I glanced at Harry who just shrugged, not sure what to say about Luna. I rolled my eyes, a small smile fighting it’s way onto my face. What can I say? He had some effect on me, it wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t so damn cute.

“Oh, don’t go all lovey dovey on us now!” Ginny groaned, covering her face with her hands.

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “What are you talking about?”

She looked up at the two of us, slightly glaring. “If you two are going to make out, do it somewhere else.”

Harry seemed to be fighting a grin off of his face. “We aren’t doing anything, Ginny.”

Neville looked at Harry and then at me. “You two are together?”

“We are not together!” Harry said, earning him a hard look from me. “What?”

“You two would make such a lovely couple,” Luna said, thoughtfully.

I sighed. “Thank you, Luna.”

“So you aren’t together?” Neville asked, clearly confused at the spectacle that was going on.

“Yes,” Harry replied, earning another hard look from me. I don’t see why he was denying it so much; didn’t he want to be with me? Was he scared of going public?

“The next person to ask if we’re together, will get hit with a flip-flop,” I warned, still glaring at Harry, who just shook his head and muttered something under his breath.

“Look who it is,“ came a voice from the door, which I recognized at Malfoy. “Looney Lovegood, Longbottom, Weasly, Potter and his girlfriend---”

Malfoy was about to continue but it was kind of hard for him to when he has a flip-flop being shoved into his mouth. The next thing he knew, I had thrown my flip-flop so hard him, that it got stuck in his wide, open mouth.

What can I say? I keep true to my word.

Malfoy threw the flip-flop back into the compartment, gagging as he tried to remove it’s rubbery wonder from his mouth, before storming out, much like a three year-old would. Everyone burst out laughing, except for me.

“Great, my flip-flop has been ruined,” I said, pouting slightly. I pulled out my wand, and mumbled a few words as the rest of them began to laugh harder. My flip-flop flew at me, completely clean and rid of Malfoy spit.

“Hey guys,” Hermione said, coming into the compartment followed by Ron. We were still laughing at the memory of Malfoy with a flip-flop shoved in his mouth and were in no condition to respond.

“What’d I miss?” Ron said, clearly upset he wasn’t in the picture. Oh, silly little Ronald, never here for the fun.

After the sorting and the feast (which had been somewhat interesting seeing Ashlyn and Terry fight, ending in a semi break-up and Ashlyn storming out in tears), we were aloud to go up to our houses, ending the fun for tonight. Well, the somewhat fun. We had been informed that we now have a teacher who is from the Ministry now teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Great.

As if my night couldn’t get any better, I had to face one of the Deadly Sins: the wrath of a boy who had a flip-flop shoved into his mouth.

“Hey Black!” Malfoy called from the hallway. “I’m a Prefect now. I can take away points and give you detentions.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’d like to see you try.”

“You think I’ll take mercy on you?” he said before bursting out laughing with his two troll of a friend.

“You won’t because you’re a wuss and you know that if you do, I’ll get you back twenty times worse,” I said, my glare hardened. It was true, I wouldn’t kill him but I wouldn’t be the one saying no to slipping poison into his breakfast.

“Why you---” he began to say but cut off in a fit of rage.

I walked over to him, my glare deadly. “Listen, Malfoy, you give me a detention or take away points, I will make you regret it. Got it?”

He didn’t reply, he just glared at me, which I took as a yes. “Good, now take Tweedledee and Tweedledum with you and go to your house. I’d hate to see Draco Malfoy, the Prefect, get a detentions for being out after hours.”

With that I walked away, a smirk plastered on my face. Ah, their sad attempt at scaring me. I was nearly at the Ravenclaw house, only a few hallways away, when an arm grabbed out and pulled me into what I was sure was a closet of some sort. Before I could make a sound, someone’s lips were on mine.

Normally, I would freak out and pull away, but not many people were out this late and would pull me into a broom closet to make out. I was going to put my money on it was either Harry, or a guy about to turn into a girl.

“Hi,” Harry said, breaking apart our kiss. Even in the dark, I could see his smile.

“Hi,” I said, raising an eyebrow, “why did you pull me into a broom closet?”

He shrugged. “It seemed… practical.”

I’m telling you, at this rate, I will be married in a broom closet.
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Elyse's Outfit
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