Curiousity Killed the Cat

Defense Against the Dark Arts, Including Umbridge

Today was our first lesson for Defense Against the Dark arts with our new teacher, Professor Umbridge, and the Gryffindors. That meant that I’d be in the same room as Harry and someone who could arrest me. Sexy. Ha, no. Bad humor. Ignore that.

Moving on. I sat in the back, rolling my eyes as she informed us to put our wands away. I saw Hermione looked disappointed and raised her hand. I sighed; this will not end well.

“Professor, there is nothing in this book on how to perform the spells,” she said, holding up the childish book. I put my head in my arms and groaned softly. I am just waiting for Harry to pipe up with should be right about…

“Who would want to hurt young children such as yourselves?” Professor Umbridge asked, her voice shocked. She must not get our much.

Now. “Maybe Lord Voldemort?” Harry said, causing everyone to gasp. I just kept my head in my arms, already knowing how this ends.

“Detention, Mr. Potter,” Professor Umbridge said, slightly dazed. Mr. Potter? Funny, I had never heard Harry been called that. I mean, it’s basically my name “Miss Black” because I get in trouble so much… Mr. Potter.

I closed my eyes and saw everything already happening. Harry being defensive, getting a detention, then was sent to Professor McGonagall. I waited about five minutes before everything I saw happened. Harry was muttering multiple curse words under his breath as he exited, most of which I can’t say. I sighed; now he’s gonna be too pissed off for me to talk to him.

I didn’t see Harry for the rest of the day but I assumed that he was alive and not in Azkaban. I knew he had his detention tonight and hoped he wouldn’t kill Professor Umbridge in the process. It was strange, I wasn’t his girlfriend (sort of) and I was worrying about him.

Jeez, when did that happen?

I managed to land myself a nice, little detention with Professor Snape for something I’m not sure of. Probably for smiling… or breathing. Either way, when I got out (after cleaning the whole Potions dungeon twice ) I ran into Harry.

“Hey,” he said, recognizing me, “what are you doing out?”

I shrugged. “Detention with Snape, why are you out?” As if I didn’t know.

“Detention with Umbridge,” he muttered, glancing at his hand for a second.

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with your hand?”

“Nothing,” he snapped, putting his hands into his pockets. Defensive, great.

Seeing as I wasn’t going to get any answers for Harry, I figured I’d have to take matters into my own hands. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty hallway (yes, it is not a broom closet) and quickly put my lips on his, silencing whatever he was about to say. He kissed me back, his hands snaking around me waist. I smiled into the kiss and realized that what I was about to do next would get me in trouble. What can I say?

I’m curious.

I suddenly turned around, so that Harry was now pinned against the wall and grabbed his hand. Harry pulled it away but I had already seen it.

“Harry!” I said, my eyes softening a bit, “what the hell did she do?”

“Nothing!” he snapped once again. When he saw the hurt flash across my face, he softened his tone. “I’m fine, really. It’s nothing.”

My turn to snap. “Harry, you have ‘I must not tell lies’ engraved in your hand!”

“It’s nothing, Elyse,” he said though clenched teeth.

“Fine,” I said, biting back what I was about to say.

Harry sighed. “What?”

“What do you mean?”

“What is wrong, now?” he asked, running a hand though his hair, sighing.

“Nothing, everything is just fine,” I said, not wanting to tell him why I was pissed off. And it didn’t have to do with his hand. It probably had to do with the fact that I was just being, for the lack of a better word, used.

“Elyse,” Harry said in an almost fatherly tone.

“We’re going to get in trouble if we stay out any longer,” I said, ignoring his eyes. I started to walk away when Harry grabbed my arm and gave me a somewhat quick kiss before letting go.

“I’ll see you later,” he said, grinning before running in the other direction. I sighed.


Ministry Seeks Educational Reform: Dolores Umbridge Appointed First-Ever “High-Inquisitor”
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Yes, this one is a filler!
Don't start a riot! I should have another one out soon!
It gets better! You know, Dumbledore's Army?
A bit of jealousy perhaps?
Would anyone want to see Cho get punched? Give me your thoughts on that, because say the word and it will happen