Curiousity Killed the Cat

Dumbledore's Army

The next Hogsmeade instead of my usual sitting in the Three Broomsticks and drinking butterbeer until they tell us we have to leave, I was making my way to the Hogs Head, which was further than I thought.

Why? Because Hermione had told me to go, for reasons I still don’t know. If I had a reason, perhaps this trip would have been better other than me walking in the snow to some God forsaken bar at the end of Hogsmeade.

When I finally arrived, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who was piled into the small bar. I saw people from all houses, minus Slytherin, and of a couple age groups. I was quite curious to see where this was heading as I stood up (they were out of chairs) towards the back, leaning up against the wall.

Fred and George ordered butterbeers from everyone, paying with the money people tossed to them, and took a seat up in the front. I saw Cho walk in and felt my temper begin to rise, even more so when I saw her wave at Harry.

He returned that wave, by the way.

Hermione began to speak about this idea she had, if you could put it that way. She wanted Harry, the one who waved at Cho, to teach a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, secretly. I rolled my eyes at everyone’s questions and thought about hexing Cho when she spoke up. We all agreed that we liked the idea (after I had to smack some Hufflepuff boy who kept asking questions) and lined up to sign our names on some paper. I was the last one in line, behind Cho as the line slowly moved as one by one, we signed our names. Cho giggled and winked at Harry, which I saw, before leaving the Hogs Head with her friends trailing her.

I looked at Harry, who was still in a daze, then at the paper. I furiously scribbled my name, which was probably the most elegant out of everyone, and threw the quill at Harry, who didn’t even notice that I was there. I grabbed my bag and stormed out, annoyed.

I hated this. I hated how Harry was just using me and has some deep crush on Cho, or something like that. Why was this happening? I could only find one answer.


The first meeting was held in the Room of Requirements, which meant we were perfectly safe from any teachers. I was the last one in, managing to sneak in unnoticed as the chatter began to start.

“I think we should elect a leader,” Hermione suggested, somewhat awkwardly.

“Harry’s leader,” Cho said before anyone could say anything. I felt my temper rise and, before I could stop myself, I used my wand to tip her glass of water over her head, soaking her. I saw Hermione glare at me, silently urging me to stop. We picked out a name, Dumbledore’s Army, before Harry said we would practice disarming our partner.

I was paired with Ron. Poor guy.

“Expelliarmus!” Ron said, my wand tossing itself out of my wand. I grabbed it off the ground and glanced to my right, where Harry was helping Cho.

I felt my temper rise. “Expelliarmus!”

Now what would usually happen when you say that is their wand would go flying out of their hand. Use that knowledge, plus my advancement in magic, plus my temper and you get something like this happening.


Ron flew backward and into the wall, leaving a nice indent. I felt my hand fly up to my mouth as everyone stopped and looked at us, well mostly at Ron then at me.

“Oh, shit!” I said, my hand over my mouth, “I’m so sorry, Ron!”

“Bloody hell, Elyse!” he said, groaning as he wedged himself out of the, er, wall. “Who pissed you off?!”

I wonder if Harry saw how my eyes jumped from Cho to him. “I’m sorry, Ron! It’s a lot stronger, well you know what I mean, I can’t, you know!”

“It’s alright, but uh could you…?” he said, gesturing to his body. I pointed my wand at him and, in a blink of an eye, he was perfectly fine as he assured me. I sighed.

Great. First D.A. practice and I managed to get Ron stuck in a wall.

This can only get better…or worse.
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Elyse's Hogsmeade Outfit
Ha, love what happened to Ron, don't you?
I love ya guys! Nearly a 100 comments and a 100 readers! Keep it up!
Any ideas for the story? Tell me what you want and I'll see if I can put it in!