Curiousity Killed the Cat

I Must Not Obey the Rules

Well, I finally found something worse than Harry’s temper.


It was the day of the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match and Ron was the keeper, since he managed to get on the team (not sure how). We were all excited and were praying that Gryffindor would win because we all hated Slytherin. I was sitting with Luna, who had a giant lion resting on her head, watching the match carefully. We were doing pretty good, we were in the lead and Harry still hadn’t got the Snitch. I saw Bludgers being shot at Harry but Fred and George thankfully were there to save him.

“Come on, Harry,” I muttered, my eyes following his every move. What can I say? Seekers are hot.

Harry caught the Snitch, earning a great deal of cheering from us in the stands. I let out a sigh of relief, that is, until Malfoy started running his mouth. I didn’t hear him but I knew he was talking about the Weasly’s when Fred and George both jumped at him, followed by Harry.

Madam Hooch pulled them off of each other, enraged at what she just witnessed. She dragged them all off of the field, where Professor Umbridge was, leaving her to deal with them. I saw Malfoy smirking and felt my own temper rise. He was going to get it.

Now, I’m usually a peaceful person---wait, no scratch that, I’m usually a violent person. I usually…no, er… Malfoy was going to get it. Fred, George, and Harry hadn’t arrived yet, which was sad because I’m sure they’d want to witness this.

“Hey Malfoy!” I shouted across the hall, silencing everyone else who was talking, “I got a question!”

“What do you want, Black?” he asked, a smug smirk on his face.

“I was just wondering if you were talking about your mother earlier at the match,” I said, my voice hard.

“What did you say to me!?”

“I mean, I’m pretty sure when you said useless loser you meant your father, but I’m not sure if fat and ugly was the way to describe her. I was thinking more along the lines of a skinny bitch,” I said, running my mouth off. We had gained quite a crowd, all of which were watching us excited and nervously.

“Shut the hell up!” Malfoy yelled, his face pink with embarrassment.

“ Why? You obviously like running your mouth, I thought I might as well do the same thing,” I said, my glare hard. He stared to walk towards me, his wand behind his back, as I followed his suit. He was about three steps away from me when I, instead of using magic, punched him square in the nose.

“What the hell, you bitch!” he screamed, holding his nose. He pulled out his wand and sent me flying back a couple feet.

I grabbed my wand. “Expelliarmus!”

He lost his wand and began to charge at me again, probably having the same thought I was. I grabbed him in a head lock, suddenly glad that I was the little girl who punched boys who had ‘cooties’, and kneed him in the gut. He grabbed my hair and pulled it, earning him a kick to the throat. I threw him down on the ground, glaring at him as I stood, I bent down close to his face,

“You are a worthless human,” I spat, rubbing my jaw, where he had managed to punch. “You and the rest of your family, no matter how rich you are, will burn in hell.”

With that, and a swift kick in the balls, I moved away from him, putting my wand away. I turned around to see everyone, including Fred and George and Harry, staring at me with shocked expressions. I also found Professor Snape and Professor Umbridge there as well.

“Let me guess,” I said, sighing dramatically, “detention?”

Professor Umbridge made me write lines, which I know understood why Harry didn’t want to talk about it, and I also got a month’s worth of detention from Professor Snape. I went to Professor Umbridge’s office, which made me cringe as I saw all the pink…and cats.

“Sit down, Miss Black,” she said, gesturing to the (pink) chair in front of her. “You will be writing lines.”

I nodded and grabbed the quill she insisted I used. “What do I write?”

“I must obey the rules,” she said, sweetly, “three pages, front and back, of it. I have to go talk to Professor Snape. I will return in an hour, if you do not finish, you will do it again.”

She left with that. I sighed but then smiled when I thought of what I’d do. It was painful, but I ignored it after a while. By the time she got back, I had just finished, three pages, front and back.

“There we go!” she said, smiling at me, “I think you’ve learned your lesson.”

“Obviously, you haven’t,” I said once I had left her office, my hand shining with the words:

I must not obey the rules.
♠ ♠ ♠
Classic ;)
Did you like the scene of violence? I did!
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