Curiousity Killed the Cat

Happy Memories...What's Mine?

I was heading towards the Great Hall, since it was just about lunch time, when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Fred and George following me, their grins visible from where I was.

“Marry me,” George said, seriously.

“Bro, she’s marrying me” Fred said, butting George out.

“There’s enough of me to go around, now what’s up?” I asked, smiling.

“You are up, Lys! That was amazing,” George said, grinning at the memory.

“How’d you do?” Fred asked, grinning with George.

I shrugged. “Month with Snape and I had to write lines.”

Fred’s eyes hardened. “We did too.” He showed me his hand with said “I must follow the rules”.

I grinned, holding up my own hand with said “I must not follow the rules”.

“Genius,” George said, envious. We went our separate ways, them going to the Gryffindor house while I continued to aim for the Great Hall, only to be pulled aside by Harry. Before I could do anything, his lips were on mine. I kissed him back, that is until we heard Professor Sprout.

“Have some dignity, Potter! Black!” she said before scurrying away. It hadn’t dawned on me that we were in the middle of a crowded hallway when we decided to, eh, greet each other. We jumped apart from each other, me being the only one embarrassed.

“What was that for?” I hissed, hiding under my blond locks.

Harry just grinned, despite all that happened today. “For beating up Malfoy.”

I glared at him; I was still mad about the whole Cho thing. “Oh.”

His grin dropped a bit. “What’s wrong?”

I took a deep breath before blurting out. “Do you like Cho?”

“What?” Harry said, raising an eyebrow at me and my flaming face.

“Do you like Cho? Is that it? Am I just being used so you can eventually go out with Cho?” I said, my temper boiling.

“I don’t like Cho, although, I think she might like me,” he admitted, a small smile fighting against my temper.

“Then why do you flirt with her?” I asked, sucking up my pride and just blurting it out. Hey, better now than never,

“I don’t flirt with her,” he said, then he went silent for a moment. “Is that why you sent Ron flying?”


“Because you were jealous? Wait, did you dump the water on her head?”

I didn’t respond.

Harry grinned. “It was you!”

I sighed. “Fine, yes I was jealous. I am jealous. Happy?”

“Somewhat,” he said, leaning against the wall, “although I wanted to ask you something.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“I was wondering if you---” he started to say but was cut off by Ron and Hermione, who arrived next to us.

“Elyse! Damn, I wish I could have seen it! I heard it was amazing!” Ron said, patting me on the back, even though I was about to stab him for interrupting.

Damn you Ronald Weasly…

The next D.A. meeting was rolling in and I was still angry. Harry stilled hadn’t ask me to be his girlfriend… not that I was hoping he would. I mean, if he did, I wouldn’t mind but it’s not like I watch him sleep at night… oh, fuck this.

Yes, I want Harry to ask me to be his girlfriend.

Moving on from my dramatic outburst. It was nearly Christmas time, so Hermione decided that we ought to have another meeting before the holidays. It was late at night when we all snuck into the Room of Requirement. We were working on the Patronus charm today and everyone, except for Luna, was struggling. Me more than anyone else.

“For the love of,” I muttered as the white light disappeared after a few moments. I didn’t have anything happy to think about. Hell, I was in Azkaban and now I am hiding from the Ministry and the Death Eaters!

I sighed and lowered my wand. I wasn’t one to give up, but I am giving up right now. There is no point. Luna’s rabbit bounced around, she was the only one at the moment to be able to do it because she was always happy! She had happy memories every day, unlike me.

“How are you doing?” Harry asked, walking over to me.

I sighed and turned towards him. “Do I look like a person filled with happy memories?”

Harry let out a soft laugh. “Well, your not exactly a ray of sunshine.”

I glared at him. “Forget about it, I’m done.”

I tried to walk away but Harry stopped me. “I’ll make you a deal.”

I raised an eyebrow. “A deal? What deal?”

He grinned. “If I can make you produce a Patronus, you have to be my girlfriend, as terrible as it might sound.”

“And if I don‘t produce one…?”

“You can leave,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. I knew there was no happy memory in me so I agreed to this, only because I really wanted to leave. I really hoped no one was going to watch this because I had a feeling Harry had a trick or two up his sleeves.

Sure enough, I felt two, warm hands find their way to my waist, one of them was barely under my shirt. I will hurt him after this, I tried to tell myself. I’m sure we were getting a look or two and prayed that that was all we’d get.

“Do you remember,” he said, his lips right by my ear, his breath tickling my neck, “when we were arguing in the dining room then started to make-out?”

I closed my eyes, trying to prevent the memories from flooding into my mind but it was too late.

“Or the other day when I kissed you in the hallway and Professor Sprout told me---”

“To show some dignity,” I finished in a somewhat strangled voice. His hands we still on my waist and his lips moving down my neck, barely touching it yet still touching it. I knew what he was trying to do and I hated it.

“Can you try again?” he asked, his lips on my neck.

I sighed. “Expecto Patronum.”

Much to my horror, a white light shot out of my wand, turning into my Patronus animal---a cat. I watched it bounce around for a couple of minutes before lowering my wand, making it disappear. I felt Harry grin as he kissed my neck before stepping away from me, his hands leaving my waist.

“Good job,” he said, his grin more broad than before.

I wasn’t looking at him; I had my eyes closed as my face heated up. “Go away.”

“I’ll get you later,” he said before going off to help Ron with his Patronus.

With my eyes still closed I tried again, thinking of Harry, and sure enough the cat sprouted out of my wand. So my happy memory was Harry. That’s so not embarrassing.

After the D.A. meeting, every said their goodbyes and gave out Christmas wishes before leaving. Nearly half of the D.A. was able to produce a Patronus, including me. Which made me remember my deal with Harry, maybe I could try and get out before he notices…

But, like most of my ideas, they were shot down the moment I realized that everyone else had left, leaving just me and Harry.

“I think I won our deal,” he said, walking over to me, a smug smile on his face.

I felt myself blush and rolled my eyes in an attempt to save some of my remaining pride. “Fine, you win.”

Harry moved closer to me, putting his hands on my waist again. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I bit my lower lip, trying to fight the smile that was fighting it’s way out. “Yes.”

With that, he leaned down and kissed me as my arms found my way to his shoulders.

Sometimes the universe just gives you a free one…
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwww :)
That, my friends, is what I discribe 'fluff'!
This will probably be the last update until later tonight!
Leave me comments!