Curiousity Killed the Cat

And I Thought Azkaban Was Bad...

The rat escaped. Why this rat was so important was beyond me, but it escaped when the other man turned into a werewolf. Lovely.

They captured Sirius. I saw them. Then they found me, only because I transformed back. I don’t mind much at the moment, at least I’m not alone. Thankfully, the two kids managed to get us out.

“You guys shouldn’t have come,” Sirius muttered, coming out from the cell we were in.

“We couldn’t just leave you, Sirius,” the boy with the dark hair, Harry, said. I scoffed.

The girl turned around and looked at me. “We couldn’t leave you either.”

I rolled my eyes, and transformed into a cat. I obviously was liked better as a cat than a speaking person. They led us to some bird beast creature, it was apparently our escape. Harry and Sirius said a few words before we left. I knew Sirius felt bad; he’s always wanted to speak to Harry.

“Sirius, honestly!? Blonde?!” I asked, holding up a container of blond hair dye. Sirius didn’t like the idea that I wasn’t in school so in order for me to go, I’d have to change my appearance.

“You’ll look nice! Besides, it’s the most different from black!” Sirius responded. It was the day before I was suppose to leave for Hogwarts, only the headmaster knew who I was. He was a friend of Sirius’ and a nice guy. I stormed upstairs and into the bathroom to dye my hair into blond.

I had to change everything. My name was the same, Elyse, but I took Sirius’ surname. The headmaster assured me that I’d be fine like that. Plus it sounded better than Elyse Johnson or something like that.

“You’ll be fine!” Sirius assured me. I was going to leave soon, getting there by a taxi, and Sirius wasn’t aloud to come. It was too risky but of course Sirius didn’t agree to that. “If you want to talk, use the two way mirror, alright?”

“Yes, yes, yes I know,” I said, giving him a hug.

“And don’t tell anyone who you are, not Harry or anyone…”

“I know.”

“And if anyone messes with you, feel free to hex them…”


“And do not transform unless it’s night and your alone or if it’s an emergency…”


“And try to have some fun, it’ll do you good!”

I gave him once last hug before running out the door and calling a taxi. I waved goodbye before giving the cab driver the money and sat down. The start of my new life…

I was on the train, sitting in my own little compartment. The sound of chatter was heard up and down the hall. No one had bothered to sit with me, not that I minded. I was playing with a strand of my newly blond hair, which turned out pretty good.

I heard some yelling from the hall so I got up and decided to look for the problem. It looked like a young kid was being picked on by an older kid.

“Pathetic,” I said, causing the older boy to turn and face me.

“What did you say?” he asked, his jaw clenched.

“I knew you were stupid, I didn’t know it was that bad though,” I said, shaking my head mock disappointment.

“Who do you think you are?” he demanded, his face pink.

“Who do you think you are?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. There was few things I feared in life, and a tough guy was not one of them.

“When my father hears about this…” he mumbled.

“Unless your father is a werewolf or something somewhat frightening, then I don’t give a damn,” I said, rolling my eyes. We had produced a large crowd of people, including Harry and his friends.

“Lay off, Malfoy,” Harry said from the crowd.

“I can deal with this myself,” I shot back. Why do guys feel the need to step in? Does it look like I’m losing here? I turned back to this Malfoy “Pick on someone older than your age, why don’t you?”

With that, I turned around and went back into my compartment, suddenly wishing that I was a cat again.

“And I thought Azkaban was bad,” I muttered.
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