Curiousity Killed the Cat

Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

Listen to this song when you read!
Song: A Twist In My Story - Secondhand Serenade

I was watching Harry sleep, a sly smile on my face. Of course, I was here by favor of Professor Dumbledore, but it doesn’t mean that I wasn’t enjoying it. I was enjoying it the first couple of days after he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Tonight? Not so much.

He was having a nightmare, a bad one by the looks of it. He was thrashing and muttering under his breath. He has had nightmares before but this time, I was scared. I knew that something was really wrong; this wasn’t like the other ones. Ron obviously had the same idea when he woke up to the sound of Harry. He looked at me wide eyed but then realized it was me, just in cat form.

Harry wouldn’t wake up; it wasn’t until the whole dormitory was up and trying to get him to wake up that he did. He looked at everyone as I hopped onto his bed, my amber eyes staring at him, filled with concern and worry.

“Your dad, Ron… he’s been attacked!” Harry said, panting.

“What?!” Ron said, his voice higher than it was a moment ago. I closed my eyes and focused on Mr. Weasly. Sure enough, I saw him laying on the ground, losing blood.

Professor McGonagall ran in, still in her night gown, and looked at Harry. “What is going on here?!”

“Ron’s dad has been attacked!” Harry said. Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at him. “It wasn’t a dream! It happened!”

I meowed, bringing attention to me. Professor McGonagall recognized me and nodded. “Very well, Potter, Weasly, follow me.”

I followed behind Harry and Ron as we left with Professor McGonagall.

“Who’s cat was that?” one of the boy asked, sleepily.

We sat in Professor Dumbledore’s office, well I sat. Everyone else was pacing or trying to figure out what was going on.

Harry had explained to Professor Dumbledore that he had seen it happen, as the attacker, causing me to nearly die of concern. He had gotten into Harry’s head, he had gotten into Harry’s head.

“Miss Black, you can join us,” he said after Professor McGonagall went to get the rest of the Weasly’s. I meowed before transforming back, ignoring Ron’s mutter of “Cool”.

“Professor,” I said, looking at Harry. “It’s true. He is hurt, badly.”

He nodded. “You three plus the rest of the Weasly’s will go to Sirius’ house and wait. We will find him.”

Professor McGonagall came back with Fred, George, and Ginny, who all looked more pale than usual. We all went by the fireplace, each of us going in one by one. I hopped into the fireplace and the next thing I knew, I was at the Black’s house, greeted by a very worried Sirius.

We all sat in the kitchen, most of us not talking, the news was enough to fill the silence. I could see that the Weasly’s seemed to be most bothered by this news than Harry, Sirius, and me. It was somewhere near three in the morning when we got there so by six o’clock in the morning, we finally got word from Mrs. Weasly, who came in though the front door looking exhausted.

“Is he--?” Sirius asked, only to be stopped by Mrs. Weasly.

“He’s alive, yes, they have him at St. Mungo’s,” she said, taking the last open seat. We all let out a sigh of relief, before Sirius went to make breakfast. I looked at Harry, only he wasn’t there. I closed my eyes and focused on him when I found him sitting in his and Ron’s room upstairs. I excused myself and ran up the stairs, looking at the doors until I found theirs. I knocked softly and stepped inside when I got no response.

Harry was laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling with no expression on his face. I felt my heart break; I hated seeing him like this. I walked over to him, sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to talk.

“He was in my head,” was all he said, his voice flat and emotionless.

“I know,” I said, my voice cracking a bit but I doubt he noticed.

“No, you don’t know,” Harry snapped, emotion coming back into his voice.

I raised an eyebrow. “He was in my head last year.”

I had him there and he knew it. He fell silent, focusing on the ceiling once again. I laid down so I was next to him, staring at the ceiling just like he was. I hated when he was like this: depressed, mad, empty.

“I was the snake that attacked Mr. Weasly,” he said, pain in his voice.

“Harry, it wasn’t you…” I started to say but he cut me off.

“I saw it, I did it,” he said, ignoring me.

“Harry!” I said, cutting him off before he could say anything else. “Look at me.”

He wouldn’t look at me.

I rolled myself on top of him, staring right into his green eyes. My voice softened. “Harry, look at me.”

He turned his head to face me, his green eyes staring into my amber ones. “What?”

“You’re not a monster,” I said, a slight frown on my face.

“I---” he started to say but I placed my lips on his, silencing whatever protest he was going to say.

“You’re not a monster,” I repeated, breaking the kiss to look at him.

Harry sighed. “Elyse…”

“I’ll make you a deal,” I said, ignoring him.

He raised an eyebrow. “A deal?”

I nodded. “A deal.”

“What is it?”

I felt a small smile dance across my lips. “If I can make you produce a Patronus, you have to kiss me.”

Harry tried to fight the smile forming on his lips with not much success. “And if I can’t produce one…?”

“Then you win,” I said, staring into his enchanting eyes.

“Alright,” he agreed, pulling of his wand. I smiled before leaning down, kissing the base of his neck softly.

“Do you remember,” I said, though his neck, “when when you sent me flying into a wall because you thought I was a Death Eater?”

“Yes,” he mumbled, closing his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at me.

I hovered my lips above his, barely brushing against them as I spoke. “Or the other day when you snapped at me for asking what was wrong with your hand and you said---”

“That I was fine and it was nothing,” Harry finished, opening his eyes to look at me.

“Can you try again?” I whispered, his eyes watching me carefully.

“I can’t do magic outside of school,” he sighed, leaning in towards me but I pulled back.

“Well, Mr. Potter, then I think I win,” I said, my eyes dancing mischievously.

He raised an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

I leaned in towards his eye, his stray hairs tickling my face. “Because your happier than you were a minute ago.”

Harry thought it over for a moment before rolling his eyes. “Fine. You win.”

He leaned closer to me, placing his lips gently on mine. We hadn’t kissed like this before; we were usually pressed up against a wall trying not to jump each other. This one was soft, patient and gentle. Just like Harry.

His hands rested on my lower back, tracing up and down my back, causing shivers to go though my body. I felt better than I had ever felt before. I was, dare I say, happy. I was happy, right now, that I was here. It didn’t matter about what would happen five minutes later, what I cared about was right now. This moment, with Harry.

But like every good moment in my life, it is ruined by someone or something.

“Hey Harry, are you up he---bloody hell!” Ron said, opening the door to witness me on top of Harry as we kissed. Harry sat up so quickly that I flew off of him, landing on the ground with a thud.

“Uh, well, I guess you’re alright,” Ron said, nervously as he saw the glares he was getting, “breakfast is ready and you know mum, she wants us to--I’ll tell her you’ll be done shortly.”

He ran out of the room, literally, as I pulled myself up off the ground, brushing off the dust that had attached itself to my bare legs.

I picked the wrong day to wear shorts.
♠ ♠ ♠
I LOVE that song! I think it's perfect for the chapter! Listen! :)
Thanks for all the comments!
This will be the last until later tonight!]