Curiousity Killed the Cat

Love is a Curious Thing

Christmas rolled in quicker than I expected, needless to say that morning when I was attacked by that sex hurricane of a cat, I was surprised to see presents on the foot of my bed, just like at Hogwarts. Hermione woke up as I did, which didn’t surprise me because I basically screamed, and started to open her presents.

“What?” I asked when Hermione read a note and began to blush furiously.

She looked up at me. “Oh, nothing!”

“Alright…” I said, guessing that it was from Viktor or else she wouldn’t have blushed. I looked down at the presents I had received: a ring in the shape of a black dog from Sirius (which I loved. He told me it was suppose to remind me of him), a book on beauty from Ashlyn (which included quick pimple fixes, ways to style your hair, ect), another interesting bracelet from Luna (this time it was covered in clouds and the letter Z for keeping away the Wrackspurts), and another hat from Hermione (this time it was a snow white one beanie, which I adored greatly).

I grabbed my last present, which was one of the smaller ones of the bunch, and opened it up. I opened the box and peered inside. I gasped.

“What?” Hermione asked, looking up from her pile of presents. I pulled out a stunning necklace from the box and showed it to her. “Oh my God…”

It had an amazing chain design and at the end was a large, green rock. I couldn’t believe it; it was amazing.

“Who sent it?” Hermione asked, suddenly. I grabbed the note that had fallen out of the box and read it out loud.

For you- because I know that it’ll remind you of me


If I thought Hermione turned red at her present from Viktor, I was nothingcompared to that. I’m sure you could cook food on my face from the heat that was radiating off of it.

“Aww!” Hermione shrieked, causing me to bury my face into my pillow.

“I hate you,” I mumbled though the pillow, causing her grin to widen.

“Come on! Breakfast should be soon,” Hermione said, grabbing me and pulling me downstairs. I must have looked like a site: hair a mess, neon socks, a baggy white t-shirt and a pair of short which were covered in, er, symbols of such.

“Nice socks,” Harry said, passing by me to get to the table, his hand lingering on my waist for a moment. I felt my face heat up before taking the open seat next to Harry, earning a smug look from Hermione. I ate my breakfast quietly, listening to the chatter going on around me. Hermione left the table first, claiming she was going to write a letter to her parents, although I thought she was going to write back to Viktor.

I excused myself and went upstairs, planning on trying to figure out why Hermione was blushing so much, when I felt someone’s eyes on me. I turned around and saw Sirius coming out of his bedroom, a wide grin on his face.

I sighed. “Hi Sirius.”

“I heard a rumor,” he said, acting much like a teenager again.

I raised an eyebrow. “About…?”

“Well, I heard a couple. One of them was that I will never be able to look at one of the bedrooms the same way,” Sirius said, his grin never fading, “and that you have a boyfriend.”

“And where did you hear that?” I asked, crossing my arms against my chest.

He shrugged. “I have my sources. I also heard about your Patronus--”

“Okay, what do you want to know?” I asked, wincing at the remembrance of that day.

“Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“All of it.”

I sighed. “Yes, although I wouldn’t go into your broom closet either.”

Sirius’ face fell. “My broom closet?”

I nodded. “Why? You haven’t been in there lately have you?”

“I now must go and wash those clothes,” Sirius said, turning back around, “and burn that mental image from my mind.”

“Potter, you have lipstick on your neck,” Mad-Eye pointed out, looking up from the paper. Him, Remus and Tonks had come over for Christmas dinner, only because Mrs. Weasly had to beg them to. Mr. Weasly wasn’t here but we had visited him earlier this day. Harry looked down at his neck with no such luck and wiped away whatever was there.

Mrs. Weasly raised an eyebrow. “Who is wearing pink lipstick?”

Every looked at each other while I absentmindedly wiped away my lipstick before going back to my soup. I heard Sirius snort, earning a piece of bread being flown his way, hitting him in the forehead.

“Ooh, Harry has a girlfriend!” Tonks said, giggling as Ginny choked on her butterbeer because she was laughing too hard. I felt the sudden urge to hide under the table and prayed that Harry wouldn’t look my way and give it away. But like all things I pray for, they are shot down by other people’s stupid actions.

Harry did look my way, causing Tonks to laugh even harder than she was before and Remus to raise an eyebrow suggestively. Hermione shot me a look of sympathy while Ron looked a bit ill, probably because he had, er, walked in on me and Harry a couple times before.

“It seems like I’ve missed out on quite a number of things,” Remus muttered to Sirius, who grinned at my scowling face.

“Wait until later---I’ll tell you about the dining room incident.”

“I am never wearing lipstick again,” I muttered, laying on my bed.

“So dramatic,” Hermione sighed, glancing at me.

“You go make-out with Ron then get caught by everyone and see how it feels,” I said, glaring at her.

“Well, at least we’d do it somewhere in private!” she said, rolling her eyes.

“A broom closet is private!” I cried, putting my face into the pillow again.

Hermione laughed. “I think you two look cute together!”

I sighed. “Thanks, I guess.”

Hermione bit her lip, as if to debate whether to tell me or not. “You know, he talks about you a lot.”

I lifted my face from my pillow. “Really?”

“Uh huh, I think he really likes you, Elyse,” Hermione confessed, a small smile making it’s way on my face.

“He really talks about me?” I said, still in shock.

“Actually, I think he might be, you know…”

“Be what?”

“You know!”

“Hermione,” I said, sighing, “just spit it out!”

“Inlovewithyou!” she spit out, then quickly putting her hand over her mouth, as if she wasn’t suppose to tell.

“I---wait, what?” I said, feeling my stomach drop.

She sighed. “I think Harry might be, ya know, in love with you.”

“Really?” I asked, my heart fluttering.

She nodded. “Do you love him?”

I thought this over, trying to figure out if I did. True, I barely know the definition of love, but I know enough to tell me if I was in love. Then it hit me.

“I’m in love with Harry Potter.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Elyse's Outfit on Christmas Morning
Awww, more fluff!
Thanks for all the comments! Keep them up!
This might be the last one for tonight!