Curiousity Killed the Cat

Toast to Happiness

Mr. Weasley was aloud out of the hospital towards the end of the holidays, allowing all of us to relax for a while. Mrs. Weasley was not very happy when she found out that he had tried to use Muggle stitches to fix his wound but was more happy that he was fine.

Tonight was the last day of the holidays before we had to go back for school so Mrs. Weasley was having a big dinner party, a late Christmas if you will. She invited Tonks, Remus, and Mad-Eye to come but Mad-Eye couldn’t come because of some Order job. Tonks and Remus showed up, both glad to see Mr. Weasley out of the hospital and his usual happy self.

After Hermione and I packed up our stuff, I messed around with her hair a bit, much to her horror. I used some Muggle device that straightens hair, which worked much to my surprise. I offered to let her use some blond hair dye, which at that point she jumped up out of the chair saying no repeatedly.

Mrs. Weasley came up and told us to dress nice, which meant we had to look somewhat fancy or else she’d spit in our food. Hermione picked out my outfit, since I had messed up her bushy hair. She picked out a long sleeve black and white stripped shirt, a white silk skirt with a pair of long, black legging (I refused to wear just the skirt), and a red leather vest. All in all, I didn’t look that bad.

“I wonder if any owls came today…” Hermione said, trailing off as we left our room and walked down the hallway.

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh, why do you want to know?”

“I was just wondering!” Hermione said, her face turning pink.

“This couldn’t be because of Viktor?” I asked, a tiny smirk on my face.

“Oh, go…ugh!” she said, running out of things to say.

I sighed. “Oh, young love!”

That earned me a push in the arm, flinging me towards the wall.

“Ow, that hurt!” I said, rubbing my arm.

“Good,” she said, huffing a bit. I bit back a smile as we entered the kitchen, trying not to shout that Hermione was more obsessed with Viktor Krum than Ron was.

“Oh, there you two are!” Mr. Weasley said, giving us a weak wave from where he was sitting.

“Hey Mr. Weasley,” I said, sending him a smile, “how’d you like my present?”

His eyes lit up. “I have never eve heard of some of those devices! Thank you!”

I smiled; I had gotten him a whole book on every device Muggles used and even got him a few things such as a hairdryer, batteries, and a GameBoy. “You’re welcome.”

I sat in between Tonks and Ginny before helping myself to an apple, as I listened to Ginny go on about something. Tonks was talking to Mrs. Weasley while Sirius and Remus were joking around. I glanced down the table and looked for Harry, who I saw talking with Fred and George. I felt my face heat up when he caught my eye and turned back to Ginny, who was now eating.

“I believe we need to do a toast!” Remus said, holding up his own class as the rest of us followed. “To Arthur, we’re glad to have you back!”

“To Arthur!” we said together, taking a drink from our glasses as Mr. Weasley turned a shade redder.

“So, Elyse,” Tonks said, turning to face me, slightly out of breath.

“Yes?” I said, mocking her actions.

“How’s Harry?” she asked, a small smirk forming quickly.

I took a sip of my butterbeer. “Why don’t you ask him?”

“Because I heard that the two of you are seeing each other,” she said, a smug smile on her face.

I raised an eyebrow. “Really? And where did you get this information from?”

“Ginny,” Tonks answered, shrugging.

“I see,” I said, turning to face Ginny, who suddenly thought that her hair was very important.

“Oh lay off,” she said, biting her lip. “Sirius was the one who said we were all invited to the wedding!”

I muttered something under my breath that I am not going to repeat in case I might corrupt young minds. I went back to my food, which was amazing as most of Mrs. Weasley’s cooking usually is. Everyone went back to their own little convocations, having a blast. I had never really been to a Christmas dinner like this, everyone was happy and having a good time despite the fact that the Dark Lord was back.

Rather than being a worried person, I took a rather large gulp of butterbeer and tried to enjoy myself.

“Oh, I’ll miss you four!” Mrs. Weasley said, hugging all her children. We were about to travel by Floo Powder into Dumbledore’s office and were saying goodbyes. She gave me and Hermione a half-hug, obviously not going to miss us as much as the others. I said bye to Tonks and Remus, trying not to laugh when I had a vision of them getting married. Didn’t see that one coming…

“I’ll miss you, Sirius,” I said, giving him a hug.

“Miss you too, Kitty,” he said, smiling.

“Kitty? So original,” I muttered, but smiling none the less.

“Alright, you lot, into the fireplace!” Mrs. Weasley said, shooing us off. We went one by one into the fireplace, appearing into Dumbledore’s office, which was the same as it was last time. We left his office and made our way to our houses as all the other students did the same.

“See you guys later!” I said, taking the other hallway than the rest of them, seeing as I wasn’t a Gryffindor like the rest of them.

Easily the best Christmas of my life.
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Elyse's Party Outfit
Here we go! Finally done!
There should be more coming out later today.
Tell me whatcha think!