Curiousity Killed the Cat

Dead Man Walking

“Inverte Status!” Hermione said, causing me to fly back in a spinning motion and landing on the ground with a loud thump.

“Uh, ow!” I said, laying on my back, glaring at Hermione.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she said, hand over her mouth in shock.

I pushed myself off the ground, my head pounding, and grabbed my wand from the side. “I’m good, I’m good.”

We were practicing on our partners and I was paired up with Hermione. It was anther D.A. meeting so I didn’t mind much. Cho had been talking to Harry about his Christmas, causing my temper to rise, which meant Hermione was sent flying, by accident of course.

“Good job everyone!” Harry said, bringing a stop to the practice. “The next meeting should be next week!” With that, we were able to leave.

“See you later, Lys,” Fred said, giving my back a quick pat before running after George. I was one of the last ones out, mostly because Hermione wanted to apologize a million times for sending me flying. After she left, I was halfway out the door when I heard someone talking. I turned around and saw Cho, walking over to Harry. I felt my temper rise as I hid behind a large box, which appeared when I wanted it to.

“Hi Harry,” Cho said, standing closer than I would have liked to seen.

“Oh, er, hi,” Harry said, taking a step back from her.

“Harry, I was wondering---” Cho started to say, putting her hand on his arm, but Harry cut her off.

“I have a girlfriend,” he blurted, jumping away from her. I felt a smug smile form on my face for only a moment; I doubt that would be enough to stop Cho though.

“Well, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” she said, looking slightly annoyed. That’s when she threw herself at Harry, smothering his lips with hers. The amount of self control it took would amaze you, for me not to kill Cho right then and there. I stood there, biting my lip so hard I’m sure it would begin to bleed soon.

“What the hell was that!” Harry demanded, pushing her away and wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

“I thought you liked me,” she whined, pouting a bit.

“I do not like you, Cho,” he said and stormed out of the Room of Requirements. Cho ran out after him but gave up, as he disappeared into the darkness.

I felt rage and happiness flow though me at the same time. I was beyond pissed that Cho had kissed my boyfriend. I was going to make her pay but at the same time I felt happy.

Harry really did love me.

But that was now overshadowed by my need to get revenge on Cho.

This will not be pretty.

“You bitch,” I spat, looking at Cho. We were currently in the hall, class had just gotten out, when I ran into Cho talking to her giggly friends about how Harry kissed her.

“What did you call me?” she asked, turning to face me.

“I called you a bitch,” I said, my wand behind my back, “or perhaps a whore would be a better word to use.”

She gasped. “What the hell are you talking about!?”

I pulled out my wand and aimed it at her, “Furnunculus!”

In a blink of an eye, Cho’s face began to sprout boils. She screamed like a banshee and glared at me.

“That’s for kissing my boyfriend,” I said, turning around and storming out of the hall. I might get in trouble for that later, but right now, that felt pretty good.

“I heard something when I was on my way to Transfiguration this morning,” Fred said, putting his arm on my shoulder as I was sitting in the library.

“Oh?” I said, looking up from my essay I was trying to write, “and what was that?”

“That you are a very jealous girlfriend,” George piped in, coming out from behind a bookshelf.

I rolled my eyes. “Have they managed to get the boils off her face?”

“Nope, did you add some Permanent Sticking charm on it or what?” he said, taking a seat next to me.

“Shame, I’d love to do it again,” I said, beginning to write my essay.

George laughed. “And from what our dear brother has told us, Harry is hiding in a very deep hole.”

I looked up suddenly. “Why?”

“Because, young one, he believes he’s next,” Fred said, dramatically.

“Really?” I said though clenched teeth., “well then I should go.”

“Wait! No! Elyse!” George said, begging for me to show Harry some mercy. I stormed out of the library, my half finished essay, in a search for Harry. I guess they were right; he must have been hiding in a very deep hole because I couldn’t find him anywhere. I finally decided to use my powers and find him that way. I closed my eyes and focused on Harry, who was hiding in his common room.

“Am I really that frightening?”
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Ha! I loved writing this one!
Tell me whatcha think!