Curiousity Killed the Cat

Insane Until Proven Otherwise

Since Harry has been ignoring me for the past couple of days, I had no plans what so ever for Hogsmeade, so I headed towards the Three Broomsticks for my usual. I stomped though the snow covered ground, nearly breaking my neck as I slipped on hidden ice, and running into the warm, cozy aroma of the Three Broomsticks.

I sat down at a table towards the back, a place where I usually sat, and ordered a butterbeer, ignoring the cat calls that we made in the distance. I looked around and saw a few people from Hogwarts, mostly guys, sitting around and having a butterbeer.

I wondered if Harry was going to come, seeing as he was utterly convinced that I was out to murder him, which I wasn’t. I told Ron to talk to him but I had a feeling that Ron was frightened of me as well, seeing as he sprinted away from me when I said he could go. I also talked to Hermione who said that she had already told him that I wasn’t going to rip him limb from limb, but he wasn’t listening. I had a feeling Fred and George were behind this, probably because they had ran off to Harry the moment I left he library and told him I was pissed. Boys…

“Thanks,” I said to the waitress, who placed my butterbeer down on the table before walking off to another table. I heard more people entering the Three Broomsticks, causing me to turn and face the door, only to start choking on my butterbeer and literally fall out of my chair.

Let me clear that up. I did not faint, nor did I do that to hide myself. I was leaning my chair back when I saw them, started choking which thus caused me to lose my balance and fall backwards.

Looking like the biggest idiot I could.

Then again, I think Harry might have made more of a fool than me when he saw me, did a double-take look, then try and run out the door.

Which was closed.

We make a lovely couple, don’t we?

Moving on from our dead-end relationship, I pushed myself up off the ground, muttering a string of curse words as I shook my hair free of any butterbeer that had gotten into it. Hermione saw Harry on the ground, rubbing his nose, and looked across the room and saw me, before running towards me.

“Hey Elyse!” she said, sitting down next to me. “Why are you covered in butterbeer?”

I looked down at my shirt, which was damp. “Same reason why pigs can’t fly.”


“Never mind, so what are you doing here?” I asked, ordering another butterbeer.

Just then, a middle aged woman with strange glasses sat down across from us, a foul look on her face. I raised an eyebrow at the woman, than at Hermione, then at Harry who was getting up off the ground.

“I have a feeling I’m missing something,” I said, rolling my eyes at Harry who carefully sat down next to the woman, not making eye contact with me.

“This is Rita Skeeter, a reported from the Daily Prophet,” Hermione explained, earning a very dirty look from this Skeeter woman. “She is going to do a report on Harry.”

“I see,” I said, taking a sip of the butterbeer that was given to me a moment ago by the waitress. I sat quietly, listening as the Rita Skeeter woman asked Harry questions about the Dark Lord, always being scolded by Hermione. I felt pretty lost when they argued but then again, I’m sure Harry was no better. They managed to finish the interviews after three glasses of fire whiskey (for the Skeeter woman) and five butterbeer for me. We half-thanked the woman before leaving the Three Broomsticks, making our way back to Hogwarts before we were murdered for being late or something stupid like that.

“You’re wearing the necklace I got you,” Harry mumbled as we walked back to the castle. Much to my annoyance, it wasn’t just me and him, Hermione was always with us, trailing from behind.

I glanced up from my feet to look at him. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“I just thought, you know, because you’re angry…” he tried to explain, trailing off nervously.

I sighed. “Why do you think I’m mad at you!?”

“You know, because I kissed Cho---”


I slapped him across the face before he could finish his sentence, causing Hermione to let out a slight shriek and got us a few stares.

“Ow! What was that for!” he asked, rubbing his bright red cheek.

“You kissed Cho?” I asked, glaring at him.

“No! She kissed me, I didn’t want her to!” he said, defending himself as best as he could with his current state.

“Well, that’s fine,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

He stopped walking. “That’s fine? You just slapped me and now you’re perfectly fine!”

“I slapped you because you said you kissed Cho,” I said, continuing to walk, “but since you said she kissed you, I know that you didn’t want her to.”

“How did you know…?”

“I saw it,” I admitted it, my face heating up as I felt Harry’s semi glare. “I saw her kiss you and then you push her away. I’m not mad at you, Harry. I was only mad at Cho, but I dealt with her.”

“Really? You aren’t mad?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me and my calm presence.

“No, I’m kind of pissed that you’ve been avoiding me for the last couple of days,” I said, my voice harsher than it was a moment ago.

“Yes, well after seeing what happened to Cho and Malfoy, excuse me for valuing my life.”

Next week, everyone was reading Harry’s article in the Quibbler, which was Luna’s father’s magazine she was always reading. More and more people were beginning to believe Harry, realizing that they had been wrong and such. My favorite part of this whole deal was when Professor Umbridge put up a notice, saying any student found with the Quibbler would be expelled, which meant that everyone was reading Harry’s article.

I knew that Harry was happier than he was before, since he knew I wasn’t mad at him nor was everyone thinking he was an insane lunatic. I could tell in one way or another, mostly because he wasn’t trying to jump me when we kissed, which usually meant he was upset when he tried. Plus he was smiling every time I saw him and I mean, every time.

“I have a question,” Harry said, pulling apart from our kiss. We were currently in an empty hallway, you guessed it, making out. I brushed some stray hairs away from my face, sighing.

“What?” I asked, breathless.

“How do you feel about telling everyone about us?”

My eyes widened. “Everyone? Has all this publicity gone to your head?”

“No, I just want everyone to know that we are together, that’s all,” Harry said, a small smile playing on his lips, which were pressed against mine a moment ago.

“If that’s what you want, but if I start getting detentions for hitting people for making fun of me…” I warned him, raising my eyebrows.

“You hit them anyways.”

“Yes but I’d have a reason to.”

“Uh huh, so I’m guessing you also had a reason when you filled the broom closet with pudding?”

“How did you know about that?” I demanded.

“We were in their the other day, did you take a chance to smell the air? It reeked of pudding,” Harry said, rolling his eyes.

“You’re smarter than you look, Mr. Potter,” I said, my face heating up, “for a guy who has his shirt on inside out.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Elyse's Hogsmeade Outfit
Sorry for the wait! I was out and about all day!
I'll update more in the morning!
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