Curiousity Killed the Cat

Highly Contagious

I threw up into the toilet, feeling the taste of my breakfast roll up and out of my throat. “This sucks so much.”

“When did you suddenly begin to feel sick?” Hermione asked from outside the stall where I was currently emptying my stomach.

I groaned. “This morning but I ignored it.”

I could hear her shift her weight nervously. “Uh, Elyse?”

I felt my stomach churn. “What?”

“Do you think that you might, er, you know,” Hermione rambled, probably blushing like mad.

“Spit it out,” I snapped, feeling more vomit come up my throat. I threw up once more, sighing as I realized I felt much better.

“Pregnant?” Hermione squeaked, causing me to nearly die.

What!?” I said, wiping my mouth clean. I exited the stall, probably looking like total shit, to glare at her.

“Well, morning sickness is a sign that you are pregnant and, I mean, you and Harry…” she said, looking at anything but me.

“I haven’t sleep with Harry!” I said, ignoring what she said, “that is usually needed to have a child.”

“What is?” Hermione asked, clearly missing the point I was trying to make.

Sex. You need sex to have a child, seeing as I haven’t had sex with Harry or any other male, then I cannot be pregnant!” I said, checking my face in the mirror, an annoyed look on my face.

“You have the attitude of a pregnant woman. You sure you don’t want to take a test? Hermione mumbled, crossing her arms against her chest.

“I am not pregnant, honestly,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’m probably just sick.”

“Okay,” Hermione sighed, grabbing her bag from the ground. “But you have to go to the hospital wing.”

“Why?” I whined.

“Because you are ill!”

“I’m not dying, I’m just sick!”

“So, what if it gets worse?”

“Like what? I start to choke on my vomit? Perhaps I get a fever?”

“Oh lay off, come on!” Hermione said, beginning to drag me out of the bathroom. “I will get Harry to carry you.”

I glared. “You wouldn’t because you’d have to go and find him!”

“Find who?” a voice said from behind the two of us.

“Harry, pick your girlfriend up so we can take her to the hospital wing,” Hermione said, glaring at me.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Harry asked, his voice changing to concern.

“I’m fine,” I said at the same time Hermione said “She’s sick.”

“Why don’t you want to go to the hospital wing?” Harry asked, looking from me to Hermione and back.

“Because I feel fine now!” I said, huffing a bit. I saw Harry look over at Hermione for a second and the next thing I know, I’m being tossed over Harry’s shoulder.

“Harry! Let me down!” I said, trying to wiggle out of his grasp but I couldn’t, he was too strong.

“Calm down,” Harry said. I imagined him rolling his eyes even though I couldn’t see. I pouted before closing my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see everything upside down… or all the other students stares and snickers. I was taking names for my little black book, aka the book of who I kill next.

“Look, we’re here,” Harry muttered, putting me back onto my feet. I must say, I was somewhat disappointed; Harry’s back was quite comfortable, except for his shoulder blade digging into my boob.

“Finally,” I said, glaring at Harry who responded with a half-smile and a shrug.

“Flare for the dramatics are we?” the nurse asked, glancing at me and then at Harry. “What seems to be the problem?”

“She’s sick,” Harry blurted out before I could say anything.

“Well then come on dear!” she said, pulling me along with her.

“I’m going to kill you,” I mouthed to Harry, who just smiled and waved.


I was aloud to leave the hospital wing after the nurse fixed me up. She gave me some potion to make me feel better, which it did. She told me that I was a hundred percent not sick, but that doesn’t mean anyone needed to know. Yet.

I was walking back to my house, when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I turned to find Harry, grinning down at me.

“How was the hospital wing?” he teased, a grin forming on his face.

I glared. “Yeah, thanks for that.”

He leaned down to kiss me, but I pulled away and had to try very hard not to laugh at his disappointed face. “You can’t kiss me.”

“Why not?”

“I’m highly contagious,” I warned, coughing for affect.

“No you aren’t,” Harry argued, raising an eyebrow at my so called “cough”.

“How would you know? Are you a doctor? A nurse, perhaps?” I asked, a smile forming on my face.

“I don’t believe you,” he said, huffing a tad.

I was trying very hard not to laugh. “Well, I should be better in a week or two!”

I started to run off, leaving Harry in the dust, shock on his face when he called. “A week!?”

Who's the smart one now? I was.

That is until I ran into a hall when I was turning the corner.

I cannot describe how smooth I must have looked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I know y'all wanna kill me for this not-so-witty fillers!
I promise the next chapter will get back into the fifth book!
Leave me comments!