Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Snitch

We were in our D.A. meeting, some of the people were practicing disarming or their Patronus’ and what not. Cho had finally managed to get all the boils off of her face and was now glaring at me from afar.

“Harry Potter, sir!” a voice squeaked. Hey, I know that voice. It was Dobby, the house elf that went to get me after the third task. Shit, this can’t be good. “Dobby came to warn you! The house elves mustn’t tell but she…she…”

“What is happening, Dobby?” Harry asked, quieting everyone down. I closed my eyes and saw it all, gasping I looked up at Harry.

“It’s Umbridge, she’s coming,” I said, angrily.

Normally, times like this would require a calm, well thought out plan. Ours?

“WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? RUN!” Harry yelled, causing panic to erupt in the Room of Requirement. They all ran for the exit at once, some were smart enough to want another, secret exit to their houses, which appeared. Those who weren’t so smart, ran out the main exit and were caught by Umbridge’s satanic workers, aka most of the Slytherins.

That group of idiots contained Harry.

I saw Malfoy do a Trip-Jinx on him and pulled out my wand. “Inverte Status!”

I watched as Malfoy go flying, allowing Harry to make an escape, only to be stopped by another Trip-Jinx.

If this wasn’t serious, I would have burst out laughing by now.

“Gotcha,” that pug-face Parkinson said, grabbing my arm and pulling me back. Of course, she managed to grab my wand, but not my fist which was rocketing towards her face.

“Ow! My nose!” she shrieked, letting go of both me and my wand. I managed to run down the hallway and out of sight, silently cursing Harry for being such an idiot and being caught. I couldn’t go to my house without being caught so I did what all sensible people do.

I turned into a cat and hid in the broom closet.

I focused on Harry and saw him, with Professor Umbridge, in Dumbledore’s office.

“Well Potter…I expect you know why you are here?” Fudge said, pacing around the room.


I was ready to murder Harry for that one, unless he manages to outsmart all of them, which wasn’t that unlikely.

“You are not aware that you have broken any school rules?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“School rules?” Harry said. “No.”

Oh, he was going to get it. I meowed and slammed my head onto the ground, silencing wondering why I was dating such a heroic moron.

Marietta Edgecombe was first on my ‘List to Kill’ list. That damn snitch. I admired Hermione for her way of finding who was the snitch and wished that I would have been there when they started to sprout.

Professor Umbridge pulled out a paper, the same one we used to sign our names. This couldn’t be good. I watched as Professor Dumbledore took the paper, a small smile forming on his face.

“Well, it seems as if the game is up,” he said, simply, folding the paper in face. “You’ve found me out.”

“Found you out?” Umbridge said.

“Dumbledore’s Army,” he said, showing them the paper once again. “NotPotter’s Army.

I meowed and, once again, slammed my head into the ground. This was all I could do to show my frustration and it wasn’t working as well as I would have liked.

I went back to focusing on Harry and saw Dumbledore disappear in a flash. I let out a cat gasp, which was basically another meow. He was… gone?

“You know Minister, I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts…but you cannot deny he’s got style…” one of the portraits said.

“You little snitch!” I said, grabbing Marietta Edgecombe by the hair, silencing all the other people in the hallway.

She screamed. “Let go of me!”

I pulled harder. “Why the hell did you decide to run your fucking mouth?!”

“My mum…” she said, bursting into tears.

“Oh, for the love of!” I muttered, making her face me.

“Let go of her!” Cho screamed from the other side of the hallway.

I turned to her. “Do I really look like I have to time to deal with you and your hissy fit?”

I heard Hermione and the others come to watch the event that was taking place. I saw Harry from the corner of my eye and realized I might get in trouble for this later.

At the moment I was too pissed to care.

“Do you know what you’ve done!?” I hissed, my temper rising dangerously high. “Because of you, Dumbledore is gone, that pig of a woman is now Headmaster, and we are all screwed because you couldn’t keep your damn mouth shut!”

“I’m sorry!” she wailed, tears streaming down her face.

I let out a yell of frustration. “Do I look like I care!? Did you honestly think that I wasn’t going to kick your ass when you squealed!?”

I didn’t expect little, prissy Marietta to punch me but she did. Hard, in the jaw.

To which I returned to one very hard punch into her nose, thus breaking it with a loud snap.

“My nose! You bitch!” she screamed, holding her bleeding nose. I spit some blood out of my mouth, ignoring the pain I felt as I spoke.

“I can see why you aren’t in Gryffindor, you obviously aren’t brave enough,” I said, though clenched teeth. “Not sure why you’re in Ravenclaw because you aren’t very smart, you don’t deserve to be in Hufflepuff because you aren’t loyal. I think you’re best off in Slytherin where they only care about themselves.”

“Miss Black!” Umbridge shrieked, looking from me and Marietta.

“Let me guess,” I said, coldly, turning to face her. “A weeks worth of detention, writing lines into my own hand, and fifty points from Ravenclaw?”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” she said, glaring at me.

I turned my head back, my voice bored. “Professor Umbridge?”


“Bite me.”

“Are you alright?” Harry asked, pulling me into the Gryffindor common room, followed by Ron, Hermione, Fred and George. After I had told Professor Umbridge to bite me, the five of them grabbed me and dragged me here.

“I’m fine,” I sighed, rubbing my jaw.

“That was---” George started to say.

“Bloody brilliant!” Fred finished, mouth agape.

I rolled my eyes. “Gee, thanks.”

“It was unnecessary…oh, screw it. That was amazing,” Hermione said, letting out a sigh.

“Thanks, er, Hermione…?” I said, gesturing to my jaw.

“Oh, sure!” she said, aiming her wand at my mouth before muttering a few words.

“Thank you,” I saw, rolling my jaw and sighing when I felt no pain.

Harry hadn’t said anything yet so when the others had left, I turned to him. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Harry said, sighing.

“You love me, besides, I saw you get tripped by the Trip-Jinx twice and lie to the Minster of Magic,” I pointed out. “Who’s the idiot now?”

He stole a kiss. “You are.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Loved writing this one too!
Tell me whatcha think!