Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Sorting

I’ve never thought I could actually miss my old, small cell block in Azkaban but the moment I stepped foot into Hogwarts, I entered a world I had never been introduced to. It was full of gossip and relationships and drama. How everyone else lived though these years, is a mystery to me.

Professor Dumbledore was waiting at the station for me, which was good because I had no idea where to go. Some of the students were somewhat surprised to see him down here, which made me a little worried. What if they found out?

“Good evening, Miss Black,” he said, giving me a warm yet small smile. I tried to return the smile, but too many people were staring at me. I suddenly missed being a cat. “I would like to talk to you in my office before the Sorting begins.”

Sorting? Professor Dumbledore led me though the crowd of people until we had made our way to an empty hallway. He said a couple of words under his breath and a door appeared, I assumed he had spoken the password. I followed him up the stairs until we had reached his unique office. There were so many new, different things I’ve never seen here.

“Elyse, I’d like to welcome you to our school,” he started and I sighed. The speech. It was going to start like that then go into something about controlling myself.

“I’m sure Sirius has spoken to you about your transforming?” I nodded. “Well, then all I ask of you is if you happen to, uh, see anything out of the ordinary, please inform me at once.”

“Yes sir,” I said, somewhat confused. I saw a lot of things.

“Very well, we must get you off to the Sorting then!” he said, going back though the door. I followed him as I did before and, before I knew it, we were in the Great Hall. It was amazing. The chatter of the students could be heard from a mile away but no one except me seemed to notice the volume of the talking.

A old, stern looking woman with glasses was reading names off. I knew she had just started because my name was called the moment I stepped foot into the Great Hall.

“Black, Elyse!”

I froze. Why do I need this kind of attention? Honestly? I walked down the never ending path between tables, ignoring the whispers and stares and, in Malfoy’s case, glares. I sat down on the stool, feeling somewhat like an idiot, as the woman placed a worn out hat on my head. Soon, I heard the hat talking to me.

“Interesting… Where to put you? I see great talent… and determination… and brains. Not Slytherin, no… Not Hufflepuff…So which one to chose? I see bravery, oh yes, a lot of bravery but oh there is such talent! Such brains! You want to make a difference, prove yourself…” the hat seemed to whisper in my ear. I thought about what he had said. I was brave and talented. I’ve heard that Ravenclaw was for the smarter people but Gryffindor was for the braver people.

“Not all Gryffindors are brave though… you are bold and could do well there… but I could see you in other places, doing better… You are a very difficult choice, Miss Black. What’s this? …Ah, a trouble-maker in the making. You would cause trouble… oh but so smart! Where to put you?”

I was starting to worry. Everyone was staring at me, not bored though, but with a strange expression. Trying to figure out who I was. I looked up at the Professor’s table and saw all of them staring hard at me. Professor Dumbledore was the only one with a kind sparkle in his eyes. I looked at the Gryffindor table and saw Harry staring back up at me. I felt my jaw clench remembering how he tried to defend me. I don’t need anyone to defend me. I’m fine on my own.

“You are right, you would be fine on your own! Now we must figure this out---now. Courage, so much courage but you don’t want to be like everyone else. You want to stand out and stand up for those who need it most. Yes, I know what to do. Where do YOU want to go, Miss Black?”

I felt the color drain from my face. Where do I want to go? Sirius was in Gryffindor, would he be upset if I was put in Ravenclaw? Would he be proud?

“Ah, I understand child. I know where to put you. You will learn to not care what everyone says. You will be bold and change this school. Prove that everyone is equal. Prove that you are good enough to be here. I must say, you have been a very difficult student to figure out, Miss Black.”

“RAVENCLAW!” the hat shouted, the first sound to be heard in a while. I took a deep breath and gave the hat back before walking towards the Ravenclaw table. I was congratulated by a couple of people before sitting next to a girl with a very strange necklace.

“Hi,” she said, her voice sweet and soft, “my name is Luna.”

“Elyse,” I said, giving her a slight smile. I looked at the Gryffindor table and saw Harry and his friends looking at me. I sighed and looked down at the table.

Why was I always the center of attention?
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Thanks for all the comments! Betcha didn't see that coming! LOL, well I like a different kind of plot. Most of those fan-fics put the girl in Gryffindor but I'm a fan of Ravenclaw!