Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Department of Mysteries

“Voldemort has Sirius.”

Those were the first words that came out of my boyfriend’s mouth as I came to greet him.


“Voldemort has Sirius,” Harry repeated, sounding out of breath.

I shook my head. “No, I would have seen it during Christmas.”

“I just saw it, Elyse!” Harry said, frustrated.

“Harry, no you didn’t!” I said, firmly.

He rolled his eyes. “Just come on.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along until we found Ron, Hermione, and Ginny in the hallway. They looked at Harry and me, both of us furious with each other.

“What…” Ginny started to say but was cut off by Harry.

“He has Sirius,” he blurted out. “We need to get into Umbridge’s office.”

“Harry--” Hermione started to say.

“Hermione, just help me!” he nearly yelled.

“Alright, you go and we’ll distract Umbridge,” Ron said, holding up his hands as if to show he wasn’t going to attack. Harry ran off before I could open my mouth, leaving us in his trails to distract Umbridge.

“This isn’t going to work,” I muttered as I followed the rest of them.

I was right. Not only did Ron’s brilliant plan fail, it also got us caught and brought to Umbridge’s office, where Harry was also caught as well.

Much to my luck, I had Malfoy (who I am sure was trying to feel me up) holding onto me while Umbridge grabbed Harry.

“You were trying to talk to Dumbledore, weren’t you Potter?” Professor Umbridge asked, a smirk on his toad-like mouth. I was thinking so many way to hurt Malfoy right now, that I’m pretty sure I was going to start drooling.

“Maybe a little pain would get you to talk, Potter,” she said, grabbing her wand from her desk. I felt my heart drop; she was going to hurt Harry.

“Cruc--” she started to say but was stopped by Hermione.

“No! Harry! We have to tell her!” she sobbed, making the troll that was holding onto her look a bit nervous.

“Hermione…” Harry said, obviously confused.

“We have to tell her about the weapon!” she said, still sobbing.

Professor Umbridge raised an eyebrow. “A weapon! What weapon!”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sorry. My bad. I forgot you were an idiot.”

Umbridge shot me a dirty look before turning back to Hermione. “What. Weapon?”

“The one Professor Dumbledore told us to watch!” she wailed.

“Potter! Granger! Come with me!” she barked, grabbing both Harry and Hermione, leading them out of her office.

“Looks like your boyfriend is a dead man,” Malfoy said, his lips near my ears. I felt his hand creep up my leg and that’s when I snapped.

Not a moment had passed before I had elbowed him in the balls, causing him to fall down quickly. I heard him groan in pain before I kicked him once again, feeling totally dirty.

“That was so gross,” I muttered before hexing the rest of the trolls, releasing the others from their grasp.

“What was he doing?” Ginny asked, grabbing her wand.

“He tried to get lucky,” I muttered, stunning him. We stunned all of them and put them in a full body jinx. Ginny did something to them I’m not sure what but we ran out of the office quickly, trying to figure out what the hell Hermione was talking about.

“They are near the grounds keeper’s house,” I said, seeing them emerge from the Forbidden Forest, which was in fact forbidden.

“What happened?” Ron asked but was shushed by Hermione.

“We need to get to the Ministry of Magic,” he said, panting.

Now, this ‘we’ consisted of Luna, Neville, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, himself and me. Obviously Harry hadn’t thought this through too much because five minutes later he was going on about how we couldn’t go.

“Harry, we are all going,” Hermione said, firmly.

He glared at us. “Fine, but we need a way to get there.”


“Not enough for us to use.”

Luna beamed. “How about thestrals?”

I turned to see a bunch of thestrals walking towards us, curiously. “Works for me.”

“But we can’t see them!” Ron said, confused.

“I’ll help you,” Luna offered, still watching them walk around as if they were the most beautiful creatures in the world. Which to Luna, I’m sure they were.

“Harry---” I tried to say but was cut off.

“Elyse, not now.”

Oh no he didn’t.

We arrived at the Ministry, me still fuming over Harry and his snapping. I had a bad, bad feeling in my gut and even though I tried to tell Harry, he wouldn’t listen.


We snuck in, surprised by how quiet it was, before Harry dragging us in the elevator, pressing a floor number while the bad feeling in my gut got worse and worse. The elevator’s ping was the only sound that could be heard in the Ministry of Magic. Normally that’s a pretty bad sign but Harry didn’t seem to notice or care, for that matter.

“Department of Mysteries?” Hermione whispered, as we came to a rather large door.

“Lumos,” I muttered so I could get a better view. You know the old saying, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”? Well, I usually believe in that but at the moment, that flew out the window. By judging this book, most people might say it seems scary when it might be kind of cool. To me?

This was a pretty freakin’ scary door.

Never had I seen a more eerie looking door in my whole life.

“Harry…” I said, my voice not above a whisper.

“Lets go,” he said, motioning for us to move though the door. I took a shaky breath before following Ginny in, taking up the rear. Now, I am not scared of this.

More like pretty freaked out.

There were glowing balls, everywhere. Some large, some small, all different shapes with different heading underneath them. I’m not sure about everyone else, but I was somewhat freaked out.

“Be careful,” Harry said, giving us advice that I am sure, we hadn’t thought of.

Note my sarcasm.

I followed Luna, who was nearly skipping down these aisle, and looked at each glowing bulb, wondering why the hell we were even here in the first place.

“What are these thing?” Luna wondered, probably thinking out loud. I was wondering the same thing. Then it hit me as I began to read some of these.

They were prophecies.

Indeed they were. Some were about people, while others were about events that would take place. Millions of prophecies, millions of peoples life’s already planned out, and they had no clue. I raised my wand higher as I read off some more of them, sighing when I realized they’d do us no good. This was getting strange, very strange.

“Come on,” Luna said, grabbing my hand and dragging me with her as we jogged down until we met up with Harry and the others, who were gathered around a glowing bulb.

“What is it?” Hermione asked.

“It has his name on it,” Ron pointed out, staring at it with a confused expression.

“Harry, don’t!” Neville said, nervously. I agreed with Neville: it is never a good thing when you see your name on a glowing, let me repeat, glowing bulb in the Departments of Mystery.

“Very good, Potter. Now give it to me,” a creepy voice said from about ten feet away, nearly giving me heart failure, actually, scratch that. That gave me a heart attack.

We all turned around, only to come within few of at least a dozen Death Eaters.

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Elyse's Uniform
Last one for the night!
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