Curiousity Killed the Cat

That Damn Glowing Bulb

I knew most of the ones there, cloaked or not. You notice everything about a person when you’re in Azkaban; it’s one of the few things that could keep you sane. You can tell who it is just by the outline of their body, how they stand, everything. I knew the voice belonged to that Malfoy man, the one who keeps wiggling out of trouble; I’ve heard quite a couple of complaints about him in Azkaban.

“Give it to me, Potter,” he repeated, his hand stretched out. Harry looked from the bulb to the Death Eaters, probably weighinghis our chances with the fight, which were looking pretty bad.

“Give it,” Malfoy said, once again, reminding me of a little three year old who can’t put a sentence together.

“Where’s Sirius?” Harry said. I rolled my eyes. He isn’t here.

“Where’s Sirius?” a female voice mocked from the left of us. I felt my blood run cold and instantly muttered “Nox”, putting out my wand.

“You have him,” Harry said, his voice filled with panic. “I know you do.”

“How sure are you?” the voice said, a teasing tone filling her terrible voice.

“He’s here!” Harry repeated, sounding not too sure of himself. I focused on Sirius and sighed.

He was not here.

Of course, me being an idiot, my sigh brought someone’s attention onto me.

“Well, well, well,” that same voice said, her footsteps moving towards me. “Look who we have here!”

“Hello Bellatrix,” I said, coolly.

Bellatrix let out a scream of laughter. “Look who it is! Why is this little girl here? Last I remember, she was sentenced to life in Azkaban!”

“As were you,” I shot back, aware of everyone’s eyes on me. I didn’t want them to know.

“So, why is the murderer here with all these innocent children?” she teased, “are you going to kill them as well?”

“You know damn well I didn’t do that!” I said, looking back at the rest of them, who were watching me with worried eyes. They never knew what happened. I didn’t want them to know.

“Oh!” Bellatrix said, seeing my glance towards the others. “They don’t know do they?”

“Don’t--” I started to say but was cut off by her.

“Poor little Elyse! Mudblood she was! Filthy creatures! Her parents didn’t want a freak like her around! With what she can see, isn’t that right?” Bellatrix said, her voice mock horror. “So what does the little girl do?”

“Stop it,” I said, my mind being filled with the memories.

Murdered them! Her own parents, killed! Sentenced to life! She’s a murderer kiddies!” Bellatrix said, skipping around, tormenting me.

“You killed your parents?” Ginny asked, her voice shaking.

“No, I didn’t, it wasn’t me!” I tried to get out but couldn’t form a sentence.

Bellatrix laughed again. “She hasn’t told you? Tell me, little girl, is your boyfriend right? Is Sirius Black here? Why don’t you find him!”

“Stop it,” I said, my emotions getting the better of me, something I always hated.

“Thinking only for yourself, isn’t that right, Kitty?” as she looked at the confused faces, she laughed again. “You didn’t tell them that, either? You’re nothing but a liar! No one loves you, no on---”

“Oppungo!” I screamed, pointing at the bulbs and sending them to Bellatrix before she could finish another taunt. She was pelted with the bulbs and screamed in a fit of rage at me.


I felt pain sear within me, causing me to scream once again. The others were looking at me in horror. It wasn’t the most pain I had ever been in, but it was pretty damn close. It felt like my insides were being burned alive, which I’m pretty sure they were.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I screamed, holding my head. “Run!”

They took my advice and ran off, yelling curses as they went. The Death Eaters ran after them; they needed that bulb. You know, I really should stop calling it a bulb.

Bellatrix stood over me, smirking. “He isn’t here, is he?”

I felt another wave of pain go though me. “Not yet.”

Bellatrix snarled at me before running off after the others, leaving me by myself.

I grabbed my wand and began to run after them, only to be pulled aside by Luna.

“Luna! Luna, I didn’t do it, I swear--” I cried but she cut me off.

“I know you didn’t,” Luna assured me, a smile on her face despite the fact that we could easily die right now. “Come on.”

We ran off, towards the others, who were huddled behind a wall of bulbs, wands ready. We listened carefully for the Death Eaters, but it seemed they had found us, rather than us finding them.

“Stupefy!” Hermione yelled as a Death Eater attacked us. He fell to the ground with a thud, allowing us to get out of harms way… for about twenty feet before we were attacked by another Death Eater.

This was getting too hard. We were obviously out numbered and yet here we are, kids, trying to fight off Death Eaters for a glowing bulb?! All I can say is this better be the freakin’ Holy Grail of bulbs.

Ten minutes later, Hermione was nearly killed (she was knocked-out for the moment), Ron was attacked by brains, yes I did say brains, and was talking in tongues, Neville had his nose broken, Ginny had broke her ankle, Luna was also out cold after being thrown into a desk, and I looked like hell.

“Harry, we can’t make it any longer,” I panted, looking at the rest of us.

“We can’t just give up!” he said, glaring at me.

“Harry, for the last time! He. Isn’t. Here!” I said, though clenched teeth.

“Stop it you two!” Ginny said, throwing a piece of wood at us. “This is not the time for a lovers fight!”

There was a rather large boom from the distance, causing us to stop talking and probably breathing. There were footsteps running towards us, Harry and I raised our wands, preparing to attack when we saw Sirius and Mad-Eye and the rest of the Order.

“Elyse! Harry! What happened?” Tonks asked, looking at the group of us.

“Ron is talking in tongues, Luna and Hermione are out cold, Neville broke his nose, Ginny has a snapped ankle!” I said, quickly.

Mad-Eye walked over to Ron and did something, not sure what it was, but whatever it was he snapped back to normal.

“Ferula,” I said, pointing towards Ginny’s ankle, which suddenly wrapped up in a splint and bandage.

“I’ll help the girls,” Tonks said, looking at Luna and Hermione, “you guys go!”

I followed Lupin out of the door, suddenly becoming part of the chaos that was happening in the Department of Mysteries. Harry ran off with Neville and Sirius, leaving just me and Ginny as the others ran off.

“This is hell,” Ginny said, though the pain of her ankle.

“Tell me about it,” I muttered. We hurried off to a safe spot, where we found Ron, who agreed to stay with his sister. I ran off, dodging curses only by an inch, as I tried to find someone.

“Elyse!” Neville said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him and Harry. “Come on!”

“Where the hell is the glowing thing?!” I said, looking at Harry.

“Broken,” he called back, still running.

“You mean we risked our lives for something that just bro--!” I started to say but was cut off.

“Dumbledore!” Neville said, coming to a halt. The Death Eaters ran off, frightened. Only one couple were still fighting; Sirius and Bellatrix.

“You can do better than that!” Sirius called, dodging a shot of red light, laughing.

He didn’t realize that the next shot of red hit in square in the chest.

Sirius began to fall backwards into what appeared to be an archway. I watched all of this in horror.

“SIRIUS!” Harry yelled, “SIRIUS!”

I watched in horror as he fell into the archway, not reappearing. I saw Harry run after him, Lupin following close behind him. I heard him yelling for Sirius, Lupin telling him it was too late.

I fell to the ground, tears streaming down my face. Sirius was dead. He was gone, forever.

It was all my fault.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one was so hard to write! :(
I will now go cry before attempting to update again.
Comment! Share the woe!