Curiousity Killed the Cat

Life in Solitary

I woke up, groaning as the bright sunlight hit my sleepy eyes. I rolled over and, as usual, fell off the bed, landing on the dusty floor. I pushed myself off the bed, pushing stray hairs from my face, and sighed.

Another day in paradise.

I walked out of my room, ignoring the sound of Kreacher’s insults as I passed him in the hall. I walked into the kitchen, muttering to myself about how much I hate this shithole. I grabbed a butterbeer from the cabinet and took a long gulp, my usual morning cocktail.

Ever since the end of the school year, I have been doing nothing but wasting my life in a mixture of butterbeer and cereal. Not that I was depressed, although I was upset every now and then, but there was just nothing for me to do. It was the beginning of July, which meant I still had at least a month to burn until the school year, which sucked because I had nothing to do.

I missed Sirius.

I missed having someone to talk to, even if it meant he’d be teasing me mercilessly. I never thought I’d actually miss having him tease me about my blond hair, knowing how much I hate it. Remus had stopped by once, but I’m pretty sure it was just to make sure that I was alive and hadn’t killed myself yet. He brought some real food, which was magnificent seeing as I had been living off of cereal and butterbeer.

I sat down in a chair, putting my head in between my knees as I sighed. This is so boring, I cannot put it into words. The worst part was that I truly needed something to do, something that could distract me from Sirius’ death. Hermione wrote to me every now and then, but not enough to really distract me. I wrote Harry a letter about a week ago but he hasn’t responded, making me feel somewhat clingy.

Then I had just come to the conclusion that Harry was an idiot.

I tried to think of something to do that would not want to make me shoot myself in the foot, but was not coming up with anything somewhat interesting.

I could capture a spider and raise it to kill people… nah, spiders creep me out.

I could use the Permanent-Sticking charm on a cup and stick it to the wall… no, I can’t use magic outside of school.

I could leave the house, storm up to the new Minister of Magic and kick him in the balls…eh, I don’t feel like walking that much.

As you can see, the absence of humans has caused me to slowly lose my mind.

Needless to say, when I heard someone’s voice from the hallway, I fell out of my chair, butterbeer spilling all over me.

Déjà vu.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler, plus I liked the whole idea of it.
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