Curiousity Killed the Cat

Dirty Doings

**Note: This chapter has NO sex, despite what you might think!**

I woke up the next morning, feeling as if I had a very, very terrible hangover. My head was all heavy, my body stiff and I’m not sure where I was. After looking around the room, I realized that I was in my room. How did I get there? I vividly remember passing out on the kitchen table, not in my room.


“Are you finally up?” Ginny said, tossing a pillow at my half-sleeping form.

I yawned. “How long was I out?”

“Not as long as Harry,” she said, already dressed for the day, where I had yet to get out of bed…well, off of the floor. I’m glad I was completely out or else I wouldn’t have been able to sleep on something as hard as this floor.

“What time is it?” I asked, looking at the bright light coming from the window.

Ginny shrugged. “Around noon.”

“Great,” I sighed, running a hand though my messy bed head. I pushed myself off of the floor, after realizing my back hurt like a bitch, and grabbed my socks, which were off to the side and also bright pink, pulling them on.

“Just socks?” Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow. “You aren’t going to change?”

“Don’t diss my socks,” I warned, walking over to the door, still somewhat sleeping. Ginny laughed and followed me out of the room, closing the door on her way out. We walked down the stairs, well I actually kind of stumbled down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where everyone was hanging out.

“There you are!” Mrs. Weasley said, seeing me emerge from the stairs with Ginny. “How’d you sleep?”

“Like I was dead,” I said, sitting down next to Ron, who looked a bit worried, wondering if I was dead or something like that. “Where’s Harry?”

“Sleeping,” Hermione said, not looking up from her book “He got in late last night.”

I took a sip of my coffee, which Mrs. Weasley, bless her, brought me when I sat down. “Hey Ron, wanna see Hermione freak out in three seconds?”

Ron raised an eyebrow. “What are you…?”

“Hey Hermione,” I said loudly, making her look up from her book. “Guess what!”


“Our O.W.L results come in today.”





“Elyse, would you be a dear and go wake up Harry for me?” Mrs. Weasley asked, trying to calm down Hermione who was in some sort of trance.

“Sure,” I said, taking my coffee with me, hopping up the stairs until I found Fred and George’s room where Harry was staying. Sure enough, I could spot his messy hair from as far away as I was, his body spread out over the bed, sound asleep.

I set my coffee down on the side table, sitting on the edge of the bed before laughing at the site of Harry. I thought of a couple ways to wake him up, all of them quite cruel, and decided to be kind, rather than dump my coffee on him. I randomly doodled with my finger on his bare back, drawing everything from a flying carpet to a dog.

I was beginning to draw a map of the world made entirely out of cheese, when I felt a hand grab my wrist, stopping me from completely Africa. I glanced down at the hand, following it up and arm and to it’s body, which was no surprise to who it was.

“What are you doing?” he muttered, his voice hoarse from sleeping.

“I was suppose to wake you up,” I said, a tiny smile curving on my face.

“Then why are you drawing a map of the world made out of cheese on my back?” he asked, covering his face with a pillow.

I shrugged. “I could have done worse. Tell me, Mr. Potter, do you always sleep with your shirt off?”

“Wanna find out?” he said. I could hear the grin in his voice as I felt my face heat up, realizing what he just implied.

“I’d rather not,” I lied, trying to fan my blushing face without Harry noticing.

He noticed.

“Am I making you nervous?” he said, his voice low and right by my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin. I felt my body begin to heat up as his hands found my hips, keeping me locked in my spot. I had no escape, he had me right where he wanted me. And he knew it.

I bit my tongue, not trusting myself to speak. “Maybe.”

I felt his lips on my neck, erasing any thoughts that I might have been thinking at the time. I kept my mouth closed, not exactly sure of what might come out if I opened it.

“Maybe?” Harry repeated, his lips not moving from my neck, rather they were brushing against my skin as he spoke.

“Yes,” I breathed, closing my eyes.

I could feel his smile on neck, right below my jaw, driving me insane. “Was that so hard?”

I felt a smile form on my face. “You have no idea.”

I felt him inhale on the crook on my neck, causing my body to once again heat up. “You smell so good.”

“What do I smell like?” I asked, curiosity getting the best of me, even at a time like this.

Harry inhaled again. “Like some sort of flower. All I know, is that any time I smell it, it just heats up.”

“Heats up?” I questioned, ignoring my red cheeks.

“Mmmhmm,” he said, his lips vibrating against my skin. Was he teasing me? Because this had become pure torture, sitting here when he does that.

“Are you going to kiss me?” I blurted out, more heat going to my face. Have I ever blushed this hard before?

His lips left my neck, as he spoke next to my ear. “I don’t want to make you blush more than you already have.”

“Harry…” I said, trailing off, trying to think of something to scold him about but couldn’t come up with anything. He was right.


“Yes, love?” he asked, his lips moving down my neck, placing kisses every so often. I didn’t respond, not that I could have, for a few moments, unable to force words out of my mouth. I will not be desperate, I will not give into Harry, I will not admit anything.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” he teased, chuckling softly.

“No,” I said, somewhat unsure of myself. Could you blame me? My mind was too fogged to even remember my name, let alone something like that.

I felt his lips trail down my neck, this time on the other side. I opened my eyes, trying to focus on the wall rather than Harry’s lips with no such luck.

A strange, new sound came from my mouth when Harry ran over one spot with his lips. I prayed that he couldn’t have heard that.

I was wrong.

He froze, slowly retracing his steps back to the spot, kissing it softly, causing me to shudder. This is not good. I could feel him grin against my skin before kissing the spot again, causing me to nearly faint.

“Harry…” I growled, yes, growled.

I will say it now: I am not responsible for anything that happens within the next couple of minutes.

I felt his warm lips spread apart slightly, wetting that spot on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I could feel his tongue moving in tiny circles before he nipped at my neck, causing my breathing to become slightly, okay, very uneven.

I arched my back, pressing against him despite the fact that he was behind me. I closed my eyes, trying not to do anything that I could regret later today. In all honesty, I didn’t trust myself in my self-control anymore.

Harry brought his lips to my ear, slightly panting before asking, his voice low and husky. “Pink socks?”

“Way to kill it, Harry,” I sighed. “Way to kill it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: the ending was very hard to write because every time I started, instead of seeing Harry, I saw my boyfriend.
Anywho, people had messaged me saying they wanted more 'action'.
Is that enough spice for you?