Curiousity Killed the Cat

Consequences of Dirty Doings

After Harry killed the moment, I got off of his bed so he could get out and find a shirt, much to my disappointment. I tried to calm my breathing for the minute and a half it took Harry to find a decent shirt. No matter how hard I’d try, my heart was still thudding loudly within my chest.

Because that’s so not embarrassing.

I looked at my coffee, which was cold and forgotten, on the side table. I wondered how long we had been in here and was suddenly thankful that no one interrupted. That would have been bad…

“What are you thinking about?” Harry asked, pulling a simple navy t-shirt over his head. Let me clear something up: he was doing this about three feet away from me, so I had a hard time listening to what he was saying.

I shrugged. “Nothing, come on, the others are gonna be wondering where we are.”

Harry moved closer to me, pinning me against the door in a very tempting way. “We could make them wait a bit longer.”

“Just a bit longer,” I said, leaning in towards Harry. His warm hands found the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. Just as our lips were about to touch…

“Harry! Are you up?” Hermione said, knocking on the door, causing us to break apart.

“Yes, I am up, thank you,” Harry said, rolling his eyes at the door.

“Well, hurry up! We are going to Fred and George’s joke shop soon!” she said, her footsteps disappearing after a few moments.

“We better get going,” I said, laughing softly at his annoyed expression.

Harry stole a kiss. The another one. And another one. “Alright.”

I left his room, seeing as he still needed to get ready, and headed into my room to change out of my current outfit. I slipped on a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt and pulled a brown and yellow plaid tube-top over it. I slipped on a pair of brown boots before deciding I looked decent enough to go out in public.

I walked out of the room and hurried downstairs to meet up with everyone else. I guess I was the last one ready since Harry was also down in the crowd, talking to Ron.

“There you are!” Ginny said, pulling me over to her and Hermione.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I asked, sitting in the chair next to Ginny.

“Nothing, just waiting for Fleur to get ready,” Hermione grumbled, rolling her eyes.

“What’s that on your neck?” Ginny asked me, pointing to my neck.

That’s when Harry looked over, a smug smile on his annoyingly adorable face.

I put my hand on my neck and tried to pull it off like I was scratching it. “Oh, that? Just a bruise, clumsy me.”

“No, a bruise wouldn’t be red,” Hermione said, raising an eyebrow at my lame-ass excuse.

“Is that,” Ginny asked, a small smirk forming quickly on her face, “what I think it is?”

“No!” I said, my face heating up. I glanced at Harry, who just winked at me.

“Oh my God is that a---” Hermione started to say but I put my hand over her mouth.

“Keep your voice down!” I hushed, my face still red.

Ginny looked a bit shocked. “Is that why you took so long coming back?!”

“I’m going to go and stab myself in the temple,” I said, standing up and walking over to bathroom, fully aware that someone was following me. I pulled him inside the bathroom, glaring.

“What the hell is that!” I asked, gesturing towards my neck.

He smiled innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I glared at him before looking into the mirror, examining my neck, which in fact did have a nice, noticeable hickey. Curtsey of Harry.

“You’re mean,” I pouted, still glaring at him.

He pulled me into a hug, probably trying to hide his wide smile from his face. “You love me.”

“Whatever you say,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. “How can you be cool with this yet I am the one angry?”

“That’s easy,” Harry said, pulling back so I could see his grin. “I’m not the one with a hickey on my neck.


“Ah, there is our favorite blond!” a voice called over the chatter of the shop. Before I could turn around, I was nearly killed by the force of Fred and George.

“Hey my favorite twins,” I said, struggling to regain my balance. “Shop is pretty sweet.”

“Oh yeah, business is doing great,” George said, gesturing to the packed shop.

“So how are you?” Fred asked, his usual grin plastered on his face.

I shrugged. “No different than the last time you saw me.”

“I beg to differ!” George said, smirking at me. He nudged Fred, telling him something I didn’t catch.

I raised an eyebrow. “What is that suppose to mean?”

“Tell me Fred, do you remember that being there?”

“Why no George, I do not.”

I sighed frustrated. “What are you talking about!”

They tried to hold in their laughter. “I see you and Harry are doing, er, well.”

I realized what they were saying and harden my eyes. “Oh.”

That’s when they burst out laughing.

“I wouldn’t be laughing you two,” I said, over their cries. “I got that in your room.”

That shut them up.

“Oh, God, I am so glad we don’t live there anymore,” Fred said, looking disgusted.

“Ugh, you two didn’t do anything else that would make me never ever want to use a bed again?” George asked, looking a bit ill.

I smirked. “Maybe.”

“Well, now we must go find Harry and ask him if you two did the unmentionables in our room,” Fred said, walking away, followed by George.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I really needed to get cover up or something to cover this thing up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Elyse's Outfit
Ah, the woes of having friends!
I should have another one out later today!
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