Curiousity Killed the Cat

Public Personal Life

After spending the rest of the day in Diagon Alley, we decided that it was time to head back, seeing as Hermione begged us to just in case the O.W.L. results had come when we were gone. We grabbed our things, which ranged from joke shop items from school supplies before heading home, allowing Hermione to freak out within the privacy of the house.

I followed Ginny up to her room, not wanting to listen to Hermione anymore. I sat down on the mattress before laying down, tired.

“How long have you and Harry been together?” Ginny asked, hopping on her bed, watching me with excited eyes.

“Do you mean officially or how long we’ve liked each other?” I asked, knowing that they were completely different.

She shrugged. “Officially.”

“Then it would be about, like, seven months or so,” I said, trying to count backwards. “What about you miss? I’ve heard you’ve been seeing a couple of people.”

Ginny blushed. “Well, I suppose I have.”

I grinned. “I have a feeling that I don’t want to hear the gory details.”

“Like we all want to know what you and Harry do in your spare time!” she said, blushing harder.

“Hey now, I don’t tell you that stuff!” I protested.

“I’ve noticed, it’s Harry who gives Ron snips of it then him and his big mouth informs me,” Ginny explained, smirking at my shocked face.

“Great, so what do you know?”

“Just to never go into the broom closet on the fourth floor or the one at Sirius‘ house,” she said, laughing. “And, that he’s the reason you can make a Patronus.”

“He told Ron that!?” I nearly shouted, heat rushing to my face.

“No,” Ginny said, shaking her head. “Sorry to break it to you, but everyone in D.A. saw that episode.”

“That was so embarrassing,” I muttered, covering my face in a pillow.

“I thought it was kind of cute,” she admitted, shrugging her shoulders.

I rolled my eyes from under the pillow. “Cute?”

“And also somewhat disturbing, but in a good way!” she said, laughing.

I sighed. “That’s good to know.”
“Oh, cool it. Besides, you two are in loooove aren’t you?” Ginny teased, although curiosity could be heard in her teasing tone.

“Why are you asking all these questions?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Better now than never, right?” she said, looking at the wall.

“Why? Are you convinced you’re gonna die?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“You never know,” I heard her mumbled, still not meeting my eye.

“Ginny,” I sighed, “I can tell you this: you will not die because of everything that has been happening.”

“Really?” she asked, sitting up quickly.

“Yes, you’ll be fine, now can we stop asking me about my personal life?”

“Fine, I’ll just go ask Ron.”

Die Ron, die…

We were all ready to leave, minus the fact that Ron was still half-asleep, for the train. I had my truck with everything in it already packed and ready to go. I was drinking a cup of coffee while Ron complained, ignoring Hermione’s scolding that coffee stains your teeth or something. Like I care.

“Hermione, for the last time, I do not care,” I said, rolling my eyes. She huffed before going off towards the kitchen, probably to burn any coffee packages that were left.

Harry sat down next to me. “I don’t want to go to school.”

“You sound like a little kid,” I laughed.

“I have to go to some ‘Slug Club’ event on the train,” Harry said quickly, as if he hoped I couldn’t understand it.

I raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”

“So I won’t be able to sit with you on the train,” he said, getting to the point the was originally trying to make.

“Whatever will I do?” I said, sarcastically.

“You could at least pretend that you’d miss me,” he said, sighing dramatically.

“What’s the point? It’s not like you won’t just meet up with me after the feast and drag me to a broom closet,” I said, smiling.

“Don’t give me ideas.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know: this one sucked.
I dunno, I'm in an iffy mood. At times like this, I enjoy blaming other things.
Today the blame goes to aliens.
Screw it, leave me comments telling me how much you hate it or enjoy it!