Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Start of a Beautiful Friendship


“Why are we doing this again?”

“Because we need something new to use?”

“Fair enough.”


Perhaps I should rewind. I have been at Hogwarts for roughly two weeks; in those two weeks I’ve managed to get myself five detentions and more points earned than anyone else. I guess the hat was right: I was a smart student but a terrible trouble-marker.

Sirius wasn’t disappointed, actually he was happy to be able to see a different house than Gryffindor. Besides, he wanted me to find out if there were any passages he had missed.

I should start at the beginning when all this started, which was Thursday…

“Oh my God! It’s Cedric!” one of the many annoying girls shrieked as a tall, handsome man walked into the Great Hall for breakfast. I scoffed, causing Luna to look up from her breakfast with a dreamy look on her face.

“I hate guys,” I muttered, taking a bite of my apple, shaking my head. Luna smiled before going back to her breakfast, which it looked like she was talking to. I don’t mind, she’s my friend. Hell, I see things in my head and people think she’s insane?

I got up from my spot, taking my apple with me, and waved goodbye to Luna. I was halfway though the hallway when I ran into Professor Snap, who had taken a rather bad attitude towards me. Perhaps it was because I was the best at Potions though out the whole school. Or maybe it was because I was blond.

“Miss Black, are you eating in the hallway?” he asked, his black eyes peering into my amber ones. I held the stare, taking a bite of an apple while I did.

“Is that a problem, Professor?” I asked, swallowing the chunk of apple I had been chewing.

“No eating in the hallways, Miss Black.”

“So I’m not aloud to eat?”



“You may eat at meal times.”

“But it is meal time.”


And with that, he walked away. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my ‘forbidden’ apple as I made my way to my class, which was Defense Against the Dark Arts. We had Professor Moody as out teacher and, according to what I’ve heard, he’s been though hell and back. Today, we had class with the Gryffindors, which meant that I’d have to be in a classroom with a crazy teacher and annoying teenagers. Wonderful.

“Settle down!” Professor Moody barked, silencing the room in a second. I guess everyone was right: Professor Moody was kind of crazy. I was sitting in the back of the room, not wanting to have attention on me. Although, the look Professor Moody gave me was more than enough of a reason to stay in the back.

I was half listening to him but I had heard enough to know that this class would not be fun. From what I had scrapped together, he was going on about the Unforgivable Curses, which was just depressing. He even went as far to demonstrate them, which shocked some and scared others. I didn’t mind much. I had seen them preformed before.

Later that night, I had to go to detention, which was going to be long and boring, as it always was. Only this time, I wasn’t alone. When I got to the classroom, I saw two boys, twins, sitting down as well. They both had red hair and freckles, they were both grinning, despite Snape’s glare. They both waved at me, causing me to smile. I couldn’t help it. I had seen them around the school but I’ve never really talked to them.

After detention, the twins met up with me, those grins still plastered on their faces.

“Would you like to help us with a, how do we say, project?” the one on the right asked.

“What kind of help?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

The one on the left laughed. “Well, we’ve been watching you---”

The one on the right finished the sentence. “----And we think you might be able to help us---

The one on the left began to speak again. “----Plus, we figured you might get something out of it as well!”

I thought this over. As long as it wasn’t illegal, I don’t see the harm. My smile told them I was in.


“Why are we doing this again?”

“Because we need something new to use?”

“Fair enough.”

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