Curiousity Killed the Cat

The Way it Should Be

For all of you who know me, I love Yiruma! I think his works are so amazing!
Love Me by Yiruma

I really need to stop doubting people, it will cause me a lot less trouble.

Which might have let me not to get in the position I am already in. Let me clear this up: I was walking down the hallway after dinner, trying to get to my house before I got busted for being out or something stupid like that. It had been three weeks since Hermione had talked to me, which meant four weeks since I had last talked to Harry.

I was walking, minding my own business when I felt someone drag me. I turned around and saw Ginny, so of course I didn’t fight back, expecting she wanted to tell me about her boyfriend or something like that. I didn’t expect her to drag me into the Room of Requirements where I saw Hermione.

“Would someone like to explain to me why we are here?” I asked, rubbing my wrist where Ginny had pulled me. Of course, no one answered me and it didn’t click in my mind what could possibly be happening here until I saw Harry and Ron enter the door.

“Oh, hell no,” I said, my jaw dropping. Before I could jump out of this place, Hermione tackled me.

Let me tell you something, the way she tackles, she could play for a football team.

I guess Harry had the same idea I had because I heard a loud thud and saw Ron tackle Harry. Normally I’d say something like “great minds think alike” but it seems we both made the idiotic move.

“No, you two are going to stay here until you make-up!” Hermione said, pinning me to the ground.

“You’re crazy,” I said, panting.

I guess I spoke too soon. When she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed me to Harry was when she became crazy. They left, but not after grabbing another pair of hand cuffs and cuffing my other hand to a pole in the corner.

“This is so stupid,” I muttered, staring down at the handcuffs. In all honesty, I kind of wanted to thank Hermione for this. He couldn’t ignore me now, it was time to make him pay for everything he did to me, the fail-free way: guilt.

“I’m sorry,” he said, looking at me with those evil green eyes that I adore. I bit my lip, trying to come up with a reply that didn’t give into him or involve some sort of curse word.

“You’re a jerk,” I said, rolling my eyes despite my pounding heart.

“You‘re overreacting. I didn‘t mean it that way,” Harry shot back. I know understand why Hermione handcuffed my other hand as well, it was so I couldn’t punch him.

Nicely played…

“Excuse me for getting a little upset when you called me a guy!” I said, glaring at him. It seemed to click in my mind how close we were, seeing as we were handcuffed together and it had a surprisingly small chain linking them.

“I said I was sorry! You’re the one who won’t just forgive me,” he said, rolling his eyes as if I was the most annoying person he had ever met, which I just might be. I was stubborn and I didn’t like to give into people. He can’t have everything he wants, he has to work for my forgiveness.

“Agh!” I said, unable to find a response to that. In all honesty, he was right, I was the one refusing to forgive him, only because I wasn’t going to go down easy. I didn’t want to make it seem like I’d take him back in a blink of an eye. As childish as it sounds, I didn’t do anything wrong, it was all his fault. Well, in my mind it was.

“Why can’t you just forgive me?” Harry asked, this time in a softer tone.

“Because you don’t deserve it,” I said, my voice strangled. I loved Harry, but I couldn’t just brush this one off.

“Does it mean nothing to you that I haven’t done anything but think about you? Do you know how hard it was for me to just watch you walk down the hall, barely noticing me? Do you know how hard it is to watch you ignore me? To realize that you really hate me? To understand that I screwed up big time?”

“I don’t hate you,” I said, my voice so low I doubt he managed to hear me. I slowly raised my head up, my eyes moving from the ground, up his figure, and to his face, my heart breaking.

“I don’t deserve someone like you,” he finally said, his voice as sincere as it could get.

“I want someone like you,” I said, my eyes wide yet serious.

Harry sighed, torn between what he wanted and what was best. Isn’t that how life always works? We are constantly forced to chose between what we know is right and what we want. I want Harry, more than anything in the world, but I don’t want him to be hurt. I know Harry was thinking the same thing, the same thing he tried to tell me in the broom closet last summer. We couldn’t be together without someone getting hurt yet here we are.

In the end, it all comes down to the moment. The moment is what decides our fate and, despite what we might think or believe, we can’t control it. Some say we are in control of our actions and words, I disagree. Sometimes you can’t control what you feel or what you do, sometimes it just comes out, unable to be stopped by anyone except destiny.

“I am sorry,” he said, finally breaking the silence.

No words could describe how I felt or what I was thinking, only actions could, the kind that flows out of you like a speeding bullet, unable to be stopped. I reached up, having to stand on the tip of my toes, and pressed my lips against his, embracing the feeling of his soft lips that I missed. His hands found my waist as he kissed me back, refusing to ever let me go.

Just the way it should be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for all the comments! You guys know I love you!
Alright, so people have been asking me to check out their stories or whatnot, which I am happy to do just give me a link or something!
I like all kinds of stories but I'm a sucker for sad ones!
But, if the story isn't written in a good format (ex. it is all lower case or it is all bunched together with no space) I will not read it.
Anywho! Leave me comments and tell me what you'd like to see!