Curiousity Killed the Cat

Wrong Day to Wear Green

Time moves so quickly when you don’t know how much you have left.

How much time did Harry and I have left? Was it possible to even guess? But it did fly by, before I knew it, I was standing in front of the mirror, looking at my dress. My hand brushed over the dark green fabric, smiling as I realized that they were like Harry’s eyes.

Why was I in a dress thinking of Harry? Tonight was the Slug man him self’s Christmas part and, as an oh so dedicated member, Harry is going to drag me along with him. In all honesty, I missed Professor Snape as our Potions teacher. I would take a sneer and the silent treatment than a bright, talkative Slug.

“Hey Elyse, you look lovely,” Luna said, coming up the stairs. “Oh, and Harry is waiting outside.”

“Oh, thank you,” I said, going as fast as I could in a pair of high heels down the stairs and out the door, sighing in relief when I saw Harry.

“You look beautiful,” he said, a smile playing on his lips.

“Thank you,” I said, blushing a bit. “I hope you know I really do love you; I’m wearing heels.”

He laughed. “I should be honored. Come on, Hermione should be at the party too.”

“Plan on ditching me, Mr. Potter?” I teased as we walked down the hall, heading for the Slug masters party.

Sticking his hands in his pockets, he responded. “Never.”

I smiled. “Good, I’d hate to be left alone with you ‘Slug Club’ dorks.”

“You’ll never let me live that one down,” he muttered.

“Hey, slugs are… attractive?” I said, trying to fit the laughs that were threaten to erupt.

We heard the sounds from the party and realized we had to be close. “You know, we could just skip the party…”

I scoffed. “If I had to wear heels, you will suffer as well.”

“So dramatic,” he said, slipping his arm around my waist as we entered the party, almost instantly getting pelted by the Slug himself, who was wearing dress robes which resembled a slug, in my mind at least.

“Harry, my boy! Good to see you, good to see you!” he said, violently shaking Harry’s hand. Turning to me, he added, “And who is this lovely young lady?”

Gag. “Elyse Black.”

“Elyse Black.. Elyse Black… Oh yes! The smart little Ravenclaw, isn’t it!” he said, trying to figure where he had heard of me.

“It is,” I said, trying very, very hard not to roll my eyes.

“Ah! Harry, you’ve been holding out on us!” he said, nudging Harry’s shoulder as he let out a round of laughter.

Kill me now. “Professor, I think someone is waving at you.”

When he turned around, I felt Harry pull me towards him, sending us though the crowd of people. We managed to make it towards the back corner where not many people were.

“Smooth,” I said, laughing at his annoyed face.

“Thank you,” he said, rolling his eyes at my teasing. “I’m glad you enjoy watching me be eaten alive.”

“Is that what you call it?” I asked. “’Eaten alive’?”

“You have no idea.”

“Hey, he was totally checking me out,” I said, gesturing towards the dress.

“Great,” he said, sighed. “We’ve been here for nearly five minutes and my date has already been hit on.”

I tossed my hair over my shoulder. “What can I say? It’s a gift.”

He stole a kiss before grinning. “You’re a nerd.”

“You have to save me,” Hermione said, grabbing me and Harry and pulling us into the shadows. We had been here for roughly an hour or so, doing nothing but trying to avoid every other living soul, and hadn’t seem Hermione since now.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow at her messed up hair and dress strap, which hung over her arm.

“Don’t ask, just hide me,” she said, ducking behind Harry and I.

“Who’s your date?” I asked, curious.

“The one who almost made Gryffindor Keeper,” Harry said, rolling his eyes. He obviously wasn’t well liked in the Gryffindor house.

“Why are you going with him?” I asked, clearly I was missing some sort of vital information.

“To make Ron jealous,” Harry said, too low for Hermione to hear.

“Oh no, if he asks where I am, you haven’t seen me!” she said before darting off in the opposite direction.

“Why do they fight it?” I asked, sighing. “They are going to end up together.”

Harry raised an eyebrow, amused. “Is this your powers telling you or your girl-instinct?”

“Both,” I said, taking a sip of my water (I had shot down the ‘Slug cocktail’ that I was offered).

“Hey Harry, have you seen Hermione?” a tall, somewhat handsome boy asked, walking up to us. I assumed this was Hermione’s date.

“Actually, you just missed her,” Harry said, sparing Hermione the annoyance of this simple minded fellow.

“Oh, alright,” he said, stumbling off to the party, attempting to look for her. By stumbled I mean he looked like a troll of some sort, which I wouldn’t be more surprised if he was.

I burst out laughing the moment he left. “That’s her date?”

“Oh yes, I am not quite sure what was going though her mind at the time,” Harry answered, cracking a smile.

“Of all the people…” I said, shaking my head disappointed. “I mean, he’s somewhat good looking but he’s so… thick.”

“Uh,” Harry coughed. “’Somewhat good looking’?”

I gave him a quick kiss. “Not nearly as handsome as you are.”

“What the hell are they playing?” Harry asked, listening to the very… strange music that was coming from somewhere. It sounded like some sort of country song but I wasn’t sure. I could hear the guitars in the background but it was the lyrics that totally threw me off.

“I have no idea… wait, did it just say ‘She thinks my tractor’s sexy’?” I said, listening close to the deep voice.

“No song would say that,” Harry said, shaking his head. I would have agreed with him if I hadn’t heard that but, truth be told, as the chorus came along…

“She thinks my tractor’s sexy! It really turns her on. She’s always staring at me, when I’m chugging along…”

“Oh my God,” I said, putting my hand over my mouth. I’m not sure what was worse: those very interesting lyrics or when the Slug began to dance and sing along to it as if it was like a freaking masterpiece.

“Yeah, that is our cue to leave,” Harry said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him. We weaved our way though the many other couples who also had the same idea as Harry and I, and were sprinting for an escape from this hell.

“What a party,” I sighed. “What a party.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Elyse's Dress
Because Beach.Babe wanted me to somehow add the song "She Think's My Tractor's Sexy" so there you have it!
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