Curiousity Killed the Cat

My First and Last Quidditch Match

“Wait, let me get this straight,” I said, raising an eyebrow at Ginny, who had come flying down the hall and nearly winded me. “Ron ate a package of Chocolate Cauldrons spiked with a strong love potion and he was convinced he was in love with Romilda Vane. So Harry took him to see the Slug and they had a drink and Ron was poisoned?”

“Yes,” she said, nodding her head.

“And all of this happened when I eating breakfast?”

“Uh huh.”

“Alright,” I said, shrugging. “Let’s go up to the hospital wing.”

“Well, this isn’t how I pictured giving him his birthday present,” Fred said, looking at the unconscious Ron laying before us. I think out of all of us, Hermione was the most affected by this, seeing as she sat by the end of the bed, not moving, just watching him.

“Won-Won!” a loud, shrilly voice said before running full speed at us, sending me into Harry, the two of us tumbling to the ground.

I groaned. “Who the hell was that?”

“His girlfriend,” Harry said, from under me.

“Ron has a girlfriend?” I scoffed. Yes, Ron, the human garbage can has managed to land himself a girlfriend? Either she was very sympathetic of his issues or she was as dumb as a doornail.

“Much to our horror,” George added.

“Er, do you mind getting off of me?” Harry asked, grinning as my flaming red face.

“Oh! Sorry!” I said, trying to get myself off of him as gracefully as I could, which no such luck.

“Won-Won! Is he okay? Is he alive?!” the shrilly voiced girl asked, wearing too much pink for my liking. Okay, so she was as dumb as a doornail.

“No, we are just huddling around his dead body,” I said, rolling my eyes. Fred and George laughed while Hermione tried to fight the smile off of her serious face.

“Uh, and who are you?” the girl asked, shooting me what could be classified as a dirty look but turned out to just look like an ugly pout.

I opened my mouth to speak but Harry cut me off. “My girlfriend.”

Ron muttered something that sounded very much like “Hermione” much to my amusement. The girl huffed and puffed and blew a raspberry at us before storming out of the hospital wing, allowing us to burst out laughing the moment she had disappeared around the corner.

“Way to pick them, Ron,” Ginny said, cracking a smile. I’m sure Hermione would have said something but she was too busy beaming at the sleeping form on Ron.

Today was the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match. Ron was getting better, but he wasn’t aloud to go to the match, meaning that troll Hermione went with to the Christmas party was the Keeper for this match. Oh a brighter side, this would be the match Luna did the commentary on, which I was looking forward to.

Now, I normally don’t go to these kinds of events, seeing as they are just flying in circles tossing a ball around, but since Luna would be doing commentary and Harry would be playing, I found myself sitting with Hermione (who finally left Ron’s beside) freezing my ass off.

“Why do you even come to these things?” I hissed, wrapping my jacket tighter around me.

“No idea,” she said, shivering besides me. Thankfully, it wasn’t snowing but it was cold.

“How’s ‘Won-Won’?” I asked, a smirk forming at my face.

Hermione glared at the field. “I wouldn’t know.”

“You wouldn’t know?” I scoffed. “You’ve barely left his bedside, Hermione.”

“Elyse,” she sighed, shaking her head.

“Envy is a Deadly Sin,” I teased, nudging her shoulder.

“Yes, but so is pride,” she shot back, rolling her eyes at me.


“Oh! Look, here they come,” she said, pointing to the field, which now held players zooming around on broomsticks. I searched for Harry and found him towards the center, shaking hands with the Hufflepuff captain.

“How long do these games usually last?” I asked, wrapping my Ravenclaw scarf around my neck, trying to save my body from frost bite.

“Depends,” Hermione said, shrugging her shoulders.

I groaned. “This is hell.”

I watched Harry fly around for a while, quite bored. At least Luna’s commentary was amusing, it left me with a smile on my frozen face. I saw that thick Keeper talking to two other boys, not really watching the goals at all. As you can tell, my education on this sport is terrible. Bare with me.

“What’s happening?” I asked Hermione, who had a very pissed off expression on her face.

“I don’t know but if he doesn’t stop…” she said, trailing off.


I tried to find the source of the sound and saw Harry, falling, and that moron Keeper holding a bat. I looked at Harry, horrified, as he rocketed towards the ground, thankfully being caught by two boys.

I looked at Hermione, who had her hand over her mouth, staring at the game in shock.

I blinked. Once, twice. “Crap.”

I’m not sure who moved faster, Hermione or me, but before we knew it, we had leaped out of our seats and were rushing down the stairs and out of the stands, heading for the castle. Of course, the evil nurse refused to let us in because he was being ‘treated’.

“For the love of! Why can’t we see him!” I said, sighing angrily.

“He just took a good knock to the head!” she said, glaring at my tone of voice.

I clenched my jaw. “How long until we can see him?”

“When I say you may!” she said, closing the door in our faces.

“Great,” I said, sighing.

“Tell me about it,” Hermione muttered, crossing her arms against her chest.

I sat down, my back against the door. “I always hated this sport”

I have no idea how long we were sitting there but as every moment passed by, the urge to shoot myself in the foot began to get stronger and stronger. Hermione and I just at thee, backs against the door, doing nothing. Every now and then she’d vent about Ron, making me resist the urge to tell her that they would get married and have children.

“You could just tell him how you feel…” I sighed.

“He has a girlfriend,” she muttered, ignoring my advice.

“Who is an idiot,” I said, rolling my eyes at her stubbornness. “Hermione, life is too short.”

She was about to speak when the doors opened, causing me and Hermione to get a good wooden door to the back, something that would surely bruise.

“Can we---” Hermione started to ask.

“Yes, yes, you can go!” the nurse said, frustrated. We darted in and ran to Harry’s bed, where he was still knocked out. The nurse muttered something under her breath, which I chose to ignore, before tending to the other people in the hospital wing.

“He looks like hell,” I said, tilting my head to the side.

“You’d look bad if you were knocked in the head that hard,” Harry muttered, causing both Hermione and me to nearly have a heart attack.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped, a hand over her heart.

“Give us a warning next time,” I said, trying to catch my breath.

“Where’s the fun in that?” he asked, half-grinning at us.

“If I wasn’t happy you were alive, I’d kill you.”
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Elyse's Outfit
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