Curiousity Killed the Cat

Dumbledore's Funeral

“Albus Dumbledore was a great man…” yet another wizard started, tearing up before he could manage another word. We were at Dumbledore’s funeral, surrounded by so many new faces. I sat next to Harry, his hand in mine, and watched as they all started like that. I had to ask myself: did they really know him as well as they think they did? Did any of us truly know Albus Dumbledore?

The sun shone down on us, despite the gloomy storm clouds that were cast over Hogwarts, ending another Headmaster’s time. I put a strand of hair behind my ear, looking at everyone who was still around. Some students, some parents, some ‘old friends’, and some just here because they feel like they should be there. Where did I fall? Students? Friends? Or just someone who feels like they should be here?

I leaned my head against Harry’s shoulder, closing my eyes as I listened to yet another speech roll on. It wasn’t that I was bored, it was just that I had heard it all before. I didn’t know him that well, how would I be able to understand what these people were feeling? So I kept my eyes closed, letting my mind run about though happy thoughts. I had dealt with enough death.

“They are putting the casket down,” Harry said, softly so only I could hear. I opened my eyes and watch the white casket, watching as it burst into flames, a timeless end.

I watched, my eyes wide and emotionless. I was numb, just as I had been when Sirius had died. I knew that Harry was taking this badly, not nearly as bad as Sirius’ death, but still enough. I watched as people shed a tear, some leaving, unable to watch their old friend go. So many people, so many different stories, who’s to believe?

Everyone began to get up, some heading back to the castle while others went down to Hogsmeade. I held onto Harry’s hand as we weaved our way though the crowd of crying people, meeting up with Hermione and Ron, who (besides still not together) were waiting for us.

“You look nice,” I commented on Hermione, who had her bushy hair straight and sleek, just like it was at the ball.

“Thank you,” she said, blushing a bit.

“Come on, lets head back to the train, it leaves in about an hour but if we want a good compartment…” Ron said, shoving his hands in his pocket.

“We’ll meet you there,” Harry said, not letting go of my hand. They nodded and made their way over the green, heading for the train with all the other people.

“Why are we meeting them there?” I asked, watching the sun reflect on the lake.

“I wanted to talk to you,” he said, watching the lake rather than me.

“If it is about how it’s not safe…” I warned, a harsh bit to my voice.

“No, it’s not that,” he assured me, a small smile playing on his face.

“Oh,” I said, surprised. “Well, what is it?”

“I wanted to give you something,” he said, reaching into his pocket to reveal a long, thin black box. Letting go of my hand, he gave it to me, putting both his hands in his pockets.

“What is it?” I asked, running a finger over the black velvet.

“Think of it as an I’m-sorry-I-was-a-jerk gift,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. I laughed, opening the thin box and looked inside.

“Harry,” I said softly, looking at my gift. It was a bracelet with three pearls and three different color beads, all resting on a thin gold chain. It was simple yet said everything.

“Do you like it?” he asked, nervously.

I ran a finger over the purple bead. “I love it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, followed by a groan. I turned around and saw the new Minster of Magic flagging Harry down.

He looked at me, then back at the Minster. “Go, I’ll wait here.”

He threw me an apologetic look before walking over in the direction of the Minster, taking his time. I smiled and looked back down at the bracelet; he really is too good for me.

I wanted to know how this war would end, I really do, but I can’t see it. I see things the moment they are made, the moment that person makes that choice. How am I to know who will win: Harry or the Dark Lord? I can’t see it, they haven’t made up their minds yet.

With Hermione and Ron or Tonks and Lupin, they’ve made their choices. When Ron got jealous at the Yule Ball, he made up his mind, when Hermione got jealous of Ron and his girlfriend, she made up her choice. Tonks made up her choice, she wants Remus no matter what he is, while Remus wants Tonks, even though he won’t admit it. They have made their choices, they know what they want.

So I watched as Harry and the Minster talked, probably about Dumbledore if I had to take a swing. I didn’t want Harry to leave me, not even if it was for my own good.

What point is life without someone who makes it living?
♠ ♠ ♠
Elyse's Outfit
Awww, fluff and some sadness!
Sorry for the wait, I slept in too late! :)
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The bracelet