Curiousity Killed the Cat

Passionate Goodbyes

I watched the countless trees and wilderness we passed by on the train, seeing them for only a moment before it disappeared, gone until next year, if there would be one. Birds flying in the sky, free to go where they want yet still captured in this world.

I managed to drown out the others voice, ignoring Ron and Hermione’s hourly fight, this time about how he hates her cat. We didn’t have much time to change so Hermione and I were still in our dresses, the top of mine being covered with a grey hoodie, making it less formal. Harry wasn’t listening to Ron or Hermione, despite the fact he was talking to them before their fight, instead he opted for playing with my hair.

I yawned into my hoodie sleeve, I didn’t get much sleep last night with the whole near-death experience.

“Tired?” Harry asked, his lips near my ear. I nodded and turned so I was leaning on him, closing my eyes. I felt his arm snake around my waist, holding me against him. I could feel myself already dozing off, despite everything.

I was sleepy, tired of reality. I preferred my dreams where everything was happy and there was peace, even though it sounded next to impossible and quite cliché. I felt myself slowly drift into the world of my dreams, further away from reality every moment I stayed in Harry’s arms.

If only we could stay like this.

“Is she asleep?” Hermione asked, finally ending the argument with Ron.

Harry looked down at Elyse, who was leaning against him. “I think so.”

Despite the fact that he had a person leaning on him, his left side of his body numb from the consent pressure, he was enjoying it. Elyse was cold but was very soft and he didn’t mind if she was crushing him. Just her scent flying in front of his nose was enough to make me him. She was perfect.

“Where’s she going to go?” Ron said, his voice somewhat nervous.

“She can’t go back to Grimmauld Place since Snape knows where it is,” Hermione pointed out. It hadn’t dawned on Harry that Elyse really didn’t have a place to go. Where would she go?

“I’m sure they’ll figure it out,” Hermione assured him, looking at his worried face.

“I’ll be right back,” Ron said, getting up out for the compartment, probably for food. Silence fell between Harry and Hermione, until she broke it.

“She really likes you, Harry,” she said, her tone serious yet somehow threatening.

“I know,” he said, looking down at her sleeping form, her body moving up and down every breath she took. “But I can’t lose her.”

“They are going to look for her either way, Harry! Don’t leave her, not like that,” she snapped.

Harry took his eyes off of Elyse, glancing at Hermione as he spoke. “You don’t understand. Just drop it.”

“Fine,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “But if she kills herself or something, I will make you regret it.”

“Hermione, if I leave her, you won’t have to make me regret. I’ll regret it every second I’m away from her,” he said, softly, bringing his eyes back to Elyse, who was still sleeping peacefully. He was telling the truth; he would.

Every agonizing second without her, his own hell.

“Wake up,” someone said softly, nudging me gently in the side. “We’re here.”

“Too tired,” I grumbled, not opening my eyes. “Can’t move.”

“Do you want me to carry you?” Harry asked; I could hear the grin in his voice.

“No, I want to sleep,” I said, refusing to move. The next thing I knew, I was being tossed over someone’s shoulder, causing me to become fully awake in a matter of seconds.

“Okay, okay! I’m up, can you put me down?” I said, pouting. Harry slipped me off of his shoulders, a grin full on his face as he saw my pouting face. I grabbed my bag and stretched, stiff from staying like that for, like, two hours.

“Come on, we better get going,” I said, holding back a yawn. I tried to get past Harry but he wouldn’t move, allowing me to finally realize we were the only two left in the compartment, which might help explain why at that moment he crashed his lips onto mine. I dropped my bag, having it land with a small thud next to me, as I looped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. We backed up against the wall, well somewhat. Mostly it was just me with the back of my legs against the seat, doing some sort of back-bend. Point was we were against a wall.

“Harry? Elyse? Where the hell are you---Holy shit,” a voice, which sounded very much like Ginny, said, getting closer and closer. Now, Harry and I have been interrupted which a couple of times in our relationship, so excuse us for ignoring Ginny and continue to kiss until we heard Ron and Hermione join her “Holy shit” group.

We relentlessly broke the kiss, although we didn’t untangle ourselves, and turned to look at the small crowd we had gathered.

“Oh come on,” I said, rolling my eyes. “It’s one of those very passionate goodbyes, you know? Like in the movies? Oh screw you guys.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Brownie points to those chapter-Nazi's.
Gotta love the readers.
Anywho, if you guys want me to check out some of your stories, send me a link! I'd love to!
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