Curiousity Killed the Cat

I Attract the Crazies

Before I let your minds wonder too far, we did not blow up the whole school. That rather loud BOOM was just the sound of about twenty dung bombs being thrown to the group. The idea was to make that our distraction while we went into Flinch’s office and see what we can grab. Why? No idea.

“Lys,” George said, using his new nickname for me, “keep watch.”

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help laughing at the same time. I saw Flinch run out and look around for the source of the explosion and heard him curse when he saw the mess. I tried not to laugh which would give away my hiding place and just prayed Fred and George would be able to get out in time.

As if on cue, the twins popped up next to me, their bags full of who-knows-what, grinning like idiots.

“Lets get outta here,” I muttered before taking off with the twins right on my tail. When we were finally out of Flinch’s view and grasp, we burst out laughing.

“So Lys, how’s Ravenclaw?” Fred mocked ask, his grin never fading. I not-so-playfully pushed him but grinned back none the less.

“Such taunts,” George said, shaking his head like a disappointed parent. In the distance, we could hear Flinch yell a string of profanities.

“Sounds like my cue,” I said, flashing them a smile, “if you ever need any help, you know where to find me!”

“Yeah,” Fred yelled as I ran off, “in Ravenclaw!

The Triwizard Tournament was still going on as we entered the cold days of November. Sirius has been worried sick; Harry had somehow gotten put into the tournament at age fourteen. I was never one to keep up with current events but at the moment, I had to assume Sirius that he was still alive.

I also was unaware of the fact that following the Triwizard Tournament would be the Yule Ball.

That is, of course, until I was asked by a number of guys if I would go with them, which was, for a lack of a better word, torture. I had turned them all down by either giving them a confused look and walking away or by having my mouth agape and eyes wide before walking off. Needless to say, I still didn’t have a date.

“You don’t have a date yet?” Sirius asked. We were talking though the mirror he had given me, his face a mixture of relief and shock. “Hasn’t anyone asked you?”

“Well yes,” I admitted, feeling my cheeks heat up, “but I didn’t know about this…this…ball until a day ago!”

“Do you even have a dress?” Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow as a smirk formed on his face.

“Do I look like the type of girl who owns a dress?!” I asked, glaring at the little reflection of Sirius.

“Well, you have money if you need to, right?” I nodded. “Then I have to go, you need to go find a date.

I glared at his mocking tone. After Sirius had left, I went down to the library, in an attempt to find something to distract me from the whole Yule Ball deal. As I was looking for a book, I accidentally ran into someone carrying a bunch of books.

“Oh! Sorry!” I said, helping the person up, who turned out to be a girl with bushy brown hair. I knew her. She was Harry’s friend, the one who looked at me funny.

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she said, giving me a slight smile. I blinked and as I did, I saw a pretty girl with shiny brown hair walking in a dress with Viktor Krum, or at least that’s who I thought it was. It must be his date but when I saw the face, I felt myself smile.

“You’re going to the ball with Viktor, right?” I asked, picking up a book she happened to miss. When I looked up, the girl was blushing badly and trying to find the words to form a sentence to defend herself. “Don’t worry, I’m not a fan girl trying to kill you or anything like that.”

“What did you say your name was again?” the girl asked, looking slightly more composed.

“Elyse Black,” I introduced myself, tossing my blond hair over my shoulder.

“Hermione Granger,” she said, setting her pile of books on the table. “So are you going with anyone?”

“As of this moment, no,” I said, reading the back of a book I had pulled from the shelf.

“How did you know I was going with Viktor?” Hermione casually asked, flipping though one of her many books.

“I’ve seen you guys talking,” I lied flawlessly, absentmindedly picking a book from the shelf.

“Oh, alright then,” Hermione said in a nervous tone.

I looked up from the book and raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you alright?”

“What? Oh, of course! I mean, why wouldn’t I be?” she said, her voice higher than it had been before.

“Um, okay. Well I better get going then…” I said, only to be stopped by Hermione.

“Do you have any idea how to fix frizzy hair!” she said in a rushed voice.

I raised an eyebrow at her hand, which was currently gripping onto my arm before answering. “A spell?”

Her eyes lit up. “Of course! Oh thanks, Elyse!”

I watched her run, well move as fast as she could holding all those books, off and laughed to myself. I always attract the crazy ones, don’t I?

“Oh my God!” a shriek came from the Ravenclaw common room. I ran out only to see Cho Chang jumping up and down as her little friends giggled uncontrollably next to her. I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to say something that would more than likely make her cry when she shrieked. “Cedric asked me to the Yule Ball! Oh my God!”

I stood there, as did every other Ravenclaw, staring at her with a look of disbelief. I heard a couple guys mutter “Girls” and some just roll their eyes. Oh teenage drama. I walked back to my bed and laid down, closing my eyes and attempting to drown out Cho’s annoying voice. That is, until she came running into the bedrooms talking very, very, very loudly about what kind of dress she should get. The thought of a dress made me realize that not only did I not have a date but I also didn’t have a dress either. I figured the dress would be easier so I figured I’d start looking soon. But, if I don’t have a date, then there is no need for a dress… right?
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Thanks for all the comments! Tell me whatcha think! Any suggestions of to who Elyse should go to the ball with??