Curiousity Killed the Cat

What A Day...

I love silence.

Because no matter where you are, you can almost always find it. When you’re alone it comes when you focus but when you’re in a room full of chaos, it comes naturally.

Today was the day. That sounded creepy, anyways, it was the day we, quote, “move Harry”, end quote. We couldn’t call it an operation or something cool like that. No, Mad-Eye shot down all of my ideas, then was kind enough to follow it up by a “Shut up”.

Then again, Mad-Eye was all for me sitting this one out and I suppose it didn’t help when I volunteered to be a decoy, meaning I’d throw myself out to the Death Eaters while everyone else left. He didn’t find that a very good idea. I guess in the end it was the fact that he truly didn’t trust Mundugus.

We entered the house, walking into the kitchen as quietly as we could… until Tonks knocked a glass off the counter, allowing it to shatter on the ground before we could do anything to stop it.

“Smooth Tonks,” I said, a small grin forming on my face as she muttered apologizes. She shot me a dirty look before going on and on about how sorry she was, until Mad-Eye shushed her. We heard footsteps and, moments later, Harry appeared at the kitchen door, raising an eyebrow at the group of us.

“Good to see you, Potter,” Mad-Eye grunted, rolling his eyes, er, eye at Tonks. “Lets get started. Polyjuice Potion for the six of you, drink up.”

He pasted a vile of the potion to Hermione, Ron, Fleur, Fred, George, and Mundugus. They all drank up (reluntlently for Mundugus) and shuddered as they bodies began to slowly take the shape of Harry, which was pretty cool to watch but I’m sure it was a nightmare for those changing.

“Alright, take your things. There’s some bigger and smaller size clothes if you need to change,” Mad-Eye continued, tossing each of them a brown bag. I nearly burst out laughing when Fleur saw her reflection in the microwave but didn’t for the sake of my well being.

“Okay, all good?” six Harry’s nodded. “Okay, George you’re riding with Lupin. Fleur, you’re with Bill, of course. Fred you’re riding with your father. Er, Ron you’re with Tonks and Hermione you’re with Kingsley.”

“Why am I with you?” the closest Harry muttered, glaring at Mad-Eye.

“Because I don’t trust you,” he growled, causing the Harry to shut up.

“You’ll be riding with me, Harry!” Hagrid said, piping up… well, you know what I mean.

“Elyse, who are you going with?” a Harry asked, which I assumed was Ron but I wasn’t quite sure.

“Mad-Eye,” I said, “I don’t get a cool disguise though.”

I shut up once I saw Mad-Eye’s glare.

“Let’s get going,” Mr. Weasley said, noticing the tension that had fallen on the room. We all nodded, Harry’s going in every direction, I was getting a headache. I followed Mad-Eye and a Harry to a pair of broomsticks, which I was thankful for. Mad-Eye grabbed the Harry and threw him on a broomstick, going on the same one as him. I sat down on the other broomstick, tying back my hair before we began to fly. Have you ever tried flying with hair blowing in your face? Not fun… okay, I guess I forgot to mention to Mad-Eye that I had never in my life flown a broomstick.

Can you say pressure?

I took a deep, somewhat forced, breath before kicking off. I nearly fell off but once I regained my balance, I found it not that bad… okay I’m not going to lie: I am terrified of heights.

Seeing as Mad-Eye would skin me alive if he found that out, I opted for staring straight ahead, never staring down. I heard the others leave so I focused on Mad-Eye, talking to my broom as if that was what will keep me alive.

I must have looked like the biggest idiot out there.

And it certainly didn’t help with my concentration when a jet of green light flew past my ear.

“Mad-Eye!” I shouted, pulling out my wand, holding onto the broomstick with one hand, I know, badass. “We have a slight problem…”

He turned around and saw the Death Eaters, muttering curses under his breath as I sped up next to them, ten feet in between us. Another shot of green light flew in between us, jeez who’s aim sucks.

I turned around, aiming my wand at one of the Death Eaters. “Stupefy!”


I tried again. “Stupefy!”


I was quite proud of myself, that is until I saw more Death Eaters. How the hell did they know this was happening tonight? Hell, I wasn’t told about this until tonight! I shot curses when I wasn’t dodging them, always keeping an eye on the other two. Mind you, I was a seventeen year old girl on a broomstick, alone, fighting off people who want to kill me with astick wand

Two things seemed to happen at once. First, and probably most important, the Dark Lord appeared about twenty feet in front of us, causing Mundugus to freak and I could tell he was about to Disapparate. At the same time, I took my eyes off of the Death Eater to my side, causing a curse to hit me in the side and fly off of my broom stick, spiraling towards Mad-Eye and Mundugus. I must have hit Mundugus the moment he Disapparate because I suddenly found myself in an alleyway, which I was not familiar with.

“What the hell did you do that for!?” I said, furious with his cowardly ways.

“Screw that,” he muttered, running off faster than I have seen him run before. Great, so now I have no idea where I am and I’m alone. I looked down at the side I was hit, which now had blood soaking though my shirt.

Can this day get any better?

After standing there for roughly ten minutes, I decided that I might as well try to find out where I was. I must have been looking for quite a while until, finally, I found a sign that was kind enough to tell me where I was.

Knockturn Alley.

Great, so I know I’m in a place where Dark Wizards frequently go, now how to the hell do I get back to the Burrow? I knew I couldn’t Apparate because of the protection set up for Harry and I have no way in hell of getting there.

After much thought, well, actually it took me three seconds to figure this out. I transformed into a cat, cursing myself for not thinking of this before, and snuck into a somewhat normal store, despite it being in Diagon Alley. I looked around and saw no one, so I took it as my cue to become a human again. I looked around until I found a fireplace, which was rather torn up and barely looked stable, and some Floo Powder. Thank you universe…

“The Burrow!” I said as quietly as I could. I felt myself begin to spin and reminded myself I must do great charity work for the price of my safety. I somehow, don’t ask me, managed to use the Floo Powder to get into the Burrow, despite all the spells put on it.

“Elyse!” someone shrieked, not that I could hear them, seeing as I was coughing. I figured I must have looked like quite the mess: my hair was probably covered in ashes or dirty, I’m pretty sure I was bleeding somewhere and I was as tired as hell.

“What the hell happened?!” someone demanded. I held up a hand, annoyed by their impatience, and continued to cough until all the ashes were out of my lungs. I hate Floo Powder.

“I have no idea,” I panted. “I was flying and the Dark Lord appeared and someone hit me with a curse then I flew into Mundugus and he Disapparated, and I went with him.”

“Where’s Mundugus?” Mr. Weasley asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, sighing. “The only thing I know is that I was hit with a curse and flew into Mundugus so the next thing I know, I was in Knockturn Alley.”

“Thank God you’re alright,” Mrs. Weasley said, pulling me into the kitchen with her. “Arthur, get the boys out.”

He shooed Fred and George and Kingsley out of the room, except for Hermione and Ginny who I didn’t care if they saw. I carefully took my shirt off, wincing as the fabric brushed against my cut. Of course, I hadn’t seen the damage yet so I nearly fainted when I saw a rather large gash trailing up the right side of my body.

“What was the curse?” Mrs. Weasley asked, staring at it as if she had no idea what to do.

“I have no idea, I didn’t hear it,” I said, closing my eyes.

“You scared the hell out of us,” Ginny said, ignoring her mother’s glare. “We were convinced you were dead.”

“Who all is here?” I asked, still not opening my eyes in case, like, all my organs fell out or something like that.

“Bill and Fleur were the last ones here, they told us that, er, Mad-Eye was dead,” Hermione said, nervously.

“Damn,” I said, opening my eyes to look at them. “Is anyone hurt?”

“Well, George lost an ear…” Ginny said, causing Mrs. Weasley to make a strange noise. I raised an eyebrow and was about to question what she just said when Mrs. Weasley cut me off.

“Okay, this might burn,” Mrs. Weasley warned before pouring a whole bottle of some purple liquid on my gash.

Want to talk about pain?

I screamed as if my side was on fire, which I am pretty sure it had to be because there was no way it could burn that much. After about two minutes of fire, it began to cool down, allowing me to sigh.

“That sucked,” I said, trying to control my heartbeat. I looked down at my side and saw the gash healing as I spoke. “You rock, Mrs. Weasley.”

“Oh, it was nothing dear,” she assured me, heading off to find me another shirt. I heard footsteps and the next thing I saw was Ron strolling into the kitchen, freezing in his spot when he saw us, well more like me, in my bra and jeans, covered in dirt and blood.

“Get out!” I hissed, as he stood there like an idiot, mouth agape. He smacked his hand over his eyes, running out of the kitchen, well, trying to but seeing as he had blinded himself, he managed to run into the wall… then the door… then finally managed to run out.

This day just keeps getting better…
♠ ♠ ♠
A nice, long, eventful chapter for you readers!
Don't expect an update until later tonight, I've got some plans.
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