Curiousity Killed the Cat

Cleaner than Mr. Clean

“Elyse, you seriously can’t just give him a rock!” Hermione said, well, somewhat yelled.

“He said that’s what he wanted!” I cried, looking down at the rock. It was a nice rock, I mean compared to the other ones in the yard…

“He’s turning seventeen! You can’t give him a rock!”

“It’s better than what I got for my seventeenth birthday!” I said, glaring at her.

She shut up.

“You’re not seventeen yet,” she said, serious.

“Of course I am,” I said, still glaring. “Not like I got anything.”

“You haven’t had your birthday yet!”

“When is my birthday?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“Er… August!” Hermione said, having to stop and think.

“My birthday was in January.”

“You mean,” Hermione said, raising an eyebrow. “That you’ve been seventeen for five months yet we had no idea?”

“Pretty much.”

“Why didn’t you tell us!? Oh now I feel like an idiot because I forgot! Oh damn!” Hermione said, bringing to panic. I tried not to laugh but it was kind of hard when the person in front of you is frantically running around the room muttering to themselves.

“So you don’t think a rock is a good idea?” I asked, holding up the rock, which was actually quite pretty. It’s more like a stone than a rock, that sounds more elegant.

“No, I don’t think you should give your boyfriend of a year and a half a rock.”

“Then what the hell do I get him?!” I said, tossing therock stone onto my mattress, frustrated.

“What does he want?” she asked, sitting down on her mattress as I plopped down onto mine as well.

I sighed. “He said he didn’t want anything, then he said he wanted a rock, and then he said he wanted me.”

“He wants you?” Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

“He already has me, so what good do I do as a gift?” I said, frowning when I repeated that in my mind and realized it sounded quite strange.

She shrugged. “I have no idea.”

“Now I remember why I hate birthdays,” I mumbled, putting a pillow on my face.

You know that old saying “why fix what’s not broken”?

I’ve changed it to “why clean what’s not messy”?

I think this is the hundredth time I’ve cleaned these windows in the past three hours. Mrs. Weasley really need to, what’s the phrase, ‘take a chill pill’.

I am going to go on a quest for this ‘chill pill’.

“There, done, finish! All clean, crystal clean! Cleaner than Mr. Clean himself! Now can I please go?” I said, throwing the rag into the air, standing up to announce that I had finished.

Mrs. Weasley raised an eyebrow at my outburst. “Okay, you may go…”

Never had I run faster in my life than I did to get out of that room before she could throw another job my way. I ran into Ron on my way upstairs, sending myself tumbling to the floor.

Ron looked down at me, raising an eyebrow. “What’s happening?”

“Giant, no, huge spiders! Downstairs. They’re everywhere!” I said, panting. Even in my times of weakness could I form a joke.

Ron screamed, yes I did say screamed, and turned around and ran into his room, screaming (yes, screaming!) “Don’t let them get me!” over and over.

Needless to say when Harry came downstairs and found me rolling on the floor, laughing, he wasn’t very surprised.

“Ron is hiding under his covers,” he informed me, a small grin on his adorable face.

I giggled. “I couldn’t help it. He was so… Ron!”

“Yes well, no matter how ‘Ron’ he was, I believe he is now barricading our door to keep out ‘huge spiders’,” Harry said, rolling his eyes, another his grin never left his face.

“Shame, I would have loved to do it again,” I said, sighing before taking Harry’s hand, which he held out for me, and pulled myself up. “So, what do you want for your birthday?”

“Didn’t you ask me this yesterday?” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Yes but Hermione doesn’t think a rock is a suitable gift to give. Now what do you want?” I said, leaning against the wall.

Harry sighed. “I really don’t want anything…”

I glared. “I hate you sometimes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is a filler!
I should have another, non-filler, out later today!
Now I must go and hybornate.
Comments, comments, comments!
Oh! Thanks to all the amazing people who DID comment!
Love you!