Curiousity Killed the Cat

Birthday Surprises

I walked into Harry and Ron’s room, ignoring Ron’s babbling in his sleep about spiders, and found Harry on the bed near the window. I walked, stepping over all of the discarded items that littered the floor, over to his bed, nearly giggling when I saw his messy bed head, which was sticking up everywhere.

I could hear Mrs. Weasley downstairs, fussing about Bill’s hair, and Ginny playing with the demon cat. Ron, like usual, was still in a dead-sleep, not realizing that I was here. Perhaps it was better that way; Ron hasn’t forgiven me for the whole ‘huge spiders’ thing, even though everyone else thought it was hysterical.

“Elyse?” I heard a voice from next to me grumbled. I turned around and saw Harry’s sleepy green eyes staring at me, still half-asleep. “What are you doing here?”

I scoffed. “I can’t come to say good morning to you?”

“You hate mornings,” he pointed out, closing his eyes again.

He had me there.

“Okay, fine I came to say happy birthday. Better?” I asked, pushing him in his shoulder… well, trying to at least. It was more like I tried to push him yet he didn’t move, like, at all.

“Much,” he said, opening his eyes again and yawning. “Do I get a present?”

“Sort of…” I said, biting my lower lip and looking away. Of course, Harry had to be mean and make me look at him, which translated to: before I could react, he grabbed me by my waist and rolled my on top of him, forcing me to look into his dancing eyes.

I was waiting for him to say something but this was his new “thing”. He’d make me be the first one to talk, and the sad part?

I always gave in.

“Er, hi,” I said, nervously.

“Did you get me a rock?”

“Nope, Hermione wouldn’t let me. I got you something else.”

“And what is that?”

I handed him a folded piece of paper that I had in my pocket causing him to take it wryly and raise an eyebrow. He read over the paper quickly before looking up at me, eyebrow still raised.

“Happy birthday,” I said, smiling somewhat nervously.

“You got me an ‘I owe you’?” he asked, looking between the note and me.

“Well, you wouldn’t tell me what you wanted so I owe you. You don’t have to use it now, but if you ever want something…” I said, trying to explain it in a way that didn’t sound totally lame, like it was.

“So I could ask for anything and you’d have to do it?” he asked, a smirk forming on his face.

I blushed, hard. “Within reason!”

“But of course,” he said, causing me to blush harder the longer I looked at his amused face. I could feel one of his warm hands traveling up my back, holding onto the back of my neck as he pulled me closer to him, placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back, glad that with his eyes closed he couldn’t see my blush that was barely dying down. I pressed myself against him, playing with a strand of black hair with my fingers, as he deepened the kiss.

“Oh, happy birthday---my eyes!” a sleepy voice said from the other side of the room, which went unnoticed by Harry and I but it was when that voice fell down, a loud thud following it, that we broke apart.

“Oh, grow up Ron,” I said, rolling my eyes as I slide off of Harry, ignoring his protests.

“You two were just snogging when I was sleeping!” he said, as if he had trouble making his point.

“Maybe we did worse, Ron,” Harry said, smirking at him as he turned a sickly color of green.

“Why do you pick on me!?” Ron wailed, covering his head with his pillow, much like an emotion girl would do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hah! Poor Ron, I should be nicer...
Oh well.
Comments make me happy!