Curiousity Killed the Cat

I'm So Sorry

Ignore the random Moonlight photos. I'm a big fan so I love this video even more!
Love Hurts by Yiruma

I opened my eyes, nearly blinding myself with the sunlight that had escaped the dark curtains. I bundled up my blond hair and tossed it over my shoulder, allowing me to see without strands of hair in my face. I sat up, the cold air hitting my bare body; I realized that last night, what I had thought was a dream, had actually happened. I wrapped the blanket around my bare body, shivering as my feet hit the cold, hardwood.

I glanced at the other side of the bed and didn’t see Harry, which was strange but I figured he must have gone downstairs since I’m sure I slept in late, like usual. Thinking of Harry made my mind go back to last night, or rather last nights events.

No matter how glad I was that it was with Harry, I couldn’t help but wonder if it only happened because we could both die. Was it just so we could get a taste of what it could be like before we die? Or was it because he really did love me?

I pulled on an over-sized shirt which I believe was Harry’s and, after finding my discarded underwear, left the room, heading for the kitchen. The house was… quiet. Maybe I hadn’t slept in as late as I thought I did. I opened the door and walked into the kitchen, more than surprised when I saw that it was empty. That’s strange, usually Ron would be here stuffing his face with food. Raising an eyebrow at the empty kitchen, I headed into the hallway and back up the stairs, heading for Hermione’s bedroom.

She wasn’t there.

I walked out of her room and into the room next to it, which I think was Ron’s.

He wasn’t there.

I was walking around the corner when I felt something, better yet someone, bump into me. I looked down and saw Kreacher, grumbling about something under his breath.

“Kreacher, where are the others?” I asked, looking down at the house elf. Normally, I’d expect him to be an idiot and not know anything, but he had lately been snooping around. I’m sure he must know where they were.

“They are gone, Mistress,” he said, his tone dull and flat.

I felt my heart stop beating. “Gone?”

“I overheard them talking this morning,” he explained, rather than his usual insults. “They were going to the Ministry to get something. They were talking about a quest of some sort.”

“When did they leave?” I asked, surprised that I could even form words out of my dry mouth. I kept repeating his words in my head, refusing to believe that they had actually left me. That Harry had left me after last night. Did I mean nothing to him? Had he been lying to me?

“Before you woke up. Sometime early in the morning. I was suppose to give you this,” Kreacher said, pulling out a folded piece of paper. With shaky hands I grabbed it, dismissing Kreacher.

Dear Elyse,

I’m sorry. I know when you wake up, you’ll probably hate us, me most of all. We had to leave, Dumbledore trusted us with a mission. I don’t know when I’ll return, I don’t know if I’ll ever get the chance to leave. It’s out of my hands now.

I want you to know that everything that happened, both last night and every moment we spent with each other, was something I’d never regret. You are the most stubborn, out-spoken, neon-sock-loving girl I have ever met and I love everything about it. I love you, even though you might hate me right now.

Do you remember when you gave me that “I owe you” for my birthday? Well, I know what I want to use it on. I want you to promise me that you won’t try and find us, using your powers or not. I need you to trust me. The last thing I would ever want to do is leave you. I love you too much to see you hurt, even if it wasn’t my fault.

I’m not going to try and use some ‘hero’ speech to try and convince to you that this is what I have to do. I don’t want to leave you alone. No matter where I go, I hope you can understand that I will be thinking of you and feeling guilt over take me.

I love you more than I could ever put into words or actions. You are everything to me, and I can’t lose you because of my carelessness. You might hate me, I’m not saying you won’t, bur I want you to know that I do love you. Even if I was an ass at the Yule Ball.

I want you to remember all of our times together--the good ones at least. All those times in the hallway or the broom closet, the holidays, when I got hit in the head during the one Quidditch match you went to.

So this is it. I don’t know how the story ends but I don’t care about the ending. I could go my whole life with just reading the middle and leaving the end completely behind.

Elyse, you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. No matter what happens or where I go, you will always have my heart.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

♠ ♠ ♠
Damn me and my brilliant mind!
Awww, now I feel bad for Elyse!
But I still love Harry, no matter how much of a heroic idiot he is!
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