Curiousity Killed the Cat

Curiousity Got the Better of Me

You know how you, like, put off a project until the very last minute?

Well, that was what I was doing until today. Today was the day that I just got it over with. I just finally found out. Right now.

Actually in five to six minutes.

This has easily been the longest five to six minutes of my whole entire life. I sat nervously, refusing to look at it, thinking it might be some sort of bad luck to look early. I glanced around the room, trying to find something, anything, to make these five to six minutes go back quicker.

Of course, there wasn’t so I am now forced to sit in silence, waiting for my fate.

After what seemed like hours, the clock finally clicked, signaling that I could look. Taking a deep, and hell I mean deep, breath, I glanced over at it, my eyes wide and curious.


Plus sign.

Smiley face.


Congratulations: you’re pregnant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh. Snap.
You asked for this one early so I might not update tomorrow!
Comments make me happy and amused.