Curiousity Killed the Cat

Still A Dork

Do you know how freakin’ annoying it is to have to Apparate while being pregnant?

I’ll tell you: very.

Yet here we are, and by we I mean all of the Weasley’s and me, in Hogsmeade hurrying towards the Hogwarts ground with the rest of the Order. I guess everyone else had the same idea as we did because a bunch of wizards and witches were coming out of their shops, wands a ready. After a couple of minutes, we were on the grounds of Hogwarts which was, for the lack of a better word, chaotic.

Students were running out of the building, the younger ones that is, and teachers were hurrying around the grounds, preparing themselves as well as they could. Ginny ran off, probably to escape her mother’s protests about her being here, so I hurried off to the castle, unnoticed because of the chaos. I ran past quite a few students that I knew including Cho, Ryland, and Luna.

“Elyse?” Luna said, squinting her eyes as if she was half-sure it wasn’t me.

“Luna!” I said, feeling a sudden rush of happiness mixed with relief run though me. She was alright. She pulled me into a hug, looking quite surprise when she realized that she couldn’t hug me as much as she wanted due to this rather large bump on my stomach.

“Are you pregnant?” she asked, her eyes wide and somewhat fearful.

I nodded my head slowly, feeling a lump in the back of my throat. Luna looked at me with her big, wide eyes before hugging me tightly, being overly careful about the baby.

“Nice to see you, Elyse,” Ryland said when we pulled apart, standing patiently next to Luna.

“Nice to see you as well, Ryland,” I said, raising an eyebrow when I saw him slip his arm around Luna’s waist. “Are you two…?”

“So, how far along are you?” Luna said, loudly over my last question, a small blush on her face. I raised an eyebrow at both her and Ryland, who just mouthed “yes” to me.

“Six months,” I said, looking down at my baby bump. Ha, baby bump. Funny word.

A loud boom caused the three of us to get back into reality, where a war was about to happen. With a wave of the hand, both Ryland and Luna ran off to help the rest of them, leaving me alone once again. I pulled out my wand, being wary of my surroundings, and began to hurry down the hallway.

I passed by a couple of teachers, all who eyed my baby bump, as I hurried down the many hallways of Hogwarts. I was nearly to the Great Hall when I ran into someone. Usually, I would have fallen but, given my baby bump, the other person was the one who crashed to the ground.

“Oh, shit. Sorry!” I said, looking down at the person who was unlucky enough to get nailed by my stomach. “What the hell? Ron!?”

Never in my life have I ever been so happy to see the biggest dork I've ever met.

“Elyse!? Bloody hell, you’re huge!” he exclaimed. I glared at him, which made him follow up that sentence with: “I mean, you know.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I rushed. “Where is everyone else? Are you all alive? For the love of God, please tell me you and Hermione are together!”

“Whoa, slow down!” he said, holding up his hands. “I don’t know where everyone is, last time I checked we were all alive, and no I haven’t!”

I stared at him blankly for a moment. “You’re a moron.”

“I’ve been called worse,” Ron said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Where is Hermione? Harry?” I asked, glaring at Ron’s unusual calmness.

“I was heading off to find them. I was with Hermione but we got separated in the crowd and Harry ran off to find something,” Ron explained, using his height as an unfair advantage as he searched the crowd for the bushy hair girl or the shaggy black hair boy with no such luck.

“Find what?” I asked, more eager than you will ever understand about finding Harry.

“He didn’t say,” Ron said, adding on when he saw my worried face. “But I’m sure he’s okay.”

Famous last words.
♠ ♠ ♠
So close to the end! Eek!
Tell me whatcha think!