Curiousity Killed the Cat

The First of Many to Die

Getting hit by a curse feels funny, like your whole body had just because numb then, depending on the curse, either freezing cold or extremely warm. Sometimes you get lucky and it feels like you were just hit with a ton of whip cream, a sensation like no other, but sometimes you get quite unlucky and are forced to suffer the pain brought with that curse.

This curse caused me both the sensation and the pain.

That curse brought my life to a stop, a complete and utter stop.

Hermione, Luna, and I came to a complete stop at the gates, which had been burst open. We watched as the Death Eaters marched in, as if they were in the army, wands a ready. I saw some women scream before being dragged off by some bystanders, running away
before any harm could come their way. A boy, who couldn’t be any older than us, pulled out his wand in an attempt to stop them, only to be hit with a single curse before fallen down to the ground.

He was the first of many to die.

At that moment, what I thought had been chaos hours ago was suddenly seeming like an oasis of peace and harmony. Members of the Order were fighting off the Death Eaters, some of the parents were helping them out as well as the students that were aloud to remain. Luna was nearly hit with a curse, which I was eighty percent sure was the Killing Curse.

We pulled out our wands, gripping tightly to the small, thin piece of wood as we ran though the crowd, dodging curses. At one point, Hermione let go of my hand, running off into the crowd after whoever she saw. Luna and I tried to go after her, but were stopped when pair of an archway landed in front of us, burying any chances we had of finding her. You lose one you win one though. Moments later, we ran into Ginny, who was more than relieved to see us alive and well.

“Where’s Hermione?” she shouted over the curses being yelled at each other, gripping onto my hand.

“We lost her! Have you seen anyone else?!” I yelled, pushing past a couple of seventh years.

“I lost them as soon as the explosion came!” she replied as Luna weaved herself though a crowd of sobbing parents. We finally managed to come into a somewhat empty hallway, allowing us to finally catch our breaths.

“Voldemort will be here in less than an hour,” Ginny managed to say as she gasped for air.

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” I grumbled, sinking to the ground. Damn this heavy creature from hell which has currently been residing in my stomach.

After resting for a couple of minutes, we took off again to, hopefully, find the rest of the Weasley‘s. On our mission to find them, we ran into Ryland who didn’t need to be asked twice to follow us, holding onto Luna’s hand. He had a nasty cut above his right eyebrow, blood trickled down his face, but at least he was alive, rather than dead.

We made our way into the Great Hall, where most people were trying to take cover, when we finally found the Weasley’s, well, at least most of them. We were hurrying over there when a dozen Death Eaters appeared about twenty yards from us. Panic erupted in the Great Hall; people scrambled out the exit, running faster than they have ever run before.

I grabbed Luna’s hand, who was connected to the other two, before dragging them though the crowd, weaving my way though as best as I could. When we finally got into a clearing, we were met by a pair of Death Eaters. I suddenly saw a glimpse of the future, Ryland’s future, half-planned. I saw two images: one of him living and marrying Luna while the other one showed him dying.

I saw the Death Eater raise his wand and, before any of them could stop me, a flick of my wand sent them off to the left. The Death Eater’s curse was already flying though the air before he could stop it or redirect it. I glanced at them and saw their faces, all of pure horror, before turning to the shot of green light that was coming closer and closer and closer to me.

The last thing I remember, was the jet of green light colliding into my stomach and a blanket of darkness falling upon me.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oh. Snap.
Well, I probably won't have time to update until Tuesday!
Until then, enjoy!
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