Curiousity Killed the Cat


“Elyse!” everyone around me said, their jaws dropped and eyes wide. I looked up and saw everyone: Hermione and Ron, holding each other. Good, they should be together. I saw Ginny and Mrs. Weasley, both holding onto each other as tears rolled down their faces. I saw Mr. Weasley and Bill, standing there above me, confused. I saw Remus and Tonks, both of which pained me to see this upset. I saw Fred and George, both staring at me like idiots. I saw Luna and Ryland, who was alive, smiling at me despite the situation. I saw everyone except for Harry.

Although I didn’t realize their shock, seeing as I was dead only moments ago, and continued to stare down at my stomach, tears running down my face. I prayed that I was wrong, for once in my life I would have given anything to be wrong about this. I hoped that I was just being stupid and it wasn’t the Killing Curse that hit me, it was something else. But I heard the words, we all did, and I could only come up with one possible solution to my life.

It was the one I hoped it wouldn’t be.

“How are you alive!?” Ginny asked, touching my arm ever so slightly, as if to see if I was real.

“The curse hit me in the stomach,” I managed to say, my lower lip trembling, as I turned to face her, hoping someone could catch on so I wouldn’t have to say the terrible reality out loud.


“The curse hit the baby.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, it is short. Oh well.
Damn all of you who figured it out but I will enjoy shocking everyone else.