Curiousity Killed the Cat

My Fragile Strength is Gone

Gravity by Sara Bareilles
Fits the mood, don't you think?

I woke up, what seemed like years later, to bright light coming though the window. Despite everything that had happened that day, it seemed… quiet. I thought for a moment that maybe we had all died until I saw Luna, sitting in the chair next to my bed, looking out the window. She didn’t realize I was awake, but the sight of her, alive, was enough to make me sigh in relief.

“Thank God,” Luna muttered, seeing me finally. “How are you feeling?”

I didn’t say anything for a while. “I lost my baby.”

“Why did you do it?” Luna said, her voice barely a whisper.

“I saw Ryland’s life split in half. I saw him living and I saw him dying. I couldn’t let him die,” I explained, looking at the wall behind Luna, rather than at her face.

“But why? You don’t know him all that well?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

“Because he makes you happy. He loves you, Luna. I couldn’t let the perfect guy for you be killed,” I said, my voice cracking a tad.

I looked at her face, only to see tears falling down like raindrops. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Don’t. You were there for me, you’re here for me now. That’s all the thanks I need,” I said as she brushed a stand of hair away from my face.

“The baby was a girl. She was beautiful, peaceful, perfect,” Luna said, although it sounded more like thinking out loud. “She didn’t have blond hair.”

That was my breaking point. Hearing about my perfect daughter, I needed to hear this but it still was too much. She was perfect. She wasn’t blond, although I’d love her even if she was.

Luna tried to comfort me as best as she could, but this was out of her hands. Someone must have come in when I was freaking out because I heard Luna send them out, perhaps explaining that this isn’t the best time. I wanted peace. I wanted quiet.

I wanted my baby.

Ginny ran down the hallway, following Luna’s instructions. Seeing Elyse in any broken down state was like seeing your role model do something terrible. It was unlike Elyse to do that, she was so strong most of the time.

People were cheering and, if not cheering, celebrating their victory. Voldemort was gone, destroyed. The wizard world was peaceful, everything was perfect and everything wasn’t perfect.

Finding Harry shouldn’t be that hard, well, at least she hoped it wouldn’t be. Ginny was just going to look for a crowd of people, hoping that they’d be surrounding Harry. Not the greatest of plans, but it was worth a shot.

After wondering mindlessly for about twenty minutes, Ginny finally saw the black hair boy in an empty hallway, looking out the window. She assumed that he wanted some peace and didn’t blame him; everywhere you went it seemed to be as loud as a parade was going on right next to you.

“Oh, hey Ginny,” he said, finally realizing she was there. Ginny had been trying to figure out a way to tell him the news but decided it would be better just to, you know, spit it out.

“Luna needs you. Now,” she said, urgently.

Harry seemed more alert as he responded. “Why? What’s wrong?”

“It’s Elyse… she, er,” Ginny said, trying to stall.

“What’s wrong? Is she okay?” Harry said, his heart pounding so loudly, he was sure Ginny could hear it.
“She.. She was hit with a curse…” Ginny started, trailing off as she saw his worried face.

“What curse?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

“Killing Curse…” she said, adding on when she saw his face. “But, she’s alive!”

“How?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It hit her in the stomach,” Ginny explained, shifting from one foot to another.

“What are you talking about?” Harry asked, getting frustrated. All he had figured out in this convocation was that Elyse was hit with the Killing Curse but was alive.

“It killed the baby, not her,” Ginny finally blurted out. Harry’s face suddenly lost any trace of emotion that it once had. He stared at Ginny, as if silently pleading her to just say it was all a joke or something, rather than the terrible reality setting in.

“Where is she?” he asked, his voice low and strangely even.

“Hospital wing,” Ginny whispered, looking down at her feet, rather than at Harry’s stone face. She didn’t have time to look up to see him run down the hall, making his way to the hospital wing. Ginny felt terrible; why did she have to deliver the news? Why couldn’t Ron or Hermione?

Why was she the one who had to tell him his child was dead?
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, so heartbreaking!
I didn't include Harry dying or what not because this is about Elyse. We all know what happens to Harry.
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