Curiousity Killed the Cat

Not a Happily Ever After

The sun was setting in the distance, giving the building a golden glow. Moving up to the correct flat number, inside was a woman and a man, lounging on the sofa. They looked so normal, no one would expect that they were a witch and a wizard.

There was the sound of footsteps against the wooden floor as the taller of the two walked to the kitchen, the female following. Even from afar, one could clearly see they were in so much love. The man wrapped his arms around her waist, causing a small but glowing smile to form on her face. The two were married but not because they felt the need to show off their long-lasting happiness but sorely for the fact that the man wanted to be with her forever.

The woman did not believe in marriage, only because she did not want a big fuss about it. In the end, the man used some old-fashion tactics and the woman finally caved. Not a big, white wedding but it was more like a very, very small wedding. Honestly, it was. Only a total of twenty guests were there and a whole lot of fans waited all over the world.

Of course, they did not have any children, seeing as they were both of the age of twenty. The man wanted children of course but the woman, as always, had a few reasons why she did not want to go though the long, nine months of pregnancy. On top of that, it still broke her heart to think of a child ever since she lost her baby girl, Lily.

As you might have figured out, the couple that was described was obviously Harry and Elyse.

Elyse and Harry got married on October 19th because Elyse really loved the glorious colors of the fall. The wedding was small and Elyse still cringes at the images of the reception, where some of the greatest times were held. But, then again, those times seemed great when you’ve had one too many shots.

All was well in the wizard world. All was well in the love-life of the former Azkaban prisoner and the hero himself.

This leaves us at the end of our tale. Elyse and Harry could never live happily ever after, because Elyse is much too stubborn to go with the flow.

So cheers: to the long yet never painful years of marriage to Elyse Potter.
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Awww! A very lovely not-happily-ever-after to Elyse and Harry!
BUT! Thanks to one of my lovely readers, I have been given the idea of a way to add a few more chapters, perhaps.
The next three or so chapters will be what I enjoy calling "Flashbacks".
One of the flashbacks will be their wedding so in the comment box, tell me what you think would be a good flashback!
Remember! The more flashbacks = more chapters.
