Curiousity Killed the Cat

Surprises Around Every Corner

“You what!?” Sirius said, choking on whatever had he been eating.

I sighed. “I said that I got a date to the Yule Ball.”

Sirius glared and coughed. “I realized that, my question was with who!”

I felt my cheeks heat up, but only slightly, before I rolled my eyes. “Harry.”

Sirius began to choke again, this time on whatever he was trying to drink.

I rolled my eyes once again. Ever since I had began this convocation with ‘Guess what!’, it has been all down hill. Actually, I have no idea why I even agreed to go with him. I guess it was an impulsive moment. Well, at least I won’t have to find a date and Professor Flitwick will be happy.

“So you---Elyse---are going to the Yule Ball with my godson---Harry?!” he said when he could finally speak again.

“Yes,” I said, feeling the color rising in my cheeks once again. Then Sirius did something that I didn’t expect.

He began to laugh.

No, laugh is the wrong word. More like bursting into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

“Oh,” he said between laughs. “I have to go and write a letter to Harry!” And with that, he left.

“Oh for the love of God!” I cursed, tossing the magazine that one of Cho’s giggly friends gave to me, into the wall. It was a dress magazine or something like that but all of the dresses were either pink or puffy. It was the day before the Yule Ball and I still didn’t have a dress. I am a suicide risk.

It was nearly dinner time and all classes had been canceled yesterday because of the Ball, so I trudged upstairs to the Owlery to have some piece and quiet, seeing as everywhere I went girls were giggling. I ran up the never-ending staircase and sighed when I only heard the sound of the owl’s soft hoot. I sat down on the car that wasn’t covered in owl droppings and closed my eyes in an attempt to relax. I needed a dress. And fast.

My train of thought was disrupted when a rather large owl carrying a big, brown bag landed on the small table and started to hoot quite loudly.

“Alright, alright!” I said, taking the small note that was attached to the owl off and grabbing the package. I heard the clock chime in the distance and realized that I should be in the Ravenclaw house by now. I ran out of the Owlery with both the note and the package under my arm.

Once I was safely in my dormitory, I ripped open the package and gasped, suddenly thankful that none of the other girls were here. It was… a dress. Not just a dress, but the most beautiful dress I had seen. It was made of silk the color of the ocean with extra fabric to create draping, which was held together by little crystals. It was amazing. I suddenly grabbed the note and ripped it open.

For you, because you truly don’t look like a girl who owns a dress.

I felt myself smile. Sirius.
♠ ♠ ♠
The dress:
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