Curiousity Killed the Cat

Flashback: Bella Notte

Bella Notte from Lady and the Tramp
It'll make sense soon enough :)

Flashback: Date: Sunday, August 17th. Location: Hermione and Ron’s house, London. Time: 7:34pm

“Ron, you can’t just invite Harry and Elyse over and expect her to stay as a cat though out dinner!” Hermione scolded, glaring at her boyfriend.

“But, Hermione! The dude is coming!” Ron argued, fully aware that he would never, ever win this one.

“The dude? God, Ronald! Just because the Minister is coming, does not mean Elyse has to be a cat for the whole dinner!” Hermione said, throwing what appeared to be a wooden spoon.

I stifled back a smile as Harry tried to disguise his laugh as a cough. We had been invited over by Ron to have dinner, only to have him forget that the Minister of Magic was also going to be there. So, in his plan of genius, he asked me to stay a cat though out the whole dinner.

“You think the Minister would notice her!? Ronald!” Hermione said, as the argument continued. Harry offered to have both of us come back another time but Hermione snapped, going on and on about all the food she had to buy.

Of course, when the doorbell rang, Hermione gave Ron a glare that could bring the Dark Lord back from the dead. I transformed quickly, after giving Harry a swift kiss, before hurrying out the back door. I heard laughter from within the kitchen and felt a little left out.

That was before Ron cracked one of his lame jokes, then I suddenly felt glad I wasn’t there.

I walked around the corner of the little house, my tail flipping behind me. I nearly had a heart attack, then a stroke when I saw what was in front of me.

Imagine the scene from Lady and the Tramp with the Italian dinner date or whatever the hell it was. Okay, now imagine that but a whole lot more terrifying.

It appeared to be a small table, made from some sort of wooden block, with a scrap of Hermione’s tablecloth on it. On top of that was a bunch of Cat Nip and, on the other side, Crookshanks.

“Are you fucking serious?” I asked, of course, talking as a cat.

Crookshanks meowed, making me throw up a bit in my mouth. Okay, I lied. It made me throw up more than just a little bit. Truly, this was the most embarrassing moment in my whole life and, trust me, I’ve had some pretty bad ones.

The light on the house was on, sending a golden glow on this romantic attempt. If there was a tray of spaghetti and an Italian band in the background, it would have been the exact same thing.

Perhaps I would have found it more romantic if I wasn’t engaged to Harry or if I wasn’t a human in cat form or if I wasn’t completely sane. I debated whether staying just so I don’t hurt his feelings.

Until he started rubbing against me and purring.

Faster than a speeding bullet, and I mean a speeding bullet, I sprinted away, the sound of Crookshanks wails of heartbreak in the background.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, poor Crookshanks! :(
Short n sweet little chapter
Tell me whatcha think! I'm doing this chapter in order, just to make it easier. The dates are up there, if you feel the need to remember them!